Raichu ✨

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"forever shitposting"

Tricks/Cyan/Raichu | 29 | he/him | Eastern Canada

Last active:

Mood: doing whatever it takes to get the JoJ

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Raichu ✨'s Interests


writing, drawing, record/tape/cd/collecting, concerts, traveling (for concerts), pokémon, figure/toy/plush collecting, all things yoshi, gardening (esp. tomatoes), video games (esp. rpgs), the old web, shitposting

fav pkmn, in no particular order: raichu (obvs), porygon evo line, horsea evo line, spoink evo line, vaporeon, sceptile, latias, giratina, arceus, lugia, ho-oh
favourite games: pokémon gen 3 & 4 (platinum my beloved), mother/earthbound series, pikmin series, super mario rpg, paper mario, rollercoaster tycoon series
plush i collect: pokémon fit, fumofumo, san-ei all star collection, artist-made plushies


main genres: industrial, prog, shoegaze (esp. japanese shoegaze for some reason), vaporwave/future funk, gabber/happy hardcore/dutch hardstyle. willing to give everything a shot tho.

fav industrial: pig/schwein/raymond watts in general, nine inch nails, rammstein/emigrate (rzk is love rzk is life), kmfdm & its related projects, laibach
fav prog: peter gabriel/genesis, electric light orchestra, styx, rush, supertramp
fav shoegaze: pelican fanclub, the novembers
fav vaporwave/ff/etc: macross 82-99, desired, sparkly night, mikazuki bigwave, desert sand feels warm at night, asutenki, polygon dream, home, groceries, 3d blast
fav gabber/etc: scooter, jebroer, old lapfox trax shit
fav misc: indochine, animal jazz, franz ferdinand, jack white & his 47 projects, falco, kraftwerk, daft punk, afi/blaqk audio, megpoid gumi

i downloaded rammstein's mutter off some sussy slovenian fileshare site when i was 12 and it changed my life. then i bought all their albums at once. the rest is history.
i've seen pig in concert six times & i'll fuckin do it again




patrick senécal
junji ito


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Raichu ✨'s Blurbs

About me:

let me please introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste...

i've always been pretty bad at intros.
you can call me tricks, cyan, or raichu. 29 y/o, he/him pronouns only plz.
i use some form of raichu-related name on all my old web stuff because raichu is the superior electric rat.

i'm just some guy from eastern canada with a green thumb who gets a bit too passionate about tomatoes, i like cooking as much as eating, i'm an old tech, analog, and old web enthusiast (why do you think i'm here?), and i like writing and drawing to pass the time. my sense of humour was entirely formed through shitposting, 2007 youtube poops, and increasingly ridiculous bottom gear memes.

i'm autistic and don't interpret tone of voice/text correctly so plz don't get upset if I ask you to clarify something you said.
i'm also chronically ill which means i might reply late/slow at times because, frankly, the internet is my last priority when i'm sick. if you don't hear from me for a few days, i'm probably just out of commission from a bad crohn's flare-up. don't worry about it too much.

i post mainly in english here & on other old web-type sites for accessibility, but french is my first language, and I'm decent-ish at german and spanish. currently learning japanese + dutch because lol why not?
plz don't be afraid to point out if i'm making english mistakes or ask me to reword myself if you don't understand me. even though i'm mostly fluent i still mess up sometimes.

i have a blog that's an eternal work in progress and i'll post the link here eventually.
my other links: owler.cloud | off---line | pikidiary | hjönk | last.fm | more coming as i remember them lol i do use escargot as well (wlm 8.1 hell yes), but i'm not online terribly often since i turn my laptop on maybe once a week. send me a message if you want to add me there.
my computer time is split between a modern dell piece of trash on win10 and the absolute pinnacle of technology that is my old blindingly neon green sony vaio from 2011 still running win7.

Who I'd like to meet:

i mostly just want to meet people with similar interests to mine, or interesting people in general. i would prefer to have friends that are around my age, even though there seems to be like 5 people as ancient as i am on this site. at the very least, over 18 please.
though i'm fine with surface level interactions with people under 18 (like when i shitpost on owler or whatever), i'd rather you not add me as a friend if you're under 18. you kids deserve your own spaces and i would be wary of approaching adults online if i were you; trust me when i say any adult claiming you're "mature for your age" is unlikely to have your best interests at heart by saying that. i've been where you are and sadly there are a lot of people out there who are looking for kids/teenagers to take advantage of.

i'm willing to talk with just about anyone as long as you're a decent, open-minded person. however, i don't want to interact with anyone who:
- is anti-lgbt;
- thinks my autism is curable or "all in my head" or anything like that;
- does not believe in chronic illness or, similar to the above, thinks my illnesses are all in my head and etc. or if you're just here to suggest me a "cure" that we both know won't work;
- is involved in any of that "true crime community" stuff (we might like the same bands, but we are not the same).
i've dealt with enough shit from people in those types of circles and honestly have no patience for it.

Raichu ✨'s Friends Comments

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Usual Egg

Usual Egg's profile picture

Love the background image. Thanks for the add

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Thanks! The original background for this layout was broken so I changed it for something I liked better. Thanks for adding me back also!

by Raichu ✨; ; Report