‎‧₊˚✧ maizy ✧˚₊‧

‎‧₊˚✧ maizy ✧˚₊‧'s profile picture


she/they, 19

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Mood: perpetually chilling

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‎‧₊˚✧ maizy ✧˚₊‧'s Interests


drawing and art, animation and animated shows/movies, tv, lego, toys, plushies, fashion, thrifting, scene and emo culture, 2000's and early 2010's fashion and graphic design, littlest pet shop, splatoon, deltarune, fnaf and so much more!!! i like a lot of things ^_^ i am autistic and some of my special interests are very important to me personally so i dont post them but trust meee theyre awesome


generally 2000s & early 2010s music (specifically pop, club-ish dance music, and alternative), mitski, gorillaz, some others. i usually listen to random songs i like rather than being a fan of a specific band/artist and i like a bit of everything but Especially alternative music


the lego movie, the lego batman movie, i dont watch many movies but when i do theyre usually animated


one of my special interests is animation so i have wayyyyy too many to list >_< but to give a few, the amazing world of gumball, regular show, the owl house, adventure time, and soooooo much more.. i loveee animation !!!!


i dont like reading :[ i have aphantasia


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‎‧₊˚✧ maizy ✧˚₊‧'s Blurbs

About me:

hi!!! my name is maizy, im 19 and go by she/they! ^_^ i'm aroace, lesbian, gender unlabelled, i'm autistic and i have adhd!

ultimately i'm here because i like the customization and i want to make some friends! if i sent you a request i think you're cool and we probably have some interests in common even if they're not listed on my page :3

i am not here to add as many people as possible, i'm here to genuinely make friendships! if ur on my friendslist & u wanna be friends plss reach out to me first im SCARED i so badly wanna meet people im just So so nervous T_T and if i added u its because i think ur cool and u have permission to dm !!!! :]


Who I'd like to meet:

people around my age, so between 18-20, who have similar interests! id like to meet other queer people, neurodivergent people, artists and people with any shared interests :]

if you're 18-20 and on my friends list, feel free to message or IM me!!! :D i want to make friends here but i struggle with social interaction and i'm scared to message first so i'd really appreciate you making the first move ^_^' please be patient with me when it comes to responses!

only message me if youre 18-20 or i won't respond. i won't add you if you have no age on your profile, or you're younger than 17 or older than 21. i know this is really repetitive but its still ignored so :[


DO NOT INTERACT under 17 or above 21, basic dni crit (racist, transphobic, homophobic, sexist, ableist, fatphobic, terf, anti-neopronouns, etc etc), prosh1p or friends with prosh1ppers, defends illegal or immoral ships, nsfw on page/in profile picture, posts g0re or SH or PRO-ED content, fan of harry potter, msi or dsmp. i stand strongly with palestine, if you support israel do not add me.

do not try to date me or hit on me ever, i love the block button and trust me i will use it. also, while not exactly a dni, i hate true crime and if you're really into it we probably won't get along. don't be offended if you're not on my dni and i decline or block you.

‎‧₊˚✧ maizy ✧˚₊‧'s Friends Comments

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Melody 's profile picture

Omg!!!! I luv ur profile sm!!! You out did yourself!! Actually so cuteeeee ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡

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by ‎‧₊˚✧ maizy ✧˚₊‧; ; Report

sedona !!

sedona !!'s profile picture

HI OMG THANK YOU FOR ACCEPTING MY REQUEST!!! i also LOVEEE the amazing world of gumball!! best kids cartoon in my humble opinion ^_^

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LITERALLLYYYYY gumball is so funny its one of the most entertaining shows ive ever watched ^_^

by ‎‧₊˚✧ maizy ✧˚₊‧; ; Report


callisto's profile picture

u seem so cool! tysm for the add!

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tyyy & i think ur cool too!!! ^_^ i have the same lps as ur pfp and its one of my favs :]

by ‎‧₊˚✧ maizy ✧˚₊‧; ; Report

NO WAY THAT'S SO FUNNY. you have good taste

by callisto; ; Report