ꕥ r h y s .

ꕥ r h y s . 's profile picture

"we out here. if ur reading this, my ims are open to friends lol"

cute flower boy. 21+ so just be aware of that when mutualing me.

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Mood: eepy

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ꕥ r h y s . 's Interests


roleplaying, playing video games, drawing (sometimes), cooking, wearing cute dresses, idk man its 4:39 am and im writing this someone send help


viddy games (though more elaborately listed below), floriography, pharmacy/medicine, chemistry, stationary + pens


mainly jrpgs! some vn stuff here and there, and the unfortunate gacha games + joseimukes. also farming game.

ff(xiv), rune factory, fire emblem, xenoblade, genshin impact, danganronpa (unfortunately), persona, animal crossing, story of seasons/bokumono, ace attorney, tales of, pokemon (sorta), the occasional maplestory, yumekuro, mahoyaku, tloz
some of these i know are kinda iffy, but i only play the games and dont interact much with their fanbases, if youre worried about that.


ffxiv patch 6.3 (ive been too busy crafting to actually do plot), fire emblem engage, animal crossing pocket camp, tgaa 1&2 🌸

ive started a couple of games that's now sitting in the backlogs for now, such as: tales of xillia, tales of symphonia 2, tales of arise, tales of graces f, xenoblade 2 and 3, bravely default 2, rune factory 5



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ꕥ r h y s . 's Blurbs

About me:

we out here!

idk this is still a wip but hey. im too busy looking for + adding stamps.

Who I'd like to meet:

feel free to friend me if we share interests or just wanna vibe out in general? i'm alao studying jp so if you want a mut to practice with- 練習しましょうね?でも、日本語は・・。 まぁ、小学生レベルだって、難しいと思うから、話は少しおそいです。

dni is just to not be a dick, please be reasonable, im a very tired internet guy ; just be aware i am an adult (21+)

i only share my disc to muts, and muts can dm me whenever!! <3

i kin spiritually but i probably wont post about it a lot here. asl me abt them if you want?

ꕥ r h y s . 's Friends Comments

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izanagi's profile picture

omg another person that likes ffxiv! thanks for the request!!

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timaeusTestified_'s profile picture

Yo, thanks for the add and cool profile layout bro.

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Ripp3dHëårt★'s profile picture

U roleplay that's so cool!! I really wanna roleplay but I'm not cute out for that ha ha. Anyways who do u roleplay as the most?

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cut" Loll not cute ahanhhahah

by Ripp3dHëårt★; ; Report

haha it depends, sometimes i write ocs, sometimes i just arite characters from things i like!! tho thats valid writing is hard and talking to people is harder ^^;

by ꕥ r h y s .; ; Report


Salem's profile picture

your profile's hella cool! >:0

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ty ^^!! purple is a pog color

by ꕥ r h y s .; ; Report