
flutterbat's profile picture


26, UK, transfem

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flutterbat's Interests


women ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ
Twitter i quit ๐Ÿ˜Œ
Ballsack Radio rest in peace ๐Ÿ’
the Moon ๐ŸŒ•
things (some of them) :)


Genres: alternative rock, ambient, art pop, art rock, breakcore, death industrial, DIY, drone, electronic, electropop, emo, folk rock, folktronica, glitch hop, glitch pop, hip hop, hyperpop, IDM, indie, indietronica, lo-fi, math rock, noise pop, noise rock, plunderphonics, pop punk, post-hardcore, post-punk, post-rock, power pop, punk, shoegaze, synthpop

Artists: 100 gecs, 13 & God, The Acid, Adam Freeland, Alex G, ALIEN DAYS, All Levels at Once/Hey Dog Dog, American Football, Arctic Monkeys, areographe, attic abasement, awakebutstillinbed, Baths, Biffy Clyro, Big Black, Bill Wurtz, Bjรถrk, Black Dresses, Bladee, Blank Banshee, Bloc Party, Blonde Redhead, Blur, Boards of Canada, Bon Iver, Brave Bird, BROCKHAMPTON, Broken Social Scene, Cap'n Jazz, Caribou, Car Seat Headrest, Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, Cats Millionaire, The Chemical Brothers, The Clash, COMMUTED, The Crash, Crywank, Daft Punk, Death Cab for Cutie, The Decemberists, Deftones, Destroyer, The Diggs, Dream Puzzles, Ecco2k, Elliott Smith, Field Medic, Floral Tattoo, The Fluorescent, Foxing, Further Seems Forever, gammaGIRL, Genuflex, The Gifted Children, Gorillaz, Guided By Voices, Hammock, The Hotelier, Incubus, Indian Summer, Interpol, Jack Stauber, Jeff Rosenstock, Jim O'Rourke, Johnny Marr, Jonathan Coulton, Joy Division, Ken Ashcorp, The Killers, Knifehandchop, La Dispute, Laura Les, Lemon Demon/Neil Cicierega, Lingua Ignota, Maddie Tourmaline/ATW, The Magnetic Fields, Mansions, marumaru/Cherax Destructor, Minus the Bear, Modern Baseball, Modest Mouse, Mogwai, The Mountain Goats, Museum, My Chemical Romance, nanobii/Linus from the Stars, Naomi Alligator, The National, Neutral Milk Hotel, New Sylveon, The Notwist, Oneohtrix Point Never, Oolong, Owl City, Panchiko, Pavement, Pendulum, Phoenix, Pinback, Pinegrove, Pink Floyd, Pixies, The Postal Service, Pulp, Radiohead, The Rakes, Shellac, Shinjuku Mad, Slowdive, The Smiths, SoGreatandPowerful, Sonic Youth, Sparklehorse, The Strokes, Studio Killers, System Of A Down, Talking Heads, Talkshow Boy, They Might Be Giants, TV Girl, Two Headed Girl, Uboa, underscores, Underworld, Uppermost, verydeadly, Vylet Pony, The Weakerthans, Weatherbox, Weatherday, Weezer, White Rose Movement, Wilco, The Wrens


Halo (I like ODST a *lot*), Rez, Outer Wilds, NieR:Automata, Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139..., TLoZ, Shadow of the Colossus, TES (Oblivion, Skyrim), EarthBound, SLARPG/SLHRPG, Undertale, Touhou, Portal, Half-Life, Fallout: New Vegas, System Shock 2, Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005), Minecraft, LSD: Dream Emulator, Splatoon 3, Pokรฉmon, Elite: Dangerous, Light Up (from Simon Tatham's Puzzles, very addictive fidget for the last 4 years, do not recommend ๐Ÿ˜ฅ)

YouTube things

Petscop, ENA, Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware, Let's Drown Out, KeepetClassy, minimme, Rainbow Dash Presents, Mentally Advanced Series, Friendship is Witchcraft, Jenny Nicholson, Auralnauts Star Wars, SnapCube, Ross's Game Dungeon, Freeman's Mind, Red vs. Blue (but it's been so long since I saw it and I remember it being kinda bad by the time I stopped), pannenkoek2012, Spectere, Mista GG, DankPods, ashens, bigclivedotcom, Cathode Ray Dude, f4mi, hbomberguy, Joel Haver

This is really hard to think about and keep up to date, sorry. I did a weird mix of channels and specific series, I should probably clean this up. I just wanted a special unique interests category, ok!



Neon Genesis Evangelion, The Tatami Galaxy, Serial Experiments Lain, Nichijou, Madoka, The Owl House, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (it's not a phase mooomm), My Little Pony: Make Your Mark, The Powerpuff Girls, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Invader Zim, Adventure Time (though it's been a super long time and I don't think I finished it :sss ), King of the Hill, Twin Peaks, Babylon 5 (still watching!), Firefly, Torchwood, Doctor Who (although I've not watched much of Jodie)



Currently slowly reading Consider Phlebas, Giant Days, On The Spiritual In Art, The Transgender Issue and Capital, but who knows what I'll finish. I don't really read because I am short attention span turnip but the most recent thing I finished was Yemen in Crisis by Helen Lackner and it was nothing but suffering but that was probably because I had to write a dissertation


(TV Series 2006โ€“2010)

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flutterbat's Blurbs

About me:

Maple โ€ข 26 โ€ข lesbian โ€ข it/fae/she โ€ข UK
ballsack radio enjoyer
marumaru enjoyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my username is half pony reference, half verydeadly reference :)

Who I'd like to meet:

i don't know, i'm kinda just here to document my interests and tinker with my profile theme occasionally. but feel free to comment or message if you wanna talk about a shared interest or something! ^_^

Some songs I like (not necessarily my favourites but if my profile played music it would probably play one of these teehee):

My recent Last.fm scrobbles:

flutterbat's Friends Comments

Displaying 13 of 13 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


Sprinkle's profile picture

hiiii love your profile :3

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thank you!!! :>>>

by flutterbat; ; Report


kittie's profile picture


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by flutterbat; ; Report


luu's profile picture

cutest profile ever :33

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thank you!! :>

by flutterbat; ; Report


fallenwintersnow's profile picture

I saw your unix.dog page, Iโ€™m the second person under you (I need to update itโ€ฆ) hope your having a good day OwO

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ooo! I need to update mine too, I cheated by linking here heheh. nice to meet you!!

by flutterbat; ; Report

nice to meet ya too!

by fallenwintersnow; ; Report

also tell me when you do an update
Iโ€™d like to see whatโ€™s new

by fallenwintersnow; ; Report


ame's profile picture


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I'm sorry for such a late response, I missed this, but thank you

by flutterbat; ; Report


Belle's profile picture

OMGGG I LUV UR PROFILE!! Flutterbat was my fav version of fluttershy when i was younger, i still think her ep is one of the best from mlp <3

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oooh :>>> i hardly need to say but she's also one of my favs :)

by flutterbat; ; Report


cassidy's profile picture

i just realized you like the saltwater room by owl city. that's one of my fav songs ever

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oooo yes, I love that song a lot! I listened to him when I was young and I remember that being one of my favourites and then I drifted off listening to Owl City somehow and forgot about them, and then started falling in love with them again recently and that song is one of my undying favourites again c: I dunno which is my favourite version, probably Ocean Eyes, but I linked to Maybe I'm Dreaming on my profile because it made me feel cooler lol

screenie of my weird Owl City listening curve (at least the stuff that last.fm recorded, I think I probably listened to them at least a little bit in that big gap - I just didn't have last.fm set up properly for a while)

by flutterbat; ; Report


๐’”๐’–๐’๐’”๐’‰๐’Š๐’Ž๐’”'s profile picture

the redesign looks great! :D

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thank you ! :')

by flutterbat; ; Report

you inspired me too! although all i really did was fix broken stuff and change the colors :')

by ๐’”๐’–๐’๐’”๐’‰๐’Š๐’Ž๐’”; ; Report

you did good, that looks so nice!

by flutterbat; ; Report

เซฎ๊’ฐเพ€เฝฒโธโธ> . <โธโธ๊’ฑเพ€เฝฒแƒ

เซฎ๊’ฐเพ€เฝฒโธโธ> . <โธโธ๊’ฑเพ€เฝฒแƒ's profile picture

thank you for adding me back! i love mlp so much!!!!11!!!!1

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no worries! heck yeah :>

by flutterbat; ; Report


scientist_axolotl's profile picture

you profile is so cooooooll! space themes for the win

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thank you! :))

by flutterbat; ; Report

Hatsune Miku

Hatsune Miku's profile picture

thanks for the add ! drain gaanngg

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np, yeeeee :)

by flutterbat; ; Report


๐’”๐’–๐’๐’”๐’‰๐’Š๐’Ž๐’”'s profile picture

at first i didn't recognize marumaru, but then i'm like... why does 'Cherax Destructor' sound so familiar?? i used to love their mlp music :D (also luv car seat headrest!)

thanks for the add & keep being awesome โ™กโ™กโ™ก

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also i love everything you listed in your TV section up to firefly :D

by ๐’”๐’–๐’๐’”๐’‰๐’Š๐’Ž๐’”; ; Report

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! awesome!! I'm unfortunately stuck in 2014 and I listen to her MLP music a *lot*. but her new music's really good too !! I think you're the first person I've interacted with in the wild who's known them too without any way of predicting (I added you clicking random people either in Browse or in a friend's friends and reading your interests but I guess adding MLP people made this bound to happen!!)! speaking of - I love Portal and I need to add that and Half-Life to my favourite games list (the Favourite/Currently playing split is a bit confusing, I think I'm just gonna make one messy alphabetised list hehe). I also liked Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware heh :)) might resume reading + hyping about your spacehey interests tomorrow but it's 7am here and I've not slept yet. :p

by flutterbat; ; Report

ahhhhhhhhh yes!!! I'd love to talk more (once you're rested) on discord or IM! mlp fan music was an integral part of my life when i was younger and i wouldn't be the same without it tbqh - i really want to go on a deep dive of mlp content from 2014-2016 (without dying of embarassment ;I ) and talk about other shared interests!! hlvrai is another rare one tbh ^^

by ๐’”๐’–๐’๐’”๐’‰๐’Š๐’Ž๐’”; ; Report


Lilja's profile picture

thnx 4 adding me back. amazing music taste btw :D

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no worries, thank you for adding me! I feel like I kinda overdid it with the amount of artists i put down so I'm glad you managed to sift through it heh

by flutterbat; ; Report