Artemis Byrd

Artemis Byrd's profile picture

"Dealing with safety hazards."

Nuclear botanist, Bureau of Atypical Instances

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Mood: The Moss Beckons Me

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Artemis Byrd's Interests


Fission chemistry, plants of all kinds, and radio shows.


Southern US folk songs.



The Abbott and Costello Show (1952), Columbo (1968), Star Trek: Voyager (1995)



Dr. Clef and Dr. Gears from the Foundation.

Artemis Byrd's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Please Return my Radioactive Algae (view more)

Sorry For Sending The Building Back In Time (view more)

Chess Is Now Banned From Gilfilan Labs (view more)

Please Do NOT Eat Radioactive Mushroom Samples (view more)

Nuclear Botany Incident Number One Follow-up (view more)

Artemis Byrd's Blurbs

About me:

Bio Hazard Sign

This is a character account based on blog posts.

Warning for unreality.

Artemis Byrd. Please call me by she/her pronouns, I will throw dangerously radioactive moss at you if you're disrespectful.

Primary nuclear botanist at the Bureau of Atypical Instances, local expert on biofission (the nuclear kind, not the bacterial reproduction kind).

My office/laboratory space is in Gilfilan 235, feel free to drop by (wearing the appropriate protective equipment as per the BAI Nucleobotany Safety Guidelines: I do not want to file any more incident reports today). Please STOP TAKING MY PLANTS. They are HIGHLY radioactive and WILL kill you, there's a reason they're marked as extreme radiation hazards!

I'm knowledgeable on: nuclear fission, biofission, radiation poisoning, algae, most fungi, most bacteria, Gilfilan's ventilation system, the BAI Nucleobotany Safety Guidelines, GOOSY software, and RStudio software. Feel free to ask me if you need assistance with any of those.

My email is ████████, contact with any questions.

Who I'd like to meet:

Anyone with an interest in the Bureau of Atypical Instances or nuclear botany (or any of the other anomalies the Bureau studies).

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