
hal's profile picture

"unemployed 🎉"

17 / M / US / mage of mind, dersite, INTP, et cetera et cetera.

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hal's Interests


technology (robots, computers, old web, i plan on majoring in computer engineering), comics, art, aliens + cryptids in general (not a huge believer, but they're so interesting conceptually), astronomy, ....math, to an extent. i think calculus is really elegant. i really love not shutting the fuck up, so i tend to ramble long form a lot.


pinkshift, mike krol, the smashing pumpkins, MCR, lemon demon, tame impala, nirvana, alice in chains and probably more. generally, i like a lot of classic or indie rock, & ive been taking a liking to grunge in the last few months.


i tend to like horror movies or scifi stuff; some favourites are scream (the original), re-animator (again, the og) & the blair witch project. i also really liked asteroid city & everything everywhere all at once


neon genesis evangelion, amphibia, madoka magica, INFINITY TRAIN!!!!! it's a podcast but wolf 359 is also REALLY fucking fantastic.


forest hills bootleg society, paper girls, planning on reading more serial (?) comics. as previously mentioned i like homestuck. does 17776 count as a book? send me some comic recommendations.


whoever came up with the idea for the mug i mean seriously sick as hell. also, i unironically think the world, especially the internet, would be much worse off it it werent for furries.

hal's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

homestuck shrine! (view more)

first (technically second) blog entry (view more)

hal's Blurbs

About me:

hey! im hal, i'm some robot thing dude on the internet w an interest in old web. i use he/him pronouns and the very rare, very scattered neopronoun. feel free to ask which ones i use. i am certified autistic and plural. i like associating myself with meteor imagery. i can bake pretty ok pumpkin bread.

a button reading long gone legends in black and white with an eye icon with a star pupila button for the site tertiaryapocalypse, which reads 'visit mars' in all caps and below it reads the site name. It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!

Who I'd like to meet:

anyone with similar interests :-) id especially like recommendations for new bands to listen to so if we have similar music taste; add me! dnis are, to me, things of the past, but i will specifically ask you to not add me if you're a swiftie or a harry potter fan.

hal's Friends Comments

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Mach's profile picture

Nice page and cool interests :)

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thanks! your page is cool as hell

by hal; ; Report


NetherFalcon's profile picture

Thanks for the add!

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same to you :-)!

by hal; ; Report