
bee's profile picture


21. Illinois, USA. they/them.

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Mood: existing

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bee's Interests


my favorite non music hobbies (very few because music is like, my main thing):

- skateboarding

- food

- movies

- other art forms such as... photography, filmmaking, visual arts, and literature.



my current favorite artist: Machine Girl (machine girl awakens something in me idk)

other current favorites include:

- JPEGMAFIA/Devon Hendryx

- Aphex Twin

- Lil Ugly Mane

- Machine Girl

- Elliott Smith

- feeble little horse

- Alex G!!!!

- Björk

- Otto Benson/Memo Boy

- Boards of Canada

- Windowshopping

- Pretty much all of Norm Corps, Death By Sheep, Dismiss Yourself, and any other niche electronic music internet label

- Arca

... and probably many more but i'll stop there.


my favorite movies:

- Spirited Away/The Cat Returns/anything by Studio Ghibli

- The Royal Tenenbaums/anything by Wes Anderson

- Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind

- Beetlejuice/Edward Scissorhands/anything by Tim Burton

- Requiem For A Dream

- Everything Everywhere All At Once <- this movie made me cry so much (it was cathartic)

...and definitely more just can't name them off the top of my head.

i don't really watch much tv...

i guess moral oral and spongebob are my shit. also love the eric andre show. i guess just a lot of adult swim's stuff is great. fuck them for cancelling moral oral tho what the fuck was up with that!!!!



I have one cat.

Murray: R.I.P. 2/6/24, I miss you so very much Mur.

Louie: 9 years old (52 in human years... does not act his age). LEGALLY INSANE. on prozac bc he has anxiety. kinda a brat but he makes up for it by being a snugglebug.



breakfast: coffee and a muffin

lunch: salami sandwich

dinner: pasta


mystery physical ailments but we balling ^mystery ailment is getting better yay

bee's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

BEFORE U ADD ME! (view more)

new single out. if ya like grungey shoegaze type stuff check it. (view more)

an old poem i wrote (view more)

life kind of really sucks right now. (view more)

new little air wiggles for your ears! hooray! (view more)

bee's Blurbs

About me:

sidenote - page best viewed in browser at 120% zoom

hi i'm bee.

i love music. i also make a LOT of music and run an amateur internet music label.

music submissions are always open!!! hit me up!!!

some things about me :D

-favorite color: tie between green and yellow.

-favorite food: a solid tie between thin crust sausage pizza and sushi of any kind.

-favorite dessert: ice cream (any flavor. i just really love ice cream.) and/or any pastry ever.


- where am i from?: suburbs of chicago, illinois. and when i say suburbs i mean borderline rural. currently still live here. it's so boring.

-if i could live anywhere where would i live?: probably iceland or somewhere in japan.

-what famous person would you want to meet? (dead or alive): OH MY GOD I WOULD HAVE LOVED TO HAVE MET ELLIOTT SMITH. HE SEEMS SO SWEET AND KIND AND AND YEAH.

-what's ur zodiac sign?: my big three is leo sun, leo moon, libra rising :)

anyway, i will put a cool song to auto play on my profile. whatever it is right now is what you are hearing!!! i update it VERY often lol. :D

currently playing: Cliffs by Aphex Twin

Who I'd like to meet:

i'm looking to meet people who love music, people who love to create things, and in general just cool and kind internet people like... the ones probably reading this right now!

also here is a playlist of what i've been listening to recently and also some music i've made as heyy b1tch. :D

bee's Friends Comments

Displaying 8 of 8 comments ( View all | Add Comment )

Perty The Virtual Musician

Perty The Virtual Musicia...'s profile picture

Hiii! 🩷🩵💜

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hi! :)
i checked out your music you had linked on your page, it's pretty (or rather perty) cool! lol.

by bee; ; Report


Jestamang's profile picture


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by bee; ; Report


Wubz̸̧̙̦͕̠̩̳̱͚̠̗̫̀̈́̿̄͌͂̅̾...'s profile picture

You have a cool page!

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thank you!!! :D

by bee; ; Report


weirdhouseplant's profile picture

thx for the add :)

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no problem! ur profile is cool! :)

by bee; ; Report


murkrow's profile picture

ty for accepting!! i listened to a little bit of one of ur remixes and it was so well mixed i went oogh . i gotta ask for band recs sometime :]

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thank u!!!! i appreciate the compliment, it's a remix of a track i made! i'm totally down to give u some music recs, i listen to a lot of music (a lot may or may not be an understatement) so i'm bound to know something you'll like. :D

by bee; ; Report

YIPPEEE once ive gathered all the artists i like into a concrete place i might ask and see if u know similar bands 👀 i also take a look at some of the artists on ur list. music [starts foaming at the mouth]

by murkrow; ; Report


MoonBastard's profile picture

10/10 Aesthetic

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thanks homie. i saw ur profile on the new people section and was like "hey i know you from twitter!!!" lol.

by bee; ; Report

yee saw your tweet and clicked on this, saw that it was MySpace 2.0 and the nostalgia did the rest

by MoonBastard; ; Report

yeah i wasn't old enough to really experience myspace at its peak, but this is a really cool homage to that era of the internet.

plus i hate modern social media, it's all just 6 second content slop now. there's no connection or interaction as the main focus on sites instead it's just generating ad revenue while destroying everyone's attention spans.

i really enjoy being on here so far because the only point is to connect with people, there's no content or corporations. just cool rad people. it's a nice change of pace.

by bee; ; Report


☆Sleepy☆'s profile picture

Your profile is rly cool

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thank u!!! :D

so is your profile, i love the stars!!!

by bee; ; Report

Thank you!! Yeah I love star pattern stuff :"> hftftf also your music is good :D

by ☆Sleepy☆; ; Report

thank you! im glad you like the music, i have a lot of fun making it and it's cool to see when people enjoy it! stars are so cool, they're like my favorite shape. i got my ears pierced in april and i have these really pretty star earrings!

by bee; ; Report

yeah if you want to share more music im down too btw!!! And the earrings sound awesome

by ☆Sleepy☆; ; Report

Wacky Alex

Wacky Alex's profile picture


If you like wacky music, give our channel a try.

We're playing the wackiest mix ever! Check it out!

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yo no problem dude! always cool to meet interesting people on here!

by bee; ; Report