ElkCX ☘︎

ElkCX ☘︎'s profile picture


// Everett // 19 // He/She/They// French Canadian~ //

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Mood: Le sigh... We cringe on!

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ElkCX ☘︎'s Interests


☘ Animanga ☘ Games, specifically Visual Novels/Otome games and the like ☘ Drawing ☘ Gunpla models ☘ Legos ☘ Collecting old useless CDs, DVDs, old digital stuff in general! ☘ Yaoi/Bl, it's history, and the culture that surrounds it ☘ Fandom behavior/history ☘ The Playstation Vita/PSP ☘ I like clovers and the color green a lot :) ☘

☘ (listed in these sections will mostly be things I interact with fandom-wise, but there's a lot of other media I have knowledge of that I probably won't list. Do ask me if you're wondering if I know something!) ☘


☘ Now playing : Flaming Ice - かとべ ☘ ☘ All over the place... I tend to gravitate towards electronic/jungle/DnB, assorted instrumental stuff, some scattered pop punk and alternative... Sometimes I lean more into country or pop, sometimes I listen to nothing but orchestral for a while, most of the time im just listening to game/anime/movie osts & Vocaloid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's super variable & depends on the day and my mood... I am however a pretty consistent S3RL, Lapfox Trax, Weezer and Green Day fan o7 I honestly consume a disgusting amount of Weezer music. I'd say it's almost impressive! ☘

☘ You can check out my Spotify for a better feel of what I'm listening to at any given time. Mind the embarrassing character playlists, they aren't particularly in character but they're fun to make... ☘


☘ In general, I tend to play lots of visual novels, jrpg's, mobile gacha games and musous. ☘

☘ Amour Sucré ☘ Guilty Gear (Strive, Xrd Rev 2, XX Accent Core Plus) I play Ky mostly + some Axl, Zato, and Robo-Ky in Accent Core ☘ Splatoon 2 & 3 ☘ Tomodachi Life ☘ Sky: Children Of The Light ☘ Yakuza 0 ☘ Genshin Impact ☘ Honkai Star Rail ☘ Tf2 ☘ Hakuouki ☘ Code Realize ☘ Our Life: Beginnings and Always ☘ Sweet Pool ☘ Dramatical Murder ☘ Togainu No Chi (5 routes done)☘ Slow Damage (Playing) ☘ Your Turn to Die ☘ Ace Attorney ☘ .Hack//G.U. (Playing) ☘ Resident Evil 4 (2005, Playing) ☘ Persona 4 Golden (Playing) ☘ Persona 3 Reload (Playing) ☘☘ Xenogears (Playing) ☘ Final Fantasy VII (PS1, Playing) ☘ Fear and Hunger (Playing) ☘ Room No.9 ☘ NO THANK YOU!!! ☘ LKYT. (Playing) ☘ VA-11 Hall-A (Playing) ☘ Song of Saya (Playing) ☘ Raging Loop ☘ Minesweeper lol ☘ Enstars ☘


☘ The Lord Of The Rings trilogy ☘ Your Name ☘ Lupin III: The First ☘ The Lego Movie ☘ Ninjago lol ☘ Gintama ☘ Trigun (1998) ☘ Hellsing ☘ Gundam 00/Mobile Suit Gundam ☘ Blood Blockade Battlefront ☘ Beastars ☘ Dorohedoro ☘ Fullmetal Alchemist (03 + Brotherhood) ☘ Evangelion ☘ Tiger & Bunny ☘ Wotakoi ☘ Jujutsu Kaisen ☘ Full Metal Panic! ☘ Hetalia ☘ ALNST ☘


☘ To Your Eternity ☘ A Silent Voice ☘ Tegami Bachi (ˊᗜˋ*) ☘ Welcome To The Ballroom ☘ Dai Dark ☘ Chainsaw Man ☘ Dorohedoro ☘ Beast Complex ☘ My Hero Academia: Vigilantes ☘ Mushishi (Reading) ☘ Shiori Experience ☘ Watamote ☘ Yotsuba to! ☘ Bakuman ☘ Dead Dead Demons Dedededestruction ☘ Solanin ☘ Nana ☘ Berserk ☘ Mousou Telepathy ☘ Look Back ☘ Clover ☘ Robot Anthology ☘ 7 Billion Needles ☘ Vinland Saga ☘ Percy Jackson series ☘ Tintin series ☘ Les Légendaires ☘ The Sandman (reading) ☘


☘ Evergrowing collection... ☘

button1of2 button4ever button7zip button88x31 button2001 buttonabandonedhope buttonabsoluteftp buttonadobeflash buttonaltavista buttonamazon buttonanime buttonanimeblink buttonanimenation buttonao3 buttonatari2600 buttonbangg buttonbeach buttonbarcode buttonbestenjoyed buttonbestromsites buttonblue buttonbluegirl buttonbroslove buttonburnex buttoncanadian buttoncanadian2 buttoncannow buttoncanweb buttoncdroms buttoncheats buttoncheez buttonclick buttoncloverleafbear buttoncogs buttoncoke buttonDA buttondiablo2 buttondownloadfree buttoneyeview buttonera3 buttonforevranime buttonfreefonts buttonfreesex buttonfreestuff buttongamble buttongay buttongay100 buttongayanime buttongayweb buttongeocities buttongeohomepage buttongimp buttonglobalhd buttongmail buttongreemarble buttongundamwing buttonhappyhardcore buttonhot buttonIA buttonjoindiscord buttonkillapple buttonkawaii buttonlandscape buttonkingdomhearts buttonlapfox buttonlegoland buttonlol buttonmadewithlove buttonmediaplaye buttonmiku buttonmikuaproved buttonminecraft buttonmslive buttonmyspace buttonn64 buttonnintendorks buttonpcgamer buttonpepsi buttonpinkmarble buttonpirate buttonps buttonquebec buttonrainbarcode buttonrainbow buttonscifi buttonseedyourtorrents buttonsegaonline buttonsmile buttonspotify buttonstardew buttonsteam buttonswitch buttonthecreation buttontfnow buttontimetravel buttontopdigital buttontransrightsnow buttontwitter buttontyg buttonvocaloid buttonvolta buttonweezergreen buttonwhitemarble buttonwii buttonwinamplisten buttonwinampskins buttonwindowsmediaplayer buttonwinps2 buttonwinrar buttonwinrar2 buttonworld buttonwww buttonxp buttonyoutube Buttons ^^

blinkiealone blinkieakatsuki blinkiebackhurt blinkiebats blinkiebloglove blinkiecatboy blinkiecomputeradict blinkiecomputerlove blinkiedorito blinkiedrawing blinkiedvdcrazy blinkieebay blinkieerror404 blinkieexplose blinkiefishy blinkiegameover blinkieglitch blinkiehearts blinkiehellsing blinkieidontbite blinkiekawaii blinkielove blinkiemonster blinkienice blinkieplaystation blinkiepsgirl blinkierainbowduck blinkieroflmao blinkiesaygex blinkiesmile blinkiesubwaylove blinkietimefast blinkietransmasc blinkieviolent blinkiewhere blinkiewindowsgolden blinkiecoke blinkieclover Blinkies :3

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ElkCX ☘︎'s Blurbs

About me:

☘ Layout is built off of Spacehey 2.0 Gloss by poppyp!

☘ Hi, my name's Everett! I also sometimes go by Elk on specific platforms ^^ I'm a 18 yr old mixed vietnamese-canadian with wayy too much time on his hands. ☘

☘ In my free time I like to skimp out on homework to play games and mindlessly browse websites. When I'm not doing any of that you can probably catch me drawing my ocs or messing with my PS Vita :3 ☘

☘ Some of my favorite things right now in no particular order : Hetalia (YEESH), visual novels (Particularly Nitro + Chiral and Parade blvns), PSP/PS Vita modding, and my ocs! ☘

☘ I'd love to make friends! Feel free to add me if we share interests or anything rlly!! ^^ I don't have much to do most of the time anyways. I'll try my best to interact with bulletins as much as possible :3 PLSPLSPLS I love comments I like talking to ppl I'd love to read any comments u leave on my bulletins and blog posts too and I try to answer to all :)) ☘

☘ My discord is elkcx! If u evr wanna jus chat on there or play games and stuff I'm usually available (´◡`) I'm a little bit of a dry texter but I try my best... ☘

☘ CHECK MY INTERESTS! If you see something that you dislike feel free to block, I will not take it personally lol. ☘

☘ My Pronouns.Page can be found HERE!!

Who I'd like to meet:

OTHER PS VITA USERS (Add me on psn so I can see your activity status ^^) & FUJOSHIS!!! :3

stampao3 stamp3dsown stampaoba2 stampaoba stampaoba3 stampaoba4 stamparoxace stampass stampchibiaoba stampchibiclear stampclear stampclearaoba stampclouds stampclover stampdmmd stampds stampdvdbounce stampebisu stampensemblestars stampedsworld stampenstars stampfmab stampgigandick stampgotyaoi stampgoogle stamphappyhardcore stampheartheart stampkojaku stamploverobots stamploveyaoi stampmlp stampluckystar stampn3ds stampmoetron stampnekoarc stampnitropluschiral stampnonono stampnya stampplaystation2 stamprei stamprofl stampshake stampthinkdifferent stampsplatoon stamptransglitter stamptroll stampundead stampwatamote stampweezer stampyosuke stampyunarukami stampyunarukami2 stampfish stamphypno stampilovemusic stampkaiman stampkanji stampmax stampneko stampnonanry stampnyan stampobjection stampportal stampshiki stamptoocool stamptoomany stampwinter stampaa stampeddsworld stampenstars stampfeelstampluckyclover stampsurvive stampweezerfan stampbluealbum Stamps!

psppixel emotebunnyfan clovertalkemote comptapemote computersleep crossemote dsiconemote daffodilemote hamptereatemote ringring happycloveremote headcrashemote heartemote kawaiiii bluegreen ipodemote kiwiemote kuromilaughemote studyingkills luckemote musicglitteremote bananadance pinkbookemote ps2iconemote ps3iconemote psiconemote pspgoiconemote torohappy punchselfemote puterheart rainbowemote dslite sheepglitteremote subwayemote swirlblueemote ipodspin swirlgreenemote upsetthinkemote lavalampgreenblue walkmanemote torowave animeangryemote bearideaimage biinternet bellemote bloodcompressemote psvitapixel blooodemote poison blueremote bookflipemote sweetunder catdanceemote catdieemote catfloatemote catglitteremote catnosebleedemote cdemote cdroundemote cloveremote cloverfloatemote cloverglitteremote projectdivaf cloverladybugemote sasunaruglitter cloverluckyemote clovershineemote sweetunder cashwin cloverpatchpixel forever cloverswirl eyelook gaia keitoflash keitowind aquarium ponyguy sprout strawberrybox web winamp windowspass wings 999999 Misc images :)

ElkCX ☘︎'s Friends Comments

Displaying 20 of 25 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


Naturalkiller's profile picture

I will follow you on Instagram!

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oh yay!! I post lotss of stories on there and I'm generally much more active on insta than on spacehey lol. I'll follow u back!

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report


camii★'s profile picture

What good tastes you get, being a fan of trigun + fullmetal alchemist is pure perfection!

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Hehe ty! Protagonists with red coats ftw o7

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report


:3's profile picture

your interests are so cool, we got a lot in common :3 i love seeing other console modders ! my vita is one of the best thing ive every buyed

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Absolutely lovee the Vita... Perfect size to actually carry around unlike some other modern handhelds and cute design... So sad it wasn't more popular in it's heyday since it still holds up pretty well even today

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report


by :3; ; Report


lilim⁶⁴'s profile picture

gunpla and psp/vita is the combo of all time/pos

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Love me some neat handhelds nd cool touys!!!

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report

yeASHa ^_^

yeASHa ^_^'s profile picture


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OFCC!!! U seem super cool >:D

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report


Ermes✩'s profile picture

OH MY GOOOD based nitrochiral enjoyer!!! thx for the add

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U TOO WAHAHAHA!! I gotta find all the N+C fans on here we gotta stick together fr 💪💪Based Noiz pfp >:)

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report


ANAKISS's profile picture

THANKS for accpetingg my frqq!! i havent finished updaing my profile yet but we have many things in commmonn. Love Dorohedoro, Yakuza franchise and final fantasy!!

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Ofcc!! I haven't gotten many new friend reqs recently so I was really happy there was someone new lol :)
ELITE TASTEE!!! It gets superr hard to find any Dorohedoro fans around so I always love bumping into u guys in the wild
Absolutely loved Yakuza 0, I have a few of the other games in the series in my backlog so once I find time I can't wait to get to them hehe. Specifically Ishin since I have a passive interest in bakumatsu era japan/most things Shinsengumi and Sakamoto Ryoma... Exciting...
I've been super loving FF7, especially its visuals, I think all the prerendered stuff and the cutscenes are dated in a way that makes them extremely charming and I'm having lots of fun admiring such a historically important game. Glad to find another fan! ^^ If I ever get the motivation again I'd love to start playing FF14 again...

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report


lostmedia's profile picture

ROBO KY...YOUR PROFILE IS SO CUTENESS 💚 thank you for the add!!!!

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TYY!! Live laugh love Robo Ky... I love your profile too, v relaxing ^^

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report


angelmilk.com's profile picture


ur ocs r cool, you play sky, ur talkative.. BRO UR SO AWESOME ALREADY AND I LOVE UR PROFILE SUPER COZY!!

I love people who have very detailed profiles and interests makes it SO MUCH more fun to read :33

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AWAWA THATS SO SWEET :DD I LOVE HEARING THAT PPL LIKE MY OCS ITS SO FLATTERING <3 I haven't been playing sky much recently but I miss the people I met on there so bad! I used to be super into it and log on every day nd regularly did eden runs,,, Lmk if u ever wanna be friends on there ^^ I'd love to get back in the swing of things eventually, especially once the pc version comes out. I love writing out all my interests!!! It's so fun to find new people through them and I love reading out other's too so I write as much as possible >:)

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report

Unfortunately j can't log into my account on my old phone (something about my account not linking idk???) and I can't play on my old phone bcz there's not enough storage... but then again idm doing a rerun! Luckily there's not much to lose except clothes I guess :]

I miss SKY sm dude genuinely the healthiest fandom to exist like ever EVERYONE I MET WAS SO SWEET ITS INSANEE!! That's why I consider u a green flag bcz I never met a mean sky player like evrr...

by angelmilk.com; ; Report

Oh man that's such a shame :(( I hate losing account data like that it can be rlly discouraging :/
THE FANDOM IS SO SWEET!! I used to be a part of a sky discord server and we'd frequently go on taxi ride eden runs and stuff, everyone was so kind and was always ready to lend a helping hand. Unfortunately the server dissolved after some time but I still think about it! Rarely meet people as kind as that.

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report


transfempaulwall2005's profile picture

this layout clean as hell i fw it

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Thanks o7 Glad you like it!

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report


naya˚ʚ♡ɞ˚'s profile picture

thanks for the add!! super cool layout :P

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Tyy!! :D

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report

Yaoi Jesus

Yaoi Jesus's profile picture

i lauv your profile we should play some gg sometime!!!!!

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True!! IM me on here or on disc if u evr feel like playing gg!! I love your profile too yaoi jesus 🙏🙏

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report


cryptor 's profile picture

no way layout twins

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holy shit matchies!!!

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report

i will definitely have to add you on discord for some guilty gear you seem cool

by cryptor; ; Report

I WOULD LOVE THAT the only ppl i have to play gg with are my irls and randoms atm

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report

youre lucky to even have irls to play it with wtf where i am barely anyone knows about it

by cryptor; ; Report


Magmx_90's profile picture

ty for the add!! your profile is AWESOME :DD!

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TYYY i love yous too! The newgrounds theming is SICK!!

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report


amber's profile picture

i LOVE your profile. the music makes me super nostalgic.

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TYSM!! It's the music that plays in the PS Vita's store page! It's such a nice and clear little song, I love it a lot :) Glad to hear u like it too!!

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report


ALEX's profile picture

SUCH a cute account I love your layout, the colors, graphics, and music!! It all ties in so well...makes me think of the warm embrace of a console homescreen!!!

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TYSM!! ^^ I'm glad it gives off that feeling haha, handhelds are such a comfy piece of hardware.

I absolutely adore your profile and neocities page btw, you just have such an awesome visual language going on overall :)

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report


Starx's profile picture


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by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report

Wacky Alex

Wacky Alex's profile picture


If you like wacky music, give our channel a try.


We're playing the wackiest mix ever! Check it out!

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by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report

Wacky ain't easy buddy! What you here today is result of over two years of research!

by Wacky Alex; ; Report

sarah ♡

sarah ♡'s profile picture

thanks for the add!

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by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report

☆:cocacolalight !!

☆:cocacolalight !!'s profile picture

UR PROFILE IS SO COOL AND I LIKE UR VIBE! u seem so interesting ★!

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TY!!! it's v flattering to hear u think I'm cool haha (*ノ∀`*)

Ur rlly cool too! It's always cool to see a Super Sonico fan around, nd you have great taste in movies ^^

by ElkCX ☘︎; ; Report

TY!! hehe I don't have the best style, but thanks! It's cute to get this kind of feedback from someone with great tast. Btw you're still cooler than me ⊂⁠(⁠´⁠・⁠◡⁠・⁠⊂⁠ ⁠)⁠∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°

by ☆:cocacolalight !!; ; Report