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"DreamIng oF a more ProspITabLe FuTure."

Rovit Voxel

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frenzyFourfold's Interests


SGRUB, InsecTs, PoKemon, DIgITaL Horror (ConsoLe KILL screens + anTI pIracY), CATS CATS CATS CATS CATS CATS



VIdeo game boss geTs HIs ass beaT so mucH He decIdes To sTarT doIng Treason agaInsT HIs own KInd, and aLmosT commITs mass genocIde on anoTHer unsuspecTIng racIng game's casT. (Wreck It Wralph) Young TroLLIs sIcK oF beIng a useLess pIece oF sHIT and decIdes beIng a pIraTe Is Fun, aLmosT FucKIng dIes. (Moana) LocaL TroLL pLaYs God wITH a s↑reme TasK Force oF robo-sTrIFers, wHen suddenLY HIs greaTesT creaTIon joIns a gang and commITs mass TerrorIsm. (Chappie)


HonesTLY, TeLevIsIon nowadaYs sucKs so mucH ungodLY ass You couLd HooK IT ↑ To a box and draIn THe enTIre sTraTospHere oF weTness sYr↑.


SmaLL wIggLer's aIr macHIne InsTrucTer dIes mId-FLIgHT wHen goIng To vIsIT HIs Lusus, so THe wIggLer camps ouT In Canada oF aLL pLaces unTIL reaLIzIng THere's a WHOLE BOX OF SUPPLIES STILL ON THE PLANE. (Hatchet - Gary Paulsen)


we can't all be heros, can we?

frenzyFourfold's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Rovit:Stress about life issues. ==> (view more)

frenzyFourfold's Blurbs

About me:

WITH mY bLood burnIng brIgHT and mY Lusus In mY FIgHT, THIs swarm oF warrIors wILL drag You sTraIgHT ↓ To HeLL. 9 1/2 sweeps under mY beLT. (19 years!!!) PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T IM ME BEING A DICK, I JUST GOT HERE. I WILL BLOCK YOUR TRIFLING ASS.

Who I'd like to meet:

AnYone wITH a passIon For HomesTucK, PoKemon, or THe LIKe! AduLTs preFerred. Under 17, please DNI. Thanks. ]:P Find me on Pesterchum! frenzyFourfold

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[04:14] FF: Indeed.

by frenzyFourfold; ; Report