
Allykai's profile picture


26-year-old goth gal, scene fan, 2010s enthusiast, and furry

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Mood: kinda sad

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Allykai's Interests


Gonna use this one to add two categories:


☆Death Note
☆Lucky Star
☆Tokyo Mew Mew


☆Spyro the Dragon (PS1)
☆TES: Oblivion
☆Don't Starve
☆RuneScape 2 / OSRS
☆Kingdom Hearts
☆Sly Cooper (not 4)


☆Dead Kennedys
☆Rise Against
☆System of a Down
☆Linkin Park
☆My Chemical Romance

Those are just some big ones at the moment, though! I like mostly punk, metal, and emo, as well as various fun nightcore stuff.


I don't really watch too many movies, but my favorite has to be Spirited Away.


☆MLP: FiM (seasons 1 and 2)
☆Lucky Star
☆Rocko's Modern Life
☆Adventure Time
☆Ruby Gloom


☆Percy Jackson
☆Wings of Fire


Allykai's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Some art done in my earlier style (view more)

Now that there is a cool site like this... (view more)

Allykai's Blurbs

About me:

xX Allykai Xx


Hi there, I'm Allykai! Welcome to my page! I enjoy drawing, writing, and video games. Feel free to message me and we can chat!

Cringe is dead and can stay dead.

☆ Obvious DNI if you're homophobic, racist, sexist, etc. etc. Honestly, though, if you're hateful and bigoted, maybe just consider not interacting with society in general. ☆

Who I'd like to meet:

Open to chat with other weirdos and anyone who shares my interests!

☆Caution, I try my best to look at people's ages when doing friend-request stuff, but sometimes I may send one to someone under 18. Just so it's clear and known, *I am 28*. Not trying to pretend otherwise. I don't mind chatting about mutual interests, having people on my friends list, or giving advice, but I will probably be more distant/hesitant than I would with someone over 18. And for the love of the stars, don't try to talk about anything NSFW with me if you're under 18 (or, preferably, in general as NSFW topics just make me uncomfy, but especially in this case).☆

Allykai's Friends Comments

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Legacy Wolf

Legacy Wolf's profile picture

Thank you alot for adding back!!! x3

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BOINGY's profile picture


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Haiii! X3 Np, I like your style!

by Allykai; ; Report