
LiamtheOtaku's profile picture

"watching anime"

27 year old Autistic guy from Portland Oregon

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LiamtheOtaku's Interests


I am mainly interested in the big 3 of anime, manga, and video games but I also have many other interests such as hiking and other outdoor activities and watching nature and ancient history/ancient mythology documentaries and playing board games and tabletop RPG's (I am still a beginner in D&D so I am still not that good yet). I am also into anything related to internet culture and internet subcultures and internet aesthetics. My favorite aesthetics tend to be ether very light and cute like kawaii and cottagecore or dark and melodramatic like goth and emo with a bit of art nouveau and cyberpunk and classic sci-fi and fantasy. I am interested in taking up LARPing as a hobby and learning how to draw and cook (I am still not very good at that stuff yet ether but I am working on it). Also want to get into physical fitness someday especially with a workout buddy because I cannot focus without someone to talk to. I am also into philosophy and history and mythology and love to read about them online. Also I love dumb and weird memes and shitposts and I appreciate anyone who has good taste!


Metal, Punk and hardcore, Emo and Scene, 90's emo, Vaporwave and Future Funk, City Pop, Rock, Jazz, Classical music, funk and soul from the 70's, Blues, Reggae and Ska, Folk, Jpop and Jrock, Anime and game soundtracks, Animecore/Webcore, 90's R&B and new jack swing, Synthwave, Goth, New wave, Grunge, Pop Punk and Skate Punk, Nightcore, Vocaloid and Utau music, Music from the 80's and 90's and 2000's and 2010's, Lo-Fi, Studio ghibli and zelda music, Alternative/underground hip hop, Certain kinds of EDM, 8 bit music, Anything with "core" in the title, 70's Funk and soul, Nu Metal, Traditional greek/balkan music, irish music, fantasy music, sci-fi music, Sea Shanties, Medieval music, And many more that I cannot remember at the moment!


Fantasy and sci-fi and classic horror as well as cult movies and Japanese samurai movies and Hong Kong wuxia movies. Thankfully I live near one of the largest remaining independent video rental stores in America so I am spoiled for movies.


Mostly Anime but also some sci-fi/fantasy and western animation/western cartoons and british sitcoms and basically anything nerdy.


I read way to many books to have a favorite but I do really like classical literature and fantasy novels and also light novels as well


LiamtheOtaku's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

As a autistic person I feel that spacehey has a good vibe so far (view more)

Spacehey needs a seperate category for anime and animation in general (view more)

LiamtheOtaku's Blurbs

About me:

Who I'd like to meet:

Nerds, Weebs and Otakus, Gamers, Emo and Scene people, Metalheads and rockers, Gothic people, Fellow neurodivergent people who also have Autism and ADHD, People who enjoy good memes, People who love cats, People who love nature and the outdoors, People who love both cozy and weird/cool aesthetics, People who love philosophy, People who are also lonely and want a friend, People who love animation in general, People who like art, People who like science, People who enjoy good music, People who like to read interesting books, People who like dark and gothic things but also have a soft and kind side to them, People with a strong moral/ethical compass that also consider nuance and avoid black and white thinking, People with empathy and compassion, People who have some amount of emotional maturity but also have a strong inner child and a immature sense of humor, People who are not afraid of enjoying the things they still like from their childhood, People who don't take hard drugs (not exactly straight edge myself since I like to drink in moderation but I heavily dislike hard drugs and alcoholism)

LiamtheOtaku's Friends Comments

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Leena's profile picture

Ty for the add! ^_^

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πŸ‘ ^_^

by LiamtheOtaku; ; Report

Jon πŸ‡

Jon πŸ‡'s profile picture

thanx 4 teh add! :)

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πŸ‘ :-)

by LiamtheOtaku; ; Report