Rayven Super Star

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"All I wanna do is sing"

I'm monkey singer but im not a monkey yeah

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Mood: Like some average joe around...

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Rayven Super Star's Interests





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My biography (cant write it due to monkey typewriter issue)


tiffany van boxtel she changed my life and taught me how to sing better in only 30 days

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Rayven Super Star's Blurbs

About me:

I'm just a general monkey who found a passion for singing and songwriting and my backstory is quite a wild swing in the jungle if you've got the time for it!!

Who I'd like to meet:

Love to converse with human and monkey alike #noproblems If I met a soul like my sweet-as-ribena Holly Negglet (she helped me pursue my dreams) well that would be ideal!!!

Rayven Super Star's Friends Comments

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Holly Neglett

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do you remember me

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How could I forget the one who took me into her human arms, ribena in hand, and gave me the chance to follow my dreams! Hols, you GO girl!!!

by Rayven Super Star; ; Report

Yo Ravs it's swee that you're online again! Busy with the tour I assume...

by Holly Neglett; ; Report

Oh yes the new choreo for Like a Monkey Would is doing my neck in! I'm guessing your science experiments are turning out splendidly as expected of our Hols!

by Rayven Super Star; ; Report

Yea they are... I have a surprise experiment but I think I'll wait to show that one until the tour is over! Just know it's pink and green all over!

by Holly Neglett; ; Report

Now I'm getting REAL excited

by Rayven Super Star; ; Report

Hehehe that's awesome! I've been trying not to monkey around when I'm working on it... Hope that saying isn't offensive to you!

by Holly Neglett; ; Report

I'll let you off with a warning for that kind of language but be careful about stereotyping we aren't all some wacky creatures, h*ll even my own father back in the zoo all he did was sat there depressed there was no monkey business involved just a miserable ape...

by Rayven Super Star; ; Report