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fucking freak with gay ppeople disease

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Mood: peculiarvalentine on discord

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KELDOG's Interests


TCC, psychology, paleontology, flora and fauna, language learning, poetry, literature/reading, shoujo animes, mutual yandere troupes (murder wives and the such), learning HTML CSS, zaza, music, drawing, fanfictions, furries, blinkies, isaacwhy/yumi/softwily/the group/the group chat, kitties doggies bunnies and jellyfish


KMFDM , MSI , ICP , CSH , korn , goreshit , pig , MDFMK , toybox , blur , flower face , dandelion hands , MF DOOM , MCR , tupac , SOAD , yumi , softwilly+ , frank ocean , yuno miles , tyler the creator , destroy boys


captain underpants and zero day


Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet cake croissant fruitcake muffin. Sweet bonbon candy powder cheesecake muffin sesame snaps jujubes. Muffin macaroon cheesecake cookie soufflé cookie cheesecake lollipop candy canes. Halvah cotton candy sesame snaps chocolate bar. Sugar plum dessert dragée macaroon chupa chups. Cake cheesecake wafer cotton candy. Danish jelly halvah jelly beans tootsie roll donut. Halvah cheesecake halvah jujubes sweet roll biscuit croissant wafer. Cake halvah chocolate bar sugar plum apple pie.


Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet cake croissant fruitcake muffin. Sweet bonbon candy powder cheesecake muffin sesame snaps jujubes. Muffin macaroon cheesecake cookie soufflé cookie cheesecake lollipop candy canes. Halvah cotton candy sesame snaps chocolate bar. Sugar plum dessert dragée macaroon chupa chups. Cake cheesecake wafer cotton candy. Danish jelly halvah jelly beans tootsie roll donut. Halvah cheesecake halvah jujubes sweet roll biscuit croissant wafer. Cake halvah chocolate bar sugar plum apple pie.


Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet cake croissant fruitcake muffin. Sweet bonbon candy powder cheesecake muffin sesame snaps jujubes. Muffin macaroon cheesecake cookie soufflé cookie cheesecake lollipop candy canes. Halvah cotton candy sesame snaps chocolate bar. Sugar plum dessert dragée macaroon chupa chups. Cake cheesecake wafer cotton candy. Danish jelly halvah jelly beans tootsie roll donut. Halvah cheesecake halvah jujubes sweet roll biscuit croissant wafer. Cake halvah chocolate bar sugar plum apple pie.

KELDOG's Links

KELDOG's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

little cutie pie o((>ω< ))o (view more)

AAAAAGHHH (view more)

KELDOG's Blurbs

About me:

comship cannibal freakazoid.. 30.9 (14) profile under contruction.

click 4 blinkiez & stampz:3

Who I'd like to meet:

non-anti, true crime fans, therians, outcasts juggalos and freaks of nature

KELDOG's Friends Comments

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✰irene✰'s profile picture

thx 4 the add !! i heart ur layout and pfp X]]

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THANK U <3333

by KELDOG; ; Report

Strebz !!

Strebz !!'s profile picture

Also very cool profile :3 Going to boogie down

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by KELDOG; ; Report

Strebz !!

Strebz !!'s profile picture


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