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A-Yan.'s Interests



I'm mostly a fan of classic rock (50s - 00s), as well as a fan of swing jazz, and classical music, particularly the Romantic Era.


My favorite films would have to be "Lawrence Of Arabia", "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly", "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid", "Almost Famous", "Apocalypse Now", and almost every Studio Ghibli film in their filmography.


In terms of Animated Shows, my favorites would have to be the "Pokemon" series, "Avatar: The Last Airbender", and "King Of the Hill". For Live Action shows, my favorites are M*A*S*H, Miami Vice, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, and The Andy Griffith Show.


My favorite books include "To Kill A Mockingbird", the "Harry Potter" series, "Lone Star Ranger", and of course, the Bible!


I look up a LOT to Walt Disney, both as an animator and an aspiring entrepreneur. I also look up to Teddy Roosevelt, Mike Judge, and J. G. Quintel.

A-Yan.'s Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

I’m A Fan Of Bluegrass Now! (6/14/2023 - 6/15/2023 (view more)

Invented A New Drink! (6/13/2023) (view more)

Burned Out. (6/12/2023) (view more)

Taking a Summer Art Class (5/30/23 - 6/5/23) (view more)

Gonna Make These Weekly and Longer (5/28/23 - 5/29/23) (view more)

A-Yan.'s Blurbs

About me:

Hey, name's A-Yan, and I'm glad you found me! I'm an artist/animator/musician, and I dabble in all forms of entertainment! I'm 19 years old, and hail from the great state of Minnesota! My hobbies include golf, bowling, gaming, drawing, reading, listening to music, and taking walks around the town! I'm really into old 20th century stuff, like classic films, shows, or music, and I'm often described as an "old soul", depsite just being 19. I'm a Catholic, and I go to church regularly. I enjoy hanging out with my church community, and I love to discuss the gospel with my fellow Christians. If you want to hit me up for a chat, go ahead! I'm always open for a new friend! :)

Who I'd like to meet:

Anyone in particular! I'm open to anyone!

A-Yan.'s Friends Comments

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Wacky Alex

Wacky Alex's profile picture


If you like wacky music, give our channel a try.

β–Ί FunHouseRadio.com

We're playing the wackiest mix ever! Check it out!

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Jon πŸ‡

Jon πŸ‡'s profile picture

Hi fellow Minnesotan! :D
I'm west central, think Alex and Brainerd lol

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Oh cool! Nice to meet you! That’s pretty crazy that the first person I meet on here is from the same state as me! :D

by A-Yan.; ; Report

Wacky Alex is from around here too, he runs an internet radio station, plays wacky music!

by Jon πŸ‡; ; Report

Oh, cool! I’ll give him a listen, then!

by A-Yan.; ; Report

Here's his profile;


by Jon πŸ‡; ; Report