Carla F

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"Waiting for this place to catch on like it should."

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Mood: Happy

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Carla F 's Interests


♥ Reading, ♥ Writing, ♥ Netflix, ♥ Food that I don't have to cook or shop for.






My brother and my husband.

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Carla F 's Blurbs

About me:

I live in Kansas. It isn't great. I am a free thinker surrounded by closed minded people. I believe in human rights, freedom of choice, Black Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter,and trumpism is a cult. I advocate for the LGBTQ community, those with no voice, the poor, the molested and the Me Too movement.I will seriously harm you if you hurt an animal. I am once divorced and am now married for life to the man I love more than anyone in the world. We will have been together 25 years this July. I will be much more judicious in my selection of "friends" on this social media platform than I was on Facebook and Myspace.

Who I'd like to meet:

People who actually THINK instead of letting everyone else do their thinking for them. Open minded individuals. I have met more than enough closed minded, racist bigots to last me 10 lifetimes. I truly love meeting people who have traveled the world and experienced all this world has to offer. I would love to meet J K Rowling, Barack and Michelle Obama, and Ozzy Osbourne.

Carla F 's Friends Comments

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Angie Nuckles

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Hey yourself! How cool is this? A place to go to avoid Facebook jail!!! HAhahahaa

by Carla F; ; Report