AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★

AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ ...'s profile picture

"slightly inactive atm, posts sometimes"

16, boyfail. Timzone: GMT-10. Goku...

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Mood: sleepy..ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁

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AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★'s Interests


As I said, I luv luv writing and creating stories. I fixate on the character development, dynamics, and theme a lot.

If you want to hear about them, you will. I will scream about them in your face (affectionately) (or silently if thats what you prefer)


uhh this is what emojis in the title of my blog post mean! I may combine them to indicate both length and subject. TOPIC:

🌀: Political

💙: Social

🎵: Personal

❤️: About my Oc's

💥: shitpost or random


💤: LONG (several paragraphs, if not pages.)

🌧️: MEDIUM (a few paragraphs.

⭐: SHORT (like two paragraphs or one (either a shitpost or just me making a random comment I won't elaborate on))


I enjoy a lot of types of music, some of my favorite artists in no particular order are:

Kendrick Lamar, Outkast, MF DOOM-KMD, (just rap in general to be honest is mostly what I listen to), Bad Brains, Kikou, Oingo Boingo, Lemon Demon, Men I trust, Crumb

I honestly just listen to anything that's in a youtube playlist based on my mood or characters I'm thinking about. (yes I use youtube instead of spotify, sue me!).

I am in my trippy calm music era and I'm mostly listening to random artists yt gives me under that description like Men I trust and Crumb.


Ahhh this is a tough pick, I like comedies, and I also like heartfelt movies.

If we're talking live action, I'd want to watch something funny, possibly with an actor I like. Rarely I'll watch a horror movie.

If we're talking animated, I like movies that speak to my childhood, such as The Tale of Princess Kaguya and most Ghibli films. Films with that essence of a whimsical childhood, and also animated movies with an interesting and heartfelt coming-of-age story.


I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Startrek, one of my main comics is based off it. It's one of my special interests and it makes me very happy, although I fixate mostly on DS9 and voyager, (mostly DS9, i LOVE DS9... I LOVE IT!... I love it.)

uhh other than that, I honestly don't watch that much tv, I used to but I don't like a lot of the shows I've watched that much anymore (you can ask me about almost any tumblr popular TV show from the early 2010s, I'll have mostlikely seen it.)

I have a strong affinity for late 80s and 90s cartoons like early TMNT and Street Sharks (Street Sharks is top tier fucking wack ass writing nostalgic good.) Ask me anything about Street Sharks, I could go on for an hour at least, I watched the entire thing as a kid and have rewatched it many times.

I also really like claymation. As you can see by my profile, I have a lot of Wallace and Gromit as well as Shaun the Sheep. (Shawn the Sheep being my personal favorite). I love visual storytelling as much as I love verbal. I find the visuals charming.

I don't really watch anime? I'm very picky when it comes to anime and I find few that interest me, I do enjoy 2000s anime though, especially the psychological ones like NHK and Lain.

this is probably going to destroy my credibility of opinion on anything, but my favorite anime is H.O.T.D. it was just. such a funny parody to me. Aswell as having what is both ironically and unironically my favorite character of all time in anime. (that was almost a joke.) (I am not shitting you right now, the thing is, he's the closest a character has ever gotten to representing how I look in anime, which is very unfortunate, but it's all I have let me hold me PEACE[partial joke, more in a lighthearted way])


I luv Vladimir Nabokov's writing, he's the main writer I'm studying at the moment. I tend to be drawn to a lot Russian literature in general, but I'll also just pick up any random book in my dad's library. Surprisingly as a comic artist, I don't read comics often, but to my credit, my comic's format of storytelling so far is purely the style Hussie made Homestuck in (i.e., picture + dialogue + short animation segments) I'm not very into homestuck but I observe it in passing and find the fandom entertaining from afar.

(I would also like to note I think hussie is a really weird guy. [negatively, of course])

(I don't hate the guy with everything in my soul, I just dislike him, no explanation needed.)


uhhh idk, I don't like the idea of personal heroes at times, I feel like upholding someone's image in your mind to that status can either be parisocial or blinding of any possible wrong-doings they may have done (but ofc someone who inspires you in no way needs to be perfect).

I will say though, I usually aspire to have similar qualities to those who want to and actively grow and change.

Past fixations/on and off

wow.. you're nosy huh??? smh!!.. I jest, anyways, here's some fandom's I used to be in or media I used to engage with, categorized into:

"🟢Sometimes like going back/current",

"🟡okay but don't usually go back"

"⛔Never going back but I do in fact know the media".

I KNOW OF A LOT MORE THAN THIS, these are just fandoms I've engaged with and been in that aren't already on my profile.

🟢: Dragon Ball Z, Ranfren, Hetalia, Homestuck, Mlp, Yugioh

🟡: Doctor Who, Supernatural, BMC, BOM, literally any musical actually.

⛔: Reanimator, Better Call Saul, Onceler, South Park, Cookie Run Kingdom, Walten Files, Batman (2022), Hannibal, superjail, undertale

AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★'s Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

VARIOUS CAUSE DONATION LINKS + INFORMATION SOURCES!! keep yourself informed and do what you can. (view more)


the finished redesigned for my comic characters ⭐❤️ (view more)

despite everything, it's still you, Haegle! ❤️⭐ (view more)


AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★'s Blurbs

About me:

(Now Playing: ❝Cosmo Sheldrake - Wriggle❞ [▶︎/❙❙/◼︎/⟳] 3:10 ⸠——❍—————⸡ 4:29) Being a hater is a full time job, and I prefer to remain unemployed.

Hi! It's me, Devin Archer.

I blog semi regularly, I'm a lot more active on bulletins and I mostly make short personal posts or just random thoughts. so feel free to int with me on there if you friend me!! I like hanging out there

I'm using spacehey as a normal social media platform instead of a nostalgia or contact thing, so I'm going to just be posting at random. I'm basically just tired of being trapped in small word limit formats (also just not into posting on Tumblr yet).

Don't interact with me if you're under 13, You shouldn't be here anyway, I barely think I should be here. Also, don't interact with me on a very personal basis if you're over 18, (you can interact but just don’t try to be close friends with me) but most sane people over 18 already know not to do that, and probably wouldn't want to in the first place.

I'm only not going to accept if I see you have major red flags. I will not friend accept your promo band account at random, sorry.

I hope you enjoy this blog! (this is different from my OC's ask blog thing, sorry if it was confusing.)

I MAY TAKE LONGER TO REPLY TO IM'S! it doesn't work on my laptop so I'll usually have to respond on my phone, I also don't always see them as quick.

!!toy gun shown above!!

Who I'd like to meet:

Anyone with similar intrests to me is fine? I like to ramble about stuff a lot and talk about media I'm fixating on, but I'd like to meet people who are understanding and that I can have engaging conversations with! I'm a writer working on a few comics, and I love talking to people about them. But I think my long term special interest is just understanding yourself and your fellow humans on this earth.

Hums... I want to talk to people who I can explore ideas with, most of my posts will be about my work and I honestly think unless and even if you're close to me most of my talking will be about my characters unless I'm responding to you showing me something, or whatever!

That's all really not required though, I'm very sociable and usually talk to anyone in passing as long as they aren't assholes or jerkwads of the like. If I friend you it's probobly because I think you're someone I'd want to interact with 💥

here are my results on a test thing:

What Flavour Are You? Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You?
What Flavour Are You? I taste like Nuclear Waste. Delicious.I taste like Nuclear Waste. Delicious.

Tasting like nuclear waste is a good thing - nothing bites me, nothing eats me, few things even touch me. I appreciate the solitude my harsh exterior brings. What Flavour Are You?
What Homestuck Kid Are You?
What Homestuck Kid Are You?
Hosted By Anime I am a Pierrot Mime! Click here to take the clown quiz!



AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★'s Friend Space

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AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★'s Friends Comments

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AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★

AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ ...'s profile picture

i just realized some other parts on my blog were outdated... I'm humiliated.
just changed them
my blog profile page is so cluttered sometimes I forget things. I'll sweep through it eventually.

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kitkatanddog's profile picture

hey friend, thank you for the add !! I'm a little too tired to say anything wise, but I'm looking forward to reading your bulletins- interacting with everyone's day-to-day thoughts is one of my favourite parts of spacehey. I'd really like to know the artist behind the heron piece & the one of two girls holding hands (I swear I've seen it before).

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Ahh thank you for accepting! I'm excited to read your bulletins and stuff too.
As for the picture of the two girls, very pretty picture, I'm actually not sure who painted it though and when I went back to the image link all my reverse image searches came back empty besides the same posts.

May be do to the weibo watermark, my guess is it originates somewhere from weibo

most of the other art on my page is from Rithika Merchant though if that ever interests you,

and here's the pinterest link itself if you want to look for it. I tried to look up the user ID but I don't quite think I know how to use weibo.

by AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★; ; Report

I might change it out if I can't find the artist because now I feel a bit guilty that I can't credit them when needed

by AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★; ; Report

thank you! I'll do my best to track both pieces down c:

by kitkatanddog; ; Report

₊˚ ୨ৎ Victor!! ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁

₊˚ ୨ৎ Victor!! ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁's profile picture


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by AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★; ; Report


nes's profile picture

OMG ive never met another person on here that liked street sharks!! i used to have all 3 seasons on cd!!

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holy shit!! me too, except my dad copied all the CDs onto a hard drive so we could have digital copies. It is insane how much street sharks has affected the trajectory of my interests and of my work, an odd degree.

by AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★; ; Report

ohh thats cool!

by nes; ; Report

AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★

AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ ...'s profile picture

guys please dont question the large amount of eggs

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i will now be removing the large amount of eggs soon

by AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★; ; Report


wishlist's profile picture


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BHSDJSHAAGS THANK YOU! ME TOO! I like cluttering my profile with trinkets and interests. I also found your interests really cool!! a lot of horror and queer media

by AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★; ; Report

hdskajfhkhdg tysmm :D and yeah its so fun aaa i would add a lot more stuff but i dont really like changing my profile yknow
also queer media????? im surprised (for some reason) but also 100% taking that as a compliment B]

by wishlist; ; Report

BSDHgsd yeah, it was a compliment! also understandable that you usually don't change yours, I usually just add onto my profile like it's a growing number of unnecessary toppings on an ice cream cone.

by AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★; ; Report

настюшка пиздюшка🌻

настюшка пиздюшка🌻's profile picture


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AHH TY! I LOVE URS TOO! you seem really cool thanks for friending me!

by AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★; ; Report

Thank you so much!! Also you're welcome hehe uwu

by настюшка пиздюшка🌻; ; Report

Antique Scissors

Antique Scissors's profile picture

how do u add the scrolling thingy for stickers I like the way it looks on ur page so I wanna steal it

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ahh lmao, I just looked it up on the layouts section. But by your profile it looks like you already figured it out, but i can seem to scroll the stuff on your profile? idk maybe its just not working for me. really cool profile though!

by AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★; ; Report

it seems like it only works on mobile bc I js got on my computer and its not working it wont let me press home, browse, search, etc. either... I'm gonna try and troubleshoot it-

also thank u :pray:

by Antique Scissors; ; Report

valentina ✿

valentina ✿'s profile picture

ur layout is so kewlll !! :DDD

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ahhh tysm!! urs is rlly cute!!

by AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★; ; Report


13OO✮BULLETS 's profile picture

oooo u have a very colorful and calm looking layout!! :3

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ahh tysm!! ur layout and art look awsome!!

by AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★; ; Report


by 13OO✮BULLETS; ; Report

AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★

AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ ...'s profile picture


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by AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★; ; Report

pillaging from other layout

by AUTOPLAY||Devin Archer.ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁°‧★; ; Report