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21 yo from Argentina

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Mood: Thonking

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CitrusTree's Interests


Pronouns: They/He/She, but feel free to use whatever!

I enjoy darkness, not necessarily as in "evil things" but in a more literal sense and purely from an aesthetic perspective. I consider myself some form of punk, but which one specifically I don't know. I love the Goth and Alt aesthetic, and am slowly building up a wardrobe now that I can finally start affording to buy my own shit.

I'm non-binary, which means I don't identify as necessarily entirely male or entirely female. I'm still trying to find myself on this regard, so whatever my gender is it's fucked up that's for sure. If there was a gender reveal party for me the colored smoke would be pure black and extremely noxious.


Post-Rock, Post-Punk, Dark Ambient Music, Synthwave, EDM, Daft Punk (RIP), GYBE, Whatever Spotify Is Recommending Today. I'm open to listening to many things, generally speaking there's no genres I outright "hate" but I do have preferences.


Spooky movies, generally of the psychological variety. Other than that I love me some


Don't really watch TV anymore. Used to watch a lot of History Channel back when they actually had history on it.


Reading is for nerds, but when I'm feeling like a nerd I might read up on unhealthy amounts of wikipedia articles if that counts as "books".


Kim Jong-un, Karl Marx and Tony the Tiger.

CitrusTree's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Freelancing SUCKS (view more)

Updates updates updates (view more)

very (very!!!!!) important (100% serious) announcement!!!! (view more)

Gender Moment: Goth Bitch Edition (view more)

Interconnectivity in spacehey (view more)

CitrusTree's Blurbs

About me:

๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ท 21 yo from Argentina ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ–ค
๐ŸŽจ Wannabe Graphic Designer and Artist
๐Ÿ’– Friend Requests Open (Unless you're a bigot or an edgelord!)

I have a Discord account! CitrusTree#7570

Just here to revive some memories of the old internet and maybe meet some new people. Never had a true scene phase, probably because I was a bit too young for that back in the 2000s, but man I enjoy the aesthetic as an spectator.
Might be goth, might be alt, might be just fucked up. Who knows!

Feel free to send me a friend request because I accept 99% of them, but don't bother if you're expecting a followback. I don't work like that, I won't follow you back just because you followed me.

Who I'd like to meet:
