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Colorado USA

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Mood: Busy busy busy

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Galen's Interests


I like creating: Music, art, furniture.... I like DIY projects ranging from remodeling to 3D printing and prototyping random gadgets. I enjoy hiking/camping and being in the mountains, or exploring new places. I want to travel more (when I can get time to). By 2025 I hope to have traveled to several new countries, written at least 1 new album, painted a few canvases, and perhaps gained some more skills in a new language. We shall see... :D


Yes please. I like *almost* everything... Metal, classical, pop, country, modern rock, classic rock, blues, grunge... even a little punk, OG gangsta rap, folk.... just lots.


Not a huge fan of low budget/B-movies, but there have been a few that I enjoyed. Generally I like anything well written/performed. I don't want the CG to get in the way of the plot, unless going in I KNOW it's gonna be terrible-good (like pretty much all Michael Bay films). I like engaging action, edge-of-the-seat thrillers, rom-coms, well-written dramas and historical fiction. Sci-fi/Fantasy (provided it generally fits the guidelines above) and animated movies (as long as they can still appeal to an adult audience somehow). In horror, I prefer cerebral or creepy over gore-fests. Foreign films need to be really good/clever for me to sit through the subtitles -- but I like those too.


More or less the same rules as movies.


I'm a fan of nonfiction, primarily fantasy... but if it's too over-the-top cheesy I can't get into the story. I try to avoid things that try too hard to fall into cookie-cutter themes, and look for gems that stand out for being unique. If I find an author I like, I'll generally stay loyal to them for a good amount of time.


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Galen's Blurbs

About me:

I'm an engineering student with a billion hobbies and absolutely no time (until Christmas).

Who I'd like to meet:

Cool people who share my interests and can get through life without drama. Eeyyyy!

Galen's Friends Comments

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Hooptie J

Hooptie J's profile picture

I blame you for this.

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by Galen; ; Report