
MochaChino's profile picture


Ashley's Discord kitten

Last active:

Mood: Zilly

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MochaChino's Interests


Animating, Drawing, Making songs and just overall existing


4lung, Wenton, Mindless self indulgence, Alex G, xXTh3D4nkG1rXx, Birth day, and the list just goes on


Uhh Turning red


My little pony and littlest pet shop


RANFREN (Ik its a comic but shhhh)


Rzeczy, Kestral, Robin, Boyti n Corey <:3

MochaChino's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

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MochaChino's Blurbs

About me:

Dni Gravecest and Proshippers, I don't care if Andrew x Ashley is canon and I don't want to ship them. Don't try forcing me to or give me any of the "You should ship them" bs or you'll get blocked. || Hello my name is Mochi, I am a Bisexual (He/She pronouns please) scene furry who's into Ranfren and The coffin of Andy and Leyley. I hope we can be friends. || My discord user is moczinurcoffeex3 and I am more active there. :D

yuor t3xt heere (your text here)
Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural
/*CONTACT SECTION*/ .contact { padding: 2px; margin-bottom: 20px !important; font-size: 12px; border-radius: 5px; border-top: 1px}

Who I'd like to meet:

All my online friends, My comfort characters and fictional crushes

MochaChino's Friends Comments

Displaying 4 of 4 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


Sprout's profile picture

Nice profile:0 gnarpy!

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purplepoisonkuribo's profile picture

hello everybody! Dan here, from The Diamond Minecart!

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ISOA GAMBEL's profile picture

Thanks Mochachino for the add. I am artist singing in English, Spanish, French & Japanese ♬ ♫ ♪All my original. If you like please see on Spotify (◠‿◠) Have a nice day.

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by MochaChino; ; Report


by ISOA GAMBEL; ; Report


Katte's profile picture

Here's a profile layout you can use if you'd like:D

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About me text goes here.

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Thank you lol, I'm gonna need it

by MochaChino; ; Report