zom! warning for autoplay audio!!

"fixin my profileee"
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Contacting zom! warning for autoplay audio!!
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zom! warning for autoplay audio!!'s Interests
General |
games Bomb Rush Cyberfunk has taken over my fucking life. regular sharks. i have a few more gruesome interests. please note that i am Not a freak do Not talk to me if youre a freak I'll actually tear you to goddamn shreds. dead srs i will destroy you. |
Music |
songs literally anything by iyowa. listen to iyowa pleeease if you liked kyu-kurarin and/or IMAWANOKIWA i promise you will love their other stuff pleaseee im literally begging you IF YOU LIKE VOCALOID AND DISCORDANT SONGS WITH A LOT HAPPENING PLEASEEEE |
Movies |
oh you wanna watch a movie? |
Television |
way of the house husband, trigun: stampede, monogatari (unfinished but im having a lotta fun w it), cardcaptor sakura (watched it as a kid but can't remember it super well?? it still means the world to me), death note, pokemon. |
Books |
coroika. the very rare fanfic. sorry the most i read is video game dialogue and fandom wiki pages.. |
Heroes |
zom! warning for autoplay audio!!'s Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]
i am being tested (view more)
what if there were an egg (view more)
zom! warning for autoplay audio!!'s Blurbs
About me:
!!! WARNING !!!
profile includes flashing lights [BLINKIES, SPARKLY GIFS, ETC] & unreality [FAKE POP-UP GIFS & IMAGES, DREAM-RELATED TEXT & IMAGERY, ETC]. please click away if that is at all distressing/harmful 2 u!!! take care of yrself, kk?
icon is currently red from bomb rush cyberfunk, drawn by notnaruse!! & profile layout is by idioteque :3!!

hiiiiya!!!!! my name's zombie, maybe doc if you want. any pronouns [as well as it/its, ze/zim, it/that, among others] [more names can b found in my pinned blog entry, but it's on friend's only (×﹏×)!! only one way 2 find out ahahaa!!!]!! i'm 19, aroace gay, nd gendervoid [i have a biiig hoard of genders but gendervoid is my main label :3]. i have over 300 ocs, as i am a master thinker.. one day, i'd like to own a motorcycle, and look like a disheveled, divorced middle-aged man who has absolutely given up on life ~~ (*ノ∀`*)
here's why i'm the best tincan you'll ever meet ~~ : i'm real funny. won a medal for being the funniest at a birthday party where i only knew my ex, the birthday girl, and somebody else Very loosely. i'm wrong and weird but i'm also unjustifiably sexy. and nobody can have me. i can never die ~☆ !!
my best friends forevers are etc [my qpp (o´▽`o) oh jeez i must be the luckiest guy in the world, oh jeez, ahahaeheha!! actively beign bitten going ahaha!!ahaa!!hahaa!!], red, and syds!! i will put you in the jermeat grinder if you mess with them. all that's left of you will be your eyeball. alternatively, you will be alien globglo 2, and i will be firing a disintegrating ray at you, as alien globgobglobgo 1. capiche?
↑ this is me and my friends. i'm the small freak with the flimsy lookin scythe ↑

1 thing i'd like 2 do in the future is show the world the blorbos from my mind [the aformentioned 300 ocs from being a master thinker] - they mean a whoooole lot to me & i've always intended to share their stories !!! i'm starting small, though!
also so freaks keep out: i am a furry!!!!! casually. on the side!! sidehustle furry main hustle whatever the fuck else i've got goin on. it's like a fun little surprise! this is a more recent development in my life, but my fursona is like...an opossum/shark creature, though i also want to make a lion fursona :3 transgender animal :33!!
on top of all that, not to overwhelm you with how great i am, i have a dog named ziggy!! she's the cutest little thing of all time and i love her more than anything else in the world ♡♡ she is soso cruel and vindictive, all she knows is eat hot chip and lie (人*´∀`) !! she has every problem and looks like she's going to cry all the time cuz of her big wet dark brown almost black eyes and little eyebrows ~~ and she is my dearest little hellhound!!
↑ this is my dad say fuck you to him ↑
Who I'd like to meet:

hey did you know my qpp draws and you can get a commission from my qpp who draws??????did you know that they're the one who drew the vashwood smonking weed the movie????????????????? did you???????????????????????? now you do. so. um. consider yourself swayed
16+ please!!! if we share interests & you don't mind that i will just drop off the face of the earth for months - feel free to shoot your shot!!

![DON'T LIKE IT?! >>> [X]](https://external-media.spacehey.net/media/sgX3YuH-m9j_nt4C_kZ0AEIzo_5DlUb9kY17O89WTvRA=/https://i.postimg.cc/SKSpjbWB/50d70542.gif)
![REAL LIFE WIZARD [X]](https://external-media.spacehey.net/media/s_TM9jHbcglC_TqAkbfjv0o7LsxUD0aykP9rQLNTCxXI=/https://i.postimg.cc/76b8M1tX/tumblr-dd7fcdb13e048be74253f799890f05cd-aa9a3f15-250.gif)

i am not a fujoshi. btw. it's a jokes.

![love these puters :-]](https://external-media.spacehey.net/media/sVOpunDZAjFzznSMZzP8kceVzb6l_twonnZphxaKz1Dw=/https://64.media.tumblr.com/19bdcc99f170e4356b1b7b3513dcf74e/f59d578c62651fb7-74/s100x200/ca082d0e0c161299ceaa5c59b0babd867a711979.gif)

splatoon stampz

↓ i look like this ↓

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[view all]zom! warning for autoplay audio!! has 35 friends.
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