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Seth's Interests


History, Hypotheticals, Dead Media Formats, Winston Red 100s.


Ska, Punk, shit that could've been on a Tony Hawk game's soundtrack, crunchy shit that sounds like it was recorded in a garage (because it was). Emo music when I feel like it. To name a few: -Less Than Jake -Reel Big Fish -Operation Ivy -Goldfinger -The Third Rates -The Queers -The Jasons -The Lillingtons -Tzarbombah -HARD CHRIST -Negative XP -crustsox


Horror movies from before 2007 - hardly anything good has come out since the switch to CGI started.


Cartoons - old Looney Toons and HB and the like. Never was a Disney fan.


I don't read books anymore.


Bam Margera.

Seth's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Going To Bat For The Mods (view more)

Stomping Grounds (view more)

Playing As My Great (x5) Grandfather in Fallout New Vegas (view more)

Your Politics Won't Save You (view more)

Lost Media (view more)

Seth's Blurbs

About me:

I like fake blood and real cigarettes.

Who I'd like to meet:

Old souls who aren't content with the way things are at the moment.

Seth's Friends Comments

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The Young Vulnerable Anime Girls🔞

The Young Vulnerable Anim...'s profile picture

You seem like a pretty cool guy who's the type of good friend who makes sure to tell their friends when and when not to go to school tomorrow.

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Even 6 years after graduating I'm still getting the school shooter accusations. Damn.

by Seth; ; Report

My dude, to this day every now and then I'll come across people I knew in high school, and they almost always without fail give me the same bit.

All I did was complete all my work like a motherfucker, read, and draw. I wore Descendents shirts. Like there is nothing school shooty about a guy wearing a shirt that says "COOL TO BE YOU" on it.

by The Young Vulnerable Anime Girls🔞; ; Report

Dude, growing up my family was too broke to even afford guns - we were living on my part time McDonalds paycheck when I was 15 onward - I wouldn't have been able to afford bullets even if I wanted to shoot the place up. Would've had to tell them to stand real still in a straight line and just hope they'd've listened. It's all good though - they thought other guys were more likely to pull some shit like that when I hit high school. We had a little betting pool on who we thought it was gonna be, no one put any money on me so I think I'm in the clear. Did have a girl tell me that she had a dream that I shot up prom - I told her I was gonna be working that night and she looked really relieved. People are too damn dramatic.

by Seth; ; Report


People take the wrong shit far too seriously, and think the shit that should be worried about means nothing. Just look at how many people are complacent in data collection, we're giving it away and companies sell it to corpos for millions. But that trendy topic about some social media dipshit who went to Japan and said racist shit and got kicked out? That's the real priority people have.

by The Young Vulnerable Anime Girls🔞; ; Report