
Go2sleep's profile picture

"Listening 2 music"


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Mood: Comfy :3

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Go2sleep's Interests


My intrests r the walking dead game, old Internet things (like salad fingers, creepypasta etc..), horror movies and true crime!!! My fav characters are arvo and ben from twdg and mclovin from superbad loll(don't hate me 4 liking arvo๐Ÿ˜“)


I listen to quite a few genres but some bands/artists I listen to are: cannibal corpse, Acid witch, 1782, curta'n wall, KMFDM, scissorhash, Type O negative !!! I mainly listen to nightcore and fast songs but I don't rly listen to any specific artist for that, just listen 2 what sounds good!


Poughkeepsie tapes, the texas chainsaw massacre (only 1974 and 1986 vers), kill bill, the hills have eyes (og and reboot, not the sequels tho), wrong turn (1,2 n 4) no country for old men, submarine, SUPERBAD!!!! and probably more but, yet again, can't remember atm


The end of the fucking world, family guy, salad fingers (does that count as tv?!?!?!), the office (us) And various Internet series :P


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Go2sleep's Blurbs

About me:

Hallo!!!! Im mia and I luvvv the walking dead game and laying in bed all day, also #1 arvo defender 4 life ๐Ÿ™ <|:3

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Who I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet ppl w similar intrests 2 me and who r awesomeauce ;P

Go2sleep's Friends Comments

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๊šƒ๐“ชเฎŸ's profile picture

Heyyy thanks for accepting my friend requestt, your profile is really dope and you have cool ass interests

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AAA! thank you so much! I really appreciate it :33

by Go2sleep; ; Report