ᚨᚱᛏᛖᛗᛁᚢᛊ (pussymistrɘss / Byzantinɘ mastɘr)

ᚨᚱᛏᛖᛗᛁᚢᛊ (pussymistrɘss /...'s profile picture


ɪ ᴀᴍ ᴛʜɘ ᴍᴀɪɴ ᴀᴛᴛʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ, ᴍʏ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ ᴍᴜꜱᴛ ʙɘ ᴛᴏʟᴅ (🇬🇷, 14)

Mood: ʜᴏᴍɪᴄɪᴅᴀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴄᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪꜱᴛɪᴄ ᴛɘɴᴅɘɴᴄɪɘꜱ

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ᚨᚱᛏᛖᛗᛁᚢᛊ (pussymistrɘss / Byzantinɘ mastɘr)'s Interests


Mobilɘ usɘrs DNI, my profilɘ looks horriblɘ on mobilɘ
My main intɘrɘsts consist of music and... That's about it. I'm into a wholɘ load of stuff I am into but nothing in particular stands out ɘnough to call it an intɘrɘst. I ɘnjoy lɘarning about various topics and things such as Orthodoxy, WWII/third rɘich history (not a nazi), knivɘs, guns, the Byzantinɘ ɘmpirɘ, vidɘo gamɘ lorɘ, trvɘ kult bands, blah blah blah. I also happɘn to bɘ an artist, sort of. That may bɘ a bit of an ovɘrstatɘmɘnt. Art block's a bἰtch, thɘrɘforɘ I havɘ bɘɘn unablɘ to crɘatɘ as of now. I am vɘry kɘɘn on topics such as cannibalism, dɘath, philosophy, psychology, ɘt cɘtɘra. Thɘ morbid appɘals to mɘ, but I promisɘ I am not an ɘdgɘlord! As for gamɘs and mɘdia in gɘnɘral, I likɘ JtHM (obviously), FNaF, BATIM/BATDR, Creepypastas, Thɘ Coffin Of Andy And LɘyLɘy, analog horror, thɘ backrooms, Thɘ Undɘrworld Officɘ and so on. I am an avid ɘnjoyer of all things crɘɘpy and comfy, rain and storms, writing fiction, icɘburg videos, documɘntaries on naturɘ, truɘ crimɘ occasionally and quɘstioning thɘ bounds of rɘality. I absoloutɘly adorɘ anything vampirɘ rɘlatɘd and I'vɘ ɘvɘn crɘatɘd my vɘry own kind of vampirɘ! My favouritɘ youtubɘrs arɘ: Pastra, Thɘ Librarian and Phisnom. Also, please yap to me about DMC, I wanna start getting into it. And that's about it.


I mainly listɘn to doom, black mɘtal and Grɘɘk Orthodox psalms, but I can also apprɘciatɘ somɘ good old classic mɘtal and rock bands. Occasionally, I may listɘn to Grɘɘk folk songs; gotta lovɘ rɘbɘtiko. Grɘɘk hiphop, rap and trap arɘ my guilty plɘasurɘs...

Somɘ bands I ɘnjoy

Candlɘmass, Pɘntagram, Vɘnom, Burzum, Black Magick SS, Pɘnancɘ, Paul Chain, Witchfindɘr Gɘnɘral, Rɘvɘrɘnd Bizarrɘ, Mayhɘm, Dɘcalius, Happy Days, Darkthronɘ, Bathory, Doomsword, Black Sabbath, Lord Wɘird Slough Fɘg, Gatɘkɘɘpɘr, Pɘstɘ Noirɘ, Warlord, Dawn Of Wintɘr, I, Dɘath, Cannibal Corpsɘ, Sun Of Nothing, Carcass, My Skin Is Multicam, Shabatu Prod, M8L8TH, Ǝdɘlwɘiss, Psychonaut 4, Anciɘnt North, Immortal, Sistɘrs Of Mɘrcy, Kanonɘnfiɘbɘr, Dystopiarch, Swarmɘd, PowɘrWolf, Rhapsody Of Firɘ, DragonForcɘ, Alɘstorm, Tɘrror X Crɘw, Jokɘr/Two-Facɘ, Dɘad Kɘnnɘdys, Thɘ Galaxy Has Ǝyɘs and so many morɘ... Gɘorgɘ Dalaras on top!!!

•Favouritɘ song(s) :
Ǝvɘrything by My Skin Is Multicam


Zɘro Day, Housɘ of 1000 corpsɘs, Coralinɘ, Thɘ nightmarɘ bɘforɘ Christmas, Ǝdward Scissorhands, Thɘ Housɘ, Fright Night, RADAR, Possibly In Michigan, Thɘ Boy In thɘ Stripɘd Pyjamas, Nosfɘratu: Phantom Dɘr Nacht, Thɘ Pink Cat, old grɘɘk moviɘs in gɘnɘral (mainly from thɘ 80s), Monstɘr Housɘ, Invadɘr Zim: Ǝntɘr thɘ Florpus, Fnaf moviɘ, Mutan Mayhɘm and somɘ othɘrs, probably. I'm not rɘally a moviɘ guy...


Night Has Comɘ, Bunnicula, Gravity Falls, Invadɘr Zim, Don't Hug Mɘ I'm Scarɘd, Monstɘr High, Ducktalɘs(2017), Anothɘr, Attack on Titan, School livɘ!, Hazbin Hotɘl, Hɘlluva Boss, Murdɘr Dronɘs, T.H.I.S., Toilɘt Bound Hanako Kun, The Promisɘd Nɘvɘrland, To Your Ǝtɘrnity, WataMotɘ, Costantinɘ's and Hɘlɘn's, Drɘams Of An Insomniac, Count Duckula and Artiswitch. Also Blood and Skinny Hɘdgɘhog oncɘ it comɘs out - rathɘr ɘxcitɘd for that onɘ.


Johnny thɘ Homicidal Maniac, Coralinɘ, Bunnicula, Junji Ito books and Suicidɘ Boy. Do visual novɘls count..?


Whoɘvɘr invɘntɘd sour chɘrry juicɘ Also this dudɘ ---->


If shɘ lɘavɘs you for anothɘr, thɘrɘ's always hɘr grandfathɘr - My friɘnd's brothɘr
Wɘ will bɘcome from two villagɘs villagɘrs - My friɘnd's mothɘr


ᚨᚱᛏᛖᛗᛁᚢᛊ (pussymistrɘss / Byzantinɘ mastɘr)'s Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

My Fan Blinkies (view more)

Survey thing cus I'm bored (view more)

Stamps (view more)

The Underworld Office & Charlie In The Underworld Office (view more)

Layout for Foxy88 (view more)

ᚨᚱᛏᛖᛗᛁᚢᛊ (pussymistrɘss / Byzantinɘ mastɘr)'s Blurbs

About me:

Profilɘ's always a WIP!!! My namɘ's Atrɘmius - or Castɘr, I usɘ ɘithɘr - and I go by it/its cuz fuck pronouns, but gɘnɘrally don't givɘ a fuck if you wanna usɘ anything ɘlsɘ. I am a minor (14) who doɘs not particularly carɘ for labɘls, I dɘɘm thɘm to bɘ limiting and quitɘ unnɘcɘssary. Joinɘd on thɘ 13th of Sɘptɘmbɘr, 2023. Can bɘ prɘtty awkward with nɘw pɘople, so apologiɘs in advancɘ if I don't rɘspond to IMs or rɘply latɘ as fuck, anxiɘty's a bἰtch. Plɘasɘ don't takɘ it pɘrsonally.

Just your avɘragɘ Grɘɘk patriot and BM ɘnjoyɘr. Lots of things intɘrɘst mɘ but I usually rɘfrain from talking about thɘm. I pair bɘst with thɘ kind of pɘoplɘ who won't shut up about thɘir own intɘrɘsts and just want somɘbody to listɘn. If wɘ'vɘ intɘractɘd ɘnough, fɘɘl frɘɘ to yap about quitɘ litɘrally anything, I'll most dɘfinitɘly lovɘ to hɘar your thoughts on any subjɘct undɘr thɘ sun. Just bɘ warnɘd, I may sɘɘm a littlɘ dry; I likɘ using corrɘct punctuation, plus I do bɘst with vɘrbal communication.

I havɘ absolutɘly no issuɘ in unadding pɘoplɘ and block frɘɘly, and I usually kɘɘp my friɘnd's list short, only kɘɘping thɘ pɘoplɘ who arɘ actually at lɘast somɘwhat activɘ, so don't bɘ surprisɘd if I unadd you; it's most likɘly for that rɘason. Also, if you post a million bullɘtins a day which arɘ barɘly sɘntɘncɘs, I might block you. I don't want to havɘ spammɘrs nor in-activɘ pɘoplɘ addɘd. If I am thɘ onɘ that has sɘnt you a friɘnd rɘquɘst, which I almost nɘvɘr do, you'rɘ dɘfinitɘly cool in my ɘyɘs. I am not likɘly to friɘnd you if your profilɘ is too ɘmpty or fully packɘd and givɘs mɘ a hɘadachɘ.

I am prɘtty activɘ on hɘrɘ, but I mainly stalk othɘr pɘoplɘ's bullɘtins and might post somɘthing ɘvɘry othɘr day. I do swɘar a lot and oftɘn makɘ fathɘrlɘss jokɘs (solɘly aimɘd at mysɘlf of coursɘ). I havɘ no issuɘ toning it down or not doing it at all if it makɘs you uncomfortablɘ, but just a quick hɘads up if you'd likɘ to bɘfriɘnd mɘ. Plɘasɘ ɘxcusɘ any solɘcisms in my writing as Ǝnglish is not my nativɘ languɘgɘ. Hopɘ wɘ can gɘt along wɘll! Layout was made by mɘ.
What Flavour Are You? I taste of Death.I tastɘ of Dɘath.

Doɘsn't ɘvɘryonɘ want a tastɘ of dɘath? Wɘll thɘy should. Most pɘoplɘ dɘsɘrvɘ dɘath. Kɘɘp away from mɘ unlɘss you think you'rɘ bɘttɘr than that. I probably won't likɘ you. What Flavour Arɘ You?
What Sort of Hat Arɘ You? I am a Bowlɘr Hat.I am a Bowlɘr Hat.

I'm vɘry propɘr, oftɘn politically corrɘct, prɘcisɘ and dappɘr. I gɘnrally look down on thɘ massɘs, but I usually try not to lɘt it show. What Sort of Hat Arɘ You?


Who I'd like to meet:

Brandon Rogɘrs, Kyra Waglɘr, Zachary Gingac and my fathɘr :') Jokɘs asidɘ, anybody who has similar intrɘsts as mɘ and is willing to suffɘr through my bullshit. As prɘviously mɘntionɘd, I don't likɘ to talk about mysɘlf all too much, but somɘ of my opinions arɘ surɘ to raisɘ somɘ ɘyɘbrows apparɘntly. If you'rɘ too sɘnsitivɘ for that, gɘt the fuck out of my pagɘ, it wasn't madɘ to appɘal to you. I most dɘfinɘtly won't tɘxt first, so IM mɘ first if you wanna talk (I apologisɘ in advancɘ if I don't rɘspond aftɘr a littlɘ whilɘ or don't tɘxt you back, i don't know what thɘ fuck is wrong with mɘ.)


ᚨᚱᛏᛖᛗᛁᚢᛊ (pussymistrɘss / Byzantinɘ mastɘr)'s Friends Comments

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Https._.Jeffrey's profile picture


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THXXXX!!!! Took me pretty long to get it right without knowing any of CSS XD

by ᚨᚱᛏᛖᛗᛁᚢᛊ (pussymistrɘss / Byzantinɘ mastɘr); ; Report

Valerian (dickmaster)

Valerian (dickmaster)'s profile picture

Why do you have cannibalistic tendencies.. that's lowkey problematic... :///

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Shut upp, fucking pink haired furry liberal!!! >:c I'm just livin' my life, don't judge!!

by ᚨᚱᛏᛖᛗᛁᚢᛊ (pussymistrɘss / Byzantinɘ mastɘr); ; Report


Https._.Jeffrey's profile picture


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by ᚨᚱᛏᛖᛗᛁᚢᛊ (pussymistrɘss / Byzantinɘ mastɘr); ; Report