Raine's Happy Space

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"being sad 'cause i cant find any cool moths :("

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Mood: snazzy

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Raine's Happy Space's Interests


my gf, amphibians, lepidopterans/papillonodieans, drawing, watching cartoons (gravity falls, star vs the forces of evil, the owl house, etc.), writing, music (listening to it, and just music in general), stealing my brother's electric guitar (even though I have no clue how to play and I don't have an amplifier), playing ukulele/guitar, making random slideshows, don't hug me I'm scared, and for some reason, mythical creatures.


Paper Ceilings, Melanie Martinez, Radiohead, Mother Mother, Cavetown, Lemon Demon, Jack Stauber, Kimya Dawson, The Brobecks, Mal Blum, Hail the sun (maybe?).


all fear street movies, most Tinkerbell movies (Idk why man), harry potter, saw, literally every Disney princess movie, K-12, the banana splits (SUPER cringe but they have very realistic fake Gorey stuff and so yeah) and some other stuffs that I cant think of rn


the owl house, star vs the forces of evil, gravity falls, avatar the last Airbender, the legend of Korra, parks and recreation, greys anatomy, kipo and the age of wonderbeasts, the promised neverland, I am not okay with this, She-ra and the princesses of power, the good place, and a bunch of other stuff I cant think of atm.


pretend she's here, the girl from the sea, pumpkin heads, this one little kid's book I have about fairys (return to fairyopolis), getting revenge on Lauren wood, peter pan, every single Roald Dahl book ever, when life is done (work in progress that I'm writing).


I am just now realizing that this means personal heroes and not superheroes- I guess my sister Caitlin.

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Raine's Happy Space's Blurbs

About me:

My name is Raine and I am a teenager from a place that shall not be named. I have a girlfriend who on spacehey goes by B, i am obsessed with lepidopterans, and yeah that's pretty much it!

Who I'd like to meet:

some cool scene/alt kids

Raine's Happy Space's Friends Comments

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Hunter's Cyberspace

Hunter's Cyberspace's profile picture

Ur page is so cute! thx 4 the add!

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ahh! hi! B told me abt u! u seem so cool! :)

by Raine's Happy Space; ; Report

also ty

by Raine's Happy Space; ; Report