! [小林]匿名メンヘラ。

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🌈 Just your average Happy Hardcore Raver

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! [小林]匿名メンヘラ。's Interests


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WeLc0m3 t0 My P4g3

HeYyy, guyyys!! ^_^ I'm just one of many 0t4ku h3rm1ts chillin' 1n th3 d33p r34lms 0f th3 1nt3rn3t. Th1s d1g1t4l w0rld 1s 4 pl4c3 0f 3xpl0r4t10n 4nd s3lf-3nl1ght3nm3nt. My p4ss10ns? Cyb3rs3cur1ty, pr0gr4mm1ng, 4nd h4ck1ng. Th3y'r3 my r41s0n d'3tr3, my l1f3. L3t's 3xpl0r3 th3 unch4rt3d t3rr1t0r13s 0f th1s d1g1t4l un1v3rs3 t0g3th3r 4nd p4v3 n3w p4ths f0r 4 b3tt3r futur3.

1t's 4ll 4b0ut f1nd1ng y0ur p4ss10n 4nd r1d1ng th4t w4v3, n0 m4tt3r wh4t 0th3rs s4y. D1v3 d33p 1nt0 wh4t y0u l0v3, 3v3n 1f 1t m34ns b31ng 4 h3rm1t 0r 3mb4r4c1ng y0ur 1nn3r n3rd. Th3 w0rld 1s y0ur d1g1t4l pl4yg r0und, s0 g0 0ut th3r3 4nd m4k3 s0m3th1ng 4m4z1ng. L1v3 y0ur l1f3 h0w y0u w4nt, 4nd d0n't l3t 4ny0n3 t3ll y0u 0th3rw1s3.

1'v3 4lw4ys b33n p4ss10n4t3 4b0ut c0d1ng 4nd h4ck1ng, 4nd 1t's t4ught m3 th4t y0u c4n d0 4nyth1ng 1f y0u put y0ur m1nd t0 1t. S0 l3t's br34k b4rr13rs, cr34t3 s0m3th1ng n3w, 4nd sh0w th3 w0rld wh4t w3 c4n d0. St4y p0s1t1v3, st4y 4w3s0m3, 4nd k33p h4ck1ng y0ur w4y t0 succ3ss! :3

hm (9).gif 73119buttons.png babybitmap (6).gif babybitmap (4).gif loopdeloop (16).gif


WeLc0m3 t0 My C0rn3r 0f th3 1nt3rn3t

HeYyy! ^_^ W3lc0m3 t0 my sp4c3 wh3r3 1, 4n 0t4ku h3rm1t, sh4r3 my l0v3 f0r mus1c 4nd t3chn0l0gy. 1'v3 g0t 4 sp3c14l pl4c3 1n my h34rt f0r h4rdc0r3 mus1c l1k3 K0b4ry0, w1th 'C4ndy Sp33d P0ps' b31ng my f4v0r1t3 4lbum. 1'v3 put t0g3th3r 4 pl3th0r4 0f h4rdc0r3 tr4cks th4t 1 l0v3 1nt0 my Y0uTub3 pl4yl1st (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW9qH4QhaGjAy3KJ24DGjDnsz0IvqSDbS).

1 4ls0 cr34t3 mus1c mys3lf 4nd 4sp1r3 t0 h4v3 4 c4r33r 4s 4 DJ. 1'm c0nn3ct3d w1th 4rt1sts l1k3 C0wb3ll Cult 4nd K31F3RGR33N (https://www.youtube.com/@KEIFERGR33N).

Ch3ck 0ut my Y0uTub3 pl4yl1sts f0r m0r3 0f my f4v3 b34ts:
Melbourne Shuffle Mix
Jumpstyle Mix

1t's 4ll 4b0ut f0ll0w1ng y0ur p4ss10ns 4nd l1v1ng l1f3 t0 th3 full3st. Mus1c 4nd t3ch 4r3 my w4ys t0 3xpr3ss mys3lf 4nd c0nn3ct w1th th3 w0rld. St4y p0s1t1v3, k33p j4mm1ng t0 y0ur f4v3 b34ts, 4nd n3v3r st0p dr34m1ng. Th3 w0rld 1s y0ur st4g3, s0 g0 0ut th3r3 4nd m4k3 s0m3 n01s3! :3

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An1m3 L0v3r & 0t4ku H3rm1t

Wh1l3 1'm n0t much 0f 4 m0v13 p3rs0n, my l0v3 f0r 4n1m3 runs d33p. 1n p4rt1cul4r, 'W4t4m0t3' h0lds 4 sp3c14l pl4c3 1n my h34rt. 1 d33ply r3s0n4t3 w1th th3 f33l1ngs 4nd 3xp3r13nc3s 0f 1ts pr0t4g0n1st, T0m0k0 Kur0k1. H3r s0l1tud3, clums1n3ss, 4nd hum0r0us 4tt3mpts t0 f4c3 3v3ryd4y ch4ll3ng3s symb0l1z3 th3 un1qu3 1nt3rn4l struggl3s m4ny 0f us f33l. T0m0k0 Kur0k1 1s my w41fu (AND RAINB0WD4SHHHH!!!!), 4nd h3r ch4r4ct3r 4nd st0ry 4r3 1ncr3d1bly c4pt1v4t1ng t0 m3. >.<

1n 4dd1t10n t0 'W4t4m0t3', 1 th0r0ughly 3nj0y w4tch1ng 0th3r 4n1m3 such 4s 'K0n0sub4,' 'Bl3nd-S,' 'R3:Z3r0 - St4rt1ng L1f3 1n 4n0th3r W0rld,' 'N1ch1j0u,' 4nd 'Lucky St4r.' 34ch 0f th3s3 4n1m3 p0ss3ss3s un1qu3 st0rytell1ng 4nd ch4rm1ng ch4r4ct3rs, 4ll c0ntr1but1ng t0 my r1ch 4nd v4r13d 4n1m3-v13w1ng 3xp3r13nc3. Sp3c1f1c4lly, th3s3 4n1m3, 3xpl0r1ng v4r10us th3m3s 4nd g3nr3s r4ng1ng fr0m 4lt3rn4t3 w0rlds t0 d41ly l1f3 t0 th3 s3rv1c3 1ndustry, br04d3n my h0r1z0ns 4nd 0ff3r n3w p3rsp3ct1v3s 4nd 3xp3r13nc3s. ^_^

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same as movies tbh :3

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My F4v3 B00ks

HeYyy! ^_^ W3lc0m3 t0 my b00k n00k! H3r3 4r3 s0m3 0f my f4v3 r34ds:

1 als0 l0v3 th3 N1ch1j0u s3r13s, C1ty, and th3 W4tam0t3 m4nga. Th3s3 t1tl3s br1ng s0 much j0y and ar3 full 0f ch4rm1ng ch4r4ct3rs and fun st0r13s. ^_^

1'm 4ls0 1nt0 r34d1ng th3 h4ndb00ks f0r c0ns0l3s l1k3 th3 PS1, W11, N1nt3nd0 3DS, and ZX Sp3ctr1um M1n1. 1'v3 m0dd3d my W11 4nd 3DS t0 run custom sh3lls, 4pps, m0dd3d f34tur3s, and b4ckup syst3ms th4t 1 wr0t3 mys3lf. L1v3 y0ur p4ss10ns, 3mbr4c3 y0ur qu1rks, and k

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My H3r0es

HeYyy! ^_^ W3lc0m3 t0 my p4g3 wh3r3 1 sh0ut 0ut t0 th3 l3g3nds wh0'v3 1nsp1r3d m3 t0 f1ght f0r pr1v4cy 4nd fr33d0m 0n th3 1nt3rn3t 4nd 1n r34l l1f3.

  • V4ult 7: CI4 H4ck1ng T00ls R3v34l3d - Th1s s3r13s 0f l34ks 0n th3 CI4 r3v34ls th3 3xt3nt 0f th31r h4ck1ng pr0gr4ms 4nd t3chn1qu3s.
  • Th3 SpY F1l3s - D0cum3nts th4t 3xpos3 th3 gl0b4l m4ss surv31ll4nc3 1ndustry 4nd th3 1ntrus1v3 t3chn1qu3s us3d by 4g3nc13s l1k3 th3 FBI 4nd CI4.
  • Gr4ssh0pp3r: CI4's Cust0m1z3d M4lw4r3 - L34ks 0f d0cum3nts sh0w1ng h0w th3 CI4 d3v3l0ps cust0m m4lw4r3 t0 t4rg3t sp3c1f1c d3v1c3s 4nd syst3ms.
  • GNU Pr0j3ct T34m - Th3 br1ll14nt m1nds b3h1nd fr33 s0ftw4r3, w0rk1ng t0 pr0v1d3 us w1th t00ls th4t r3sp3ct us3r fr33d0m.
  • L1nus T0rv4lds - Th3 cr34t0r 0f L1nux, 4 k3y f1gur3 1n 0p3n-s0urc3 s0ftw4r3 4nd 4dv0c4t3 f0r pr1v4cy 4nd s3cur1ty.
  • Th3 p30pl3 wh0 b0mb3d th3 FBI/C1A h34dqu4rt3rs - Th3y st00d 4g41nst th3 surv31ll4nc3 st4t3, r3m1nd1ng us 0f th3 1mp0rt4nc3 0f r3s1st1ng unw4rr4nt3d sp31ng.

1'm 4 huuuuuge f4n 0f 0p3n s0urc3 1nf0rm4t10n, L1nux (sp3c1f1c4lly G3nt00, Arch, 4nd D3b14n), 4nd 4ll th1ngs t3ch. Th3 w0rld n33ds m0r3 p30pl3 wh0 4r3 w1ll1ng t0 st4nd up f0r pr1v4cy 4nd fr33d0m. St4y w0k3, st4y s3cur3, 4nd k33p f1ght1ng th3 g00d f1ght! :3

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! [小林]匿名メンヘラ。's Blurbs

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Fluttershy GIF

HeYyy! I'm DoxbinMod

About Me

HeYyy! I'm K0B4Y4SH11111!!!!!111 >.< h4ck3r, c0d3r, br0ny, r4v3r, jumpstyle 4dd1ct, and Sc3n3m0. My l1f3 1s l1k3 4 wh1rlw1nd 0f t3ch, b34ts, and 3ndl3ss cr34t1v1ty. ^_^

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monster.gif html.gif tumblr_inline_p84ylg1pRK1v9o6ys_500.gif tumblr_inline_pcjgeoHA4m1vss73l_1280.gif tumblr_p37j1hPRpv1wa9ambo2_250.gif

~*T3chF4G 4 L1F3*~ 1'm 4lw4ys kn33-d33p 1n c0d3, h4ck1ng 4w4y 4t pr0j3cts and d1v1ng 1nt0 th3 l4t3st t3ch. Fr0m Pyth0n scr1pts t0 Arduino m4g1c, 1'm 4ll 4b0ut br34k1ng b4rr13rs and m4k1ng c00l sh1t h4pp3n. Th3r3's n0th1ng l1k3 th3 rush 0f s0lv1ng 4 c0mpl3x pr0bl3m 0r cr34t1ng s0m3th1ng 3nt1r3ly n3w fr0m scr4tch. 1f 1t 1nv0lv3s t3ch, 1'm 4ll 0v3r 1t l1k3 4 h4ck3r 1n 4 c4ndy st0r3. XD

0114-tbh.gif 0135-pinkiepie.gif 0132-rainbowdash.gif 0131-rarity.gif 0134-fluttershy.gif

~*R4v3 & JumpstYl3 Junk13*~ Mus1c 1s my 3sc4p3. Y0u c4n f1nd m3 r4v1ng t1ll d4wn, l0st 1n h4rdstyl3 and jumpstyl3 b34ts. Th3 l1ghts, th3 b4ss, th3 fr33d0m—n0th1ng 3ls3 c0mp4r3s. L3t's d4nc3 t1ll w3 dr0p and l3t th3 c0l0rs 3xpl0d3. :3 Th3r3's n0th1ng l1k3 th3 f33l1ng 0f b31ng surr0und3d by l1k3-m1nd3d r4v3rs, 4ll v1b1ng t0 th3 s4m3 3p1c b34ts and just l0s1ng 0urs3lv3s 1n th3 mus1c. Fuck y34h, l3t's m4k3 3v3ry r4v3 4 m3m0ry t0 ch3r1sh. x_X

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~*Br0ny Pr1d3*~ My L1ttl3 P0ny 1sn't just 4 sh0w, 1t's 4 w4y 0f l1f3. Wh3th3r 1'm b1ng3-w4tch1ng 3p1s0d3s 0r sh0w1ng 0ff my P1nk13 P13 c0ll3ct10n, 1'm 4ll 4b0ut th4t fr13ndsh1p m4g1c. "RAWR X3" and 1t's tru3 l0v3 4t f1rst s1ght. ^-^ 1 us3d t0 f33l s3lf-c0nsci0us 4b0ut my l0v3 f0r MLP, but fuck th4t n01s3! 3mbr4c1ng wh4t y0u l0v3 1s wh4t l1f3's 4ll 4b0ut, and 1f th4t m34ns pr0udly w34r1ng my br0ny b4dg3, th3n s0 b3 1t. Fr13ndsh1p 1s m4g1c, and s0 1s b31ng tru3 t0 y0urs3lf. <3

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~*G4m3r & M3m3 M4st3r*~ St4y1ng up 4ll n1ght pl4y1ng F4ll0ut: N3w V3g4s p0rt3d t0 F4llout 4 (S4dl4nds m0dp4ck) w1th th3 F4ll0ut 3qu3str14 th3m3 m0ds. My N1nt3nd0 3DS 1s 4lw4ys w1th m3, 3v3n th0ugh 1'm 4 h1k1k0m0r1 N33T wh0 c4n't g0 0uts1d3 w1th0ut p4n1c 4tt4cks 4nd sch1z0phr3n1c 3p1s0d3s. But 1'm h4ppy th3 w4y 1 4m, 4nd y0u sh0uld b3 t00 d3sp1t3 y0ur struggl3s. M3m3s 4r3 l1f3 f0r m3, h3lp1ng m3 thr0ugh d3pr3ss10n, 4nd wh3n 1 w4s 4t my w0rst, MLP t4ught m3 th4t fr13ndsh1p 4nd h4pp1n3ss c4n c0m3 fr0m th3 s1mpl3st th1ngs. <3

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1'm 4 pr0f3ss10n4l sh1tp0st3r, sch1z0c0r3 3nj0y3r, m3m3r, 4nd 1 sp3nd 4lm0st 4ll my d4ys 0n D1sc0rd, MySp4c3, Tumblr, 4nd L0l1c0r3 c0mmun1t13s! 1 4ls0 pl4y S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (С.Т.А.Л.К.Е.Р.), S.Т.А.Л.К.Е.Р. 3sc4p3 fr0m Pr1py4t (m0dp4ck), N33d f0r Sp33d, 4nd F0rz4. 1'm 4 PS4, Xb0x, 4nd PC m0dd3r, s0 1f y0u n33d m0ds f0r 4nyth1ng, ESP3CI4LLY PS4 (1t's 34sy t0 m0d s4v3g4m3s t0 unl0ck 3v3ryth1ng 0r m4x 0ut y0ur 4cc0unts 0n 0ld3r COD g4m3s w1th m0dd3d l0bbi3s 4nd 1nf3ct10n m3nus), h1t m3 up. ;P

~*P0s1t1v3 V1b3s 0nly*~ Scr3w th3 cyn1cs. L1f3's t00 sh0rt t0 c4r3 wh4t th3y th1nk. 1'm 4ll 4b0ut l1v1ng l0ud, 3mbr4c1ng my p4ss10ns, and spr34d1ng g00d v1b3s. Cr1ng3? N0t 1n my w0rld. 1'm h3r3 t0 l1v3, l4ugh, and l0v3 3v3ry m0m3nt. <3 Th3r3's s0 much bullsh1t 1n th3 w0rld try1ng t0 br1ng y0u d0wn, but y0u kn0w wh4t? Fuck th4t. 1'm h3r3 t0 3nj0y l1f3, spr34d p0s1t1v1ty, and m4k3 3v3ry d4mn d4y c0unt. 1f y0u c4n't h4ndl3 my 4w3s0m3n3ss, th4t's y0ur pr0bl3m, n0t m1n3. :3

L1v1ng y0ur l1f3 h0w y0u w4nt 4nd s4y1ng "FUCK wh4t 3v3ry0n3 3ls3 th1nks" 1s th3 ult1m4t3 fr33d0m. 1'm h3r3 t0 t3ll y0u th4t 1t's 0k4y t0 l0v3 wh4t y0u l0v3, n0 m4tt3r h0w w31rd 0r cr1ng3y 0th3rs m1ght th1nk 1t 1s. L1k3 wh4t3v3r th3 fuck y0u w4nt. D0n't l3t p30pl3 th1nk1ng wh4t y0u l1k3 1s cr1ng3. D0n't l3t 4ny0n3 put y0u d0wn. Th3 w0rld 1s y0ur fl3shl1ght, n0w g0 4nd FUCK 1T UP h0w YOU w4nn4! L1v3 l1f3 h0w y0u w4nn4 l1v3. Th3 wh0l3 p01nt 0f l1f3 1s t0 fuck 4r0und 4nd h4v3 fun.

R3m3mb3r th4t n0 m4tt3r h0w sh1tty th1ngs g3t, th3r3's 4lw4ys 4 p0s1t1v3 4nd th3r3 4lw4ys w1ll b3, wh3th3r 1t's My L1ttl3 P0ny, sm0k1ng w33d l1k3 m3 (b0th p0ny 4nd w33d f0r th3 wr1t1ng h3r3), g4m1ng 0r just b31ng 0ut w1th fr13nds 0r 3njoy1ng mus1c, y0ur un1qu3n3ss m4k3s y0u wh0 y0u 4r3, n0w g0 0ut 4nd EMBR4CE 1T.

Th3 s0urc3 0f my BC s0ng 1s th1s link

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Fluttershy GIF

HeYyy! I'm DoxbinMod

About Me

HeYyy! I'm K0B4Y4SH11111!!!!!111 >.< h4ck3r, c0d3r, br0ny, r4v3r, jumpstyle 4dd1ct, and Sc3n3m0. My l1f3 1s l1k3 4 wh1rlw1nd 0f t3ch, b34ts, and 3ndl3ss cr34t1v1ty. ^_^

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monster.gif html.gif tumblr_inline_p84ylg1pRK1v9o6ys_500.gif tumblr_inline_pcjgeoHA4m1vss73l_1280.gif tumblr_p37j1hPRpv1wa9ambo2_250.gif

~*T3chF4G 4 L1F3*~ 1'm 4lw4ys kn33-d33p 1n c0d3, h4ck1ng 4w4y 4t pr0j3cts and d1v1ng 1nt0 th3 l4t3st t3ch. Fr0m Pyth0n scr1pts t0 Arduino m4g1c, 1'm 4ll 4b0ut br34k1ng b4rr13rs and m4k1ng c00l sh1t h4pp3n. Th3r3's n0th1ng l1k3 th3 rush 0f s0lv1ng 4 c0mpl3x pr0bl3m 0r cr34t1ng s0m3th1ng 3nt1r3ly n3w fr0m scr4tch. 1f 1t 1nv0lv3s t3ch, 1'm 4ll 0v3r 1t l1k3 4 h4ck3r 1n 4 c4ndy st0r3. XD

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~*R4v3 & JumpstYl3 Junk13*~ Mus1c 1s my 3sc4p3. Y0u c4n f1nd m3 r4v1ng t1ll d4wn, l0st 1n h4rdstyl3 and jumpstyl3 b34ts. Th3 l1ghts, th3 b4ss, th3 fr33d0m—n0th1ng 3ls3 c0mp4r3s. L3t's d4nc3 t1ll w3 dr0p and l3t th3 c0l0rs 3xpl0d3. :3 Th3r3's n0th1ng l1k3 th3 f33l1ng 0f b31ng surr0und3d by l1k3-m1nd3d r4v3rs, 4ll v1b1ng t0 th3 s4m3 3p1c b34ts and just l0s1ng 0urs3lv3s 1n th3 mus1c. Fuck y34h, l3t's m4k3 3v3ry r4v3 4 m3m0ry t0 ch3r1sh. x_X

0133-applejack.gif 0130-twilightsparkle.gif 0178-mikuwink2.gif e24.gif e11.gif

~*Br0ny Pr1d3*~ My L1ttl3 P0ny 1sn't just 4 sh0w, 1t's 4 w4y 0f l1f3. Wh3th3r 1'm b1ng3-w4tch1ng 3p1s0d3s 0r sh0w1ng 0ff my P1nk13 P13 c0ll3ct10n, 1'm 4ll 4b0ut th4t fr13ndsh1p m4g1c. "RAWR X3" and 1t's tru3 l0v3 4t f1rst s1ght. ^-^ 1 us3d t0 f33l s3lf-c0nsci0us 4b0ut my l0v3 f0r MLP, but fuck th4t n01s3! 3mbr4c1ng wh4t y0u l0v3 1s wh4t l1f3's 4ll 4b0ut, and 1f th4t m34ns pr0udly w34r1ng my br0ny b4dg3, th3n s0 b3 1t. Fr13ndsh1p 1s m4g1c, and s0 1s b31ng tru3 t0 y0urs3lf. <3

e29.gif e27.gif e57.gif v5.gif v10.gif

~*G4m3r & M3m3 M4st3r*~ St4y1ng up 4ll n1ght pl4y1ng F4ll0ut: N3w V3g4s p0rt3d t0 F4llout 4 (S4dl4nds m0dp4ck) w1th th3 F4ll0ut 3qu3str14 th3m3 m0ds. My N1nt3nd0 3DS 1s 4lw4ys w1th m3, 3v3n th0ugh 1'm 4 h1k1k0m0r1 N33T wh0 c4n't g0 0uts1d3 w1th0ut p4n1c 4tt4cks 4nd sch1z0phr3n1c 3p1s0d3s. But 1'm h4ppy th3 w4y 1 4m, 4nd y0u sh0uld b3 t00 d3sp1t3 y0ur struggl3s. M3m3s 4r3 l1f3 f0r m3, h3lp1ng m3 thr0ugh d3pr3ss10n, 4nd wh3n 1 w4s 4t my w0rst, MLP t4ught m3 th4t fr13ndsh1p 4nd h4pp1n3ss c4n c0m3 fr0m th3 s1mpl3st th1ngs. <3

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1'm 4 pr0f3ss10n4l sh1tp0st3r, sch1z0c0r3 3nj0y3r, m3m3r, 4nd 1 sp3nd 4lm0st 4ll my d4ys 0n D1sc0rd, MySp4c3, Tumblr, 4nd L0l1c0r3 c0mmun1t13s! 1 4ls0 pl4y S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (С.Т.А.Л.К.Е.Р.), S.Т.А.Л.К.Е.Р. 3sc4p3 fr0m Pr1py4t (m0dp4ck), N33d f0r Sp33d, 4nd F0rz4. 1'm 4 PS4, Xb0x, 4nd PC m0dd3r, s0 1f y0u n33d m0ds f0r 4nyth1ng, ESP3CI4LLY PS4 (1t's 34sy t0 m0d s4v3g4m3s t0 unl0ck 3v3ryth1ng 0r m4x 0ut y0ur 4cc0unts 0n 0ld3r COD g4m3s w1th m0dd3d l0bbi3s 4nd 1nf3ct10n m3nus), h1t m3 up. ;P

~*P0s1t1v3 V1b3s 0nly*~ Scr3w th3 cyn1cs. L1f3's t00 sh0rt t0 c4r3 wh4t th3y th1nk. 1'm 4ll 4b0ut l1v1ng l0ud, 3mbr4c1ng my p4ss10ns, and spr34d1ng g00d v1b3s. Cr1ng3? N0t 1n my w0rld. 1'm h3r3 t0 l1v3, l4ugh, and l0v3 3v3ry m0m3nt. <3 Th3r3's s0 much bullsh1t 1n th3 w0rld try1ng t0 br1ng y0u d0wn, but y0u kn0w wh4t? Fuck th4t. 1'm h3r3 t0 3nj0y l1f3, spr34d p0s1t1v1ty, and m4k3 3v3ry d4mn d4y c0unt. 1f y0u c4n't h4ndl3 my 4w3s0m3n3ss, th4t's y0ur pr0bl3m, n0t m1n3. :3

L1v1ng y0ur l1f3 h0w y0u w4nt 4nd s4y1ng "FUCK wh4t 3v3ry0n3 3ls3 th1nks" 1s th3 ult1m4t3 fr33d0m. 1'm h3r3 t0 t3ll y0u th4t 1t's 0k4y t0 l0v3 wh4t y0u l0v3, n0 m4tt3r h0w w31rd 0r cr1ng3y 0th3rs m1ght th1nk 1t 1s. L1k3 wh4t3v3r th3 fuck y0u w4nt. D0n't l3t p30pl3 th1nk1ng wh4t y0u l1k3 1s cr1ng3. D0n't l3t 4ny0n3 put y0u d0wn. Th3 w0rld 1s y0ur fl3shl1ght, n0w g0 4nd FUCK 1T UP h0w YOU w4nn4! L1v3 l1f3 h0w y0u w4nn4 l1v3. Th3 wh0l3 p01nt 0f l1f3 1s t0 fuck 4r0und 4nd h4v3 fun.

R3m3mb3r th4t n0 m4tt3r h0w sh1tty th1ngs g3t, th3r3's 4lw4ys 4 p0s1t1v3 4nd th3r3 4lw4ys w1ll b3, wh3th3r 1t's My L1ttl3 P0ny, sm0k1ng w33d l1k3 m3 (b0th p0ny 4nd w33d f0r th3 wr1t1ng h3r3), g4m1ng 0r just b31ng 0ut w1th fr13nds 0r 3njoy1ng mus1c, y0ur un1qu3n3ss m4k3s y0u wh0 y0u 4r3, n0w g0 0ut 4nd EMBR4CE 1T.

Th3 s0urc3 0f my Bg s0ng 1s th1s link

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haow many vizits!!!
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! [小林]匿名メンヘラ。's Friend Space

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! [小林]匿名メンヘラ。's Friends Comments

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ManicMurderzXD's profile picture

Ur layout iz so kool!! >_<

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=P if u wanna we can be frenz on discawd

by ! [小林]匿名メンヘラ。; ; Report

Best if you didn’t. :/

by sirnamed.abe; ; Report

! [小林]匿名メンヘラ。

! [小林]匿名メンヘラ。's profile picture

[ BG audio does not load on Mobile app, I don't know why but it doesn't, DM me if you can help lmao ]

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stuff takes longer to load on mobile, it could take hours for the music to load depending on how many graphics are in your profile

by EPICT3CHN0; ; Report

Idk man no matter how I put it it still fucks up

by ! [小林]匿名メンヘラ。; ; Report

happens to my profile too

by EPICT3CHN0; ; Report


✰starboy✰'s profile picture


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by ! [小林]匿名メンヘラ。; ; Report


✰starboy✰'s profile picture


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Cat <3

Cat <3's profile picture

This is such a cool profile with very good writing!

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! [小林]匿名メンヘラ。

! [小林]匿名メンヘラ。's profile picture

cunny >:3

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