
yayoi22's profile picture


20s F

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Mood: existential

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yayoi22's Interests



tech, art, social VR, philosophy, trans medicine, writing and consuming music, underground internet culture..


  • experimental
    • bye2
    • ryoji ikeda
    • wendy carlos
    • ryan fennis
  • e-core (internet core)
    • yameii online
    • floomie
    • yeule
  • j-rock/pop
    • ling tosite sigure
    • mass of the fermenting dregs
    • posion girl friend
    • bôa
    • monoral
  • alt-/post-
    • killing joke
    • god speed you! black emperor
    • sigur rós
    • bauhaus
    • siouxsie and the banshees
    • joy division
  • 80s
    • david sylvian, japan
    • mick karn, dalis car
    • sinéad o'connor
  • breakcore/dnb/jungle
    • tokyopill
    • sewerslvt
    • pisca
    • dj kuroneko
  • shoegaze
    • panchiko
    • slowdive
    • duster
    • slint
    • mbv


  • gits
  • rubber’s lover
  • 海がきこえる
  • pulse
  • Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence
  • eat drink man woman
  • リング
please send me weird japanese films!
  • Movie blinkies
  • Movie blinkies


  • se:l
  • gits:sac
  • エルゴプラクシ
  • psycho-pass
  • samurai champloo
  • フリクリ
  • 古見さんは、コミュ症です
  • cyberpunk:edgerunners
ghost in the shell vhs
  • ouran highschool host club
  • daria


  • we - yevgeny zamyatin
  • ringworld - larry niven
  • generation x - douglas coupland


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yayoi22's Blurbs

About me:

0xd34db33f: "take me to the bridge at night..."

Free Palestine! Free Palestine! Free Palestine! Free Palestine! Free Palestine!
Tech blinkies
lain. in love pantone i love rain speaker your device has been infected! tokyo godfathers daria fire
bandwidth conservation society google chrome is evil i wear cute socks internet privacy now insanity sinewave sad party queen trans rights now

♫ bgm : pisca - huozhe (to live) ♫
> oh, and don't forget to feed bit!! >

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!

Who I'd like to meet:

entities with common interests, or whom exist in social VR (vrchat, neos, chilloutvr)

🔞 no minors, sorry

🤮 terfs, jeffree star/shane dawson fans, jk rowling apologists

yayoi22's Friends Comments

Displaying 17 of 17 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


iason's profile picture

what does yayoi22 mean anyway?

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iason's profile picture

watched "the lobster" (2015) last night. there were rabbits... thought of how you are a hare. there was dirt and moss, too. the rabbits didn't have too much a relationship with the dirt and moss, but some people did. i hope the stress and the such are lessening of late.

do you have a telescope? i have something for you!

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ohhhh the lobster-- I crashed a university film night to watch that a few years ago. at the time it was great, thinking back on it now I feel like it was a bit too art-wanky (even for me). how'd you gauge it on the wanky-o-meter?

A TELESCOPE!?!? i don't have one, do you have one?? for me?? /'o'\ i could locate such fertile, mossy, dirty, earth with such a device. yum!

I LOVE THIS WEBSITE. never let me leave this sanctuary again.

by yayoi22; ; Report

the wanky-meter was through the roof! the dialogue style alone was insane. but that's what a24 films are for, i guess.

well, i don't quite have one for you, but i will soon have instructions on how to make your own automatic telescope! for my class we have to make one and we've been working on it all semester.... it's due in a few days and it..... isn't near done. uh-oh. anyway, we're trudging still.

but, there is currently a tool i have created that can help you locate (a lot of) stars and all our local planets and their major moons. so, not quite useful for moss and dirt looking, lest you want to see martian dirt or something, and don't know how to find mars.

i don't think i can do that, yayoi. it would be counter to my affirmation i sent in the IM's haha. but, i hope you hang out here more pal.

by iason; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

What are your thoughts on the state / future of VR? What do you want to happen with vr software and hardware? Do you think it will become mainstream ever? Do you want it to become mainstream ever? Do you care?

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Ughhh so.

Social VR is really the 'thing' that makes VR revolutionary imo. The main platform being VRChat, both by the amount of community-generated content and player user count. In 2022 it had absolutely great vibes. Chuck a headset on and be physically present with people from around the world. It was easy to find and interact with really amazing people in public lobbies!

Fast-forward to late 2023 (last time I really logged in - moved house but plan to login again soon!), I'd say VRChat became mainstream; it's flooded with literal twelve year-olds, hackers and crashers (exploit bugs to crash out other users). A few things contributed to this. VRChat created a mobile client, allowing users to join from their phones, removing the hardware barrier to entry. I hate this - you honestly can't really experience the depth of VRC without having VR - it's literally in the name. There have also been a few more xmases and the launch of a few more low-end headsets. Basically, VRC became another Roblox

All the good content has moved to private instances, which makes it a bit more difficult to form natural connections. You have to know what's on, or organise a hang-out, lest your ears get screamed in by iPad-baby children in public lobbies. It makes me think about some of your comments (I think on Ikoe's profile? 0.0) on how you detest DMs and prefer to communicate using profile comments.

as for what might be coming next, give this a read. they publish some interesting works!

I think I just raised more questions than answers (lol) but hoping the state of it gets better! Maybe we'll get a more decentralized network of separate platforms, which could potentially foster a more engaging environment. Who knows.

by yayoi22; ; Report


Yeah I understand how that would be a discouraging direction for a platform to go. Do you think there's anywhere left to go, or is the normie-ification of social vr inevitable?

Honestly I got the answers I wanted out of your response.

by Fawkes; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

Greetings and Good tidings.

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oh-hai-yaw gohz-aye-muss

by yayoi22; ; Report


iason's profile picture

behind my keyboard lies a mole rat, a fella who hunches and munches as he types, and is very blind so half the things he types he cannot proofread. are you a mole rat? or would you describe yourself elseways?

what animal are you?

what's your relationship with dirt?

what feeling is in your mind the most these days?

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don't let the mole rat tell all your secrets! hm i'd probably describe myself as more of a hare - full of often-aimless but intense life! parts of me are moss, too. they have exciting lives.

dirt- ? honestly, put it in my mouth. i'm one with the earth

S T R E S S and general self-dread/dysphoria. but gotta keep up that phoney mask of smiles if i'm to survive under capitalism!!! XD

anyway what's the next batch of ear-juice taste like? any new music brewing on the best website in the world™️ jbissias.xyz?

by yayoi22; ; Report

the mole rat's name is remy; need i say more.

a hare that wishes to be one with the earth, are your homes in the ground the deepest in the kingdom?

an altogether fitting set of feelings in our ever-increasing dystopian life. i wish you the best of luck with conquering the undesirable emotions.

as per music, i am writing slowly slowly. i no longer have work (yippee) so i finally have a lot more time again. the only troubling part is how aimless my music taste has become. i listen to the radio a lot these days, as opposed to my own curated artists and playlists, so i am bombarded with everything in my head and therefore it is hard to make something sound cohesive and, well, good. though, i am getting to it, i feel. i think i am beginning to see what the next full project may sound like.

by iason; ; Report

lol hi remy! i hope remy cooks you some nice meals

certainly they must be- quite the darkest and dankest of residences, i will admit.

i'm sure your next release will help me process some of those thoughts. i always find your music very contemplative. it's good to write slowly-- fuck the societal pressures of "AlWaYs PrOdUcInG", being a "PrOdUcTiVe CiTiZen", or the "gRinDSet" mentallity-! whatever you've got going on creatively, it always seems to produce something i'd class as at least good, so don't stress it too much. to quote tame impala, "let it happen"

wishing you luck on resolving your next sounds, in time ^^

by yayoi22; ; Report

i hope he is able to cook κριθαράκι κοκκινιστό tuesday evening, it's a high-stakes moment.

congratulations, glad to hear you have the best home!

thank you for the kind words; it certainly isn't societal pressure that's causing me to be disappointed. rather, it's just that i want to make things to hear, but i am falling short on my ambitions. that's the end goal of it all, for me. i make music i want to hear. whether it is a sound or a message that i cannot quite find in the world, i then go ahead and make it myself as best i can to the sounds in my head. the issue with now is that i am in such a diverse headspace that i want to make all sorts of sounds and all sorts of messages, but they don't all mix together well because they just don't blend well, they don't flow well. but, still, it's going slowly and i am getting to something soon, i feel. i appreciate your listening of my stuff and i hope the next one lives up to your idealization of my music, to some degree.

by iason; ; Report


Ikoe's profile picture

at the time of writing this, bit is officially in the top 420 of all tamanotchis, click-wise. how we feelin' about this completely pointless stat? also, how's life been on your end as of late?

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surprisingly, elated! and bit hatched recently as well! ^^ such a proud mum!

ehh, hectic as usual. partner and i are moving to a remote wilderness area. going to be great to have more time to live a bit more slowly and watch more takeshi films :3 hope u've been well!

by yayoi22; ; Report


iason's profile picture

which is your browser of choice?

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currently safari! if i really need a chromium based browser, i go for ungoogled chromium tho.

by yayoi22; ; Report

very interesting; what mac do you use?

by iason; ; Report

well, i just do not trust google! not that i trust apple either, but the less companies involved, the better. also google has been killing web privacy on chromium-based browsers. currently running cheapest macbook pro 2021 (provided by work) - what's your browser loadout look like?

by yayoi22; ; Report

firefox using the kagi search engine with sidebery for my tabs (i have modded the script of firefox to hide the tab bar at the top of the window). i also use a container extension that isolates all meta-related tabs (insta, facebook, etc.) and ublock origin of course.

by iason; ; Report


iason's profile picture

yayoi22 is real as can be.

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iason's profile picture

what is your favourite website in the whole wide world wide web?

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hmhmhmhmhmmh probably wayback machine web.archive.org -definitely not my bank website
and what's your favouritest favourite site in the whole wide world!??

by yayoi22; ; Report

oh and also tamanotchi.world uwu

by yayoi22; ; Report

good useful and necessary sites (tamanotchi included in that) +1

jbissias.xyz of course. big fan of what's going on there.

by iason; ; Report


DJINN's profile picture

insane musik Taste!!

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hehe thank-u! you're spooky 0.0

by yayoi22; ; Report

Al ✦⋆°

Al ✦⋆°'s profile picture

Thank you for adding me back! omg I love your profile aesthetic so much and your music taste is immaculateee <3 *chefs kiss*

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gahhhhh I LOVE the little hearts on your page!!! thanks for adding!!

by yayoi22; ; Report

Princess Paris ♡

Princess Paris ♡'s profile picture

I'm totally obsessed with your page!! Love your profile pic too <3

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Necroholik's profile picture

oi, thanks for the add!

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coolhotdog's profile picture

ur profile is bad ass!!

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thx! in love with the ghibli soot on your profile (っ•ω•)っ

by yayoi22; ; Report

thank yew : > i wish they were real

by coolhotdog; ; Report


Whyborne:3's profile picture

Shoutout yayoi22

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shoutout yourself! xD thx for enrolling me in the Yabujin gang ✌️

by yayoi22; ; Report


by Whyborne:3; ; Report


✨Lo✨'s profile picture

Your taste is immaculate. What's your fav Yameii Online song?

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Honestly, Neon Dreams, but anything from the Cyberspace album is a grade A+ listening experience!! and your taste too, 完璧です!

by yayoi22; ; Report


Ikoe's profile picture

struggling to recall the last time i came across someone who also liked or even enjoyed Ikeda's body of work, which is prooobably as high a compliment as i can muster. fantastic taste. ^^ have you gone through ultratronics yet (and if so, how do you rate it against his previous albums)?

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hiiiiiiiiii haha thanks, your taste too, I mean, Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence?? haven't met anyone else who even knows that film. i prefer Ikeda's 0° album to ultratronics, I think because it feels a bit less "polished" - not that that's a bad thing. I definitely need to listen to his other albums too. btw you're very welcome for the page flip CSS ;) thx for the add!

by yayoi22; ; Report

cheers - and lest i keep forgetting, thank ya very kindly for the ultra-clean ltr/rtl implementation. the one i had previously felt like a disgrace to webdev (=_=; )
i hold MCML in extremely high regard, both for its damn-near perfect direction and for the fact that it ended up introducing me to Takeshi's cinematography. no amount of gratitude'll be enough for the latter, really. :p
regarding Ikeda, i feel that - though i've always been more partial to the progression and vibe of Headphonics / +/-. still, i think ultratronics is really neat by virtue of being his most bombastic album; saw a review saying it's probably the most fun he's ever had making a record (especially on 07), and i'm inclined to agree!

by Ikoe; ; Report

no worries at all;; glad all these years of coding brain-damage was useful to someone =.=
MCML is a truly incredible film. honestly can't believe people rag on the acting - yes, its unconventional, but how else to get those complex emotions across? if you have any reccs for my next Takeshi movie, i'm all ears ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
i gotta ask, have you put an Ikeda track through Audiosurf 2?? i'm vibing to + / - and the bass in some of these tracks would kinda go off - love the word bombastic, and that's a pretty apt description for it

by yayoi22; ; Report

amen to that. sometimes i find myself thinking about that one mid-film exchange where Lawrence just gets absolutely pissed at Yonoi and outright damns him; the raw anger that Conti displays there lives in my head rent-free.
regarding Takeshi, his early body of work is fantastic on a back-to-back level, but i normally rec Sonatine and/or Hana-Bi for first-timers - Sonatine was his first "proper" foray into the yakuza genre, albeit with a more peculiar kind of expressionism compared to the genre's predecessors; Hana-Bi was the film that rightly got him a Golden Lion and established him as an honest-to-god man of cinema locally (prior to it, he went on record saying that "the Japanese do not know me as a filmmaker").
frankly kinda angry at myself for not piping ANY of Ikeda's stuff through AS before, or even considering it; you pose a genuinely intriguing question which i'll have to look into further first. will get back to you on that one, cheers! ^^

by Ikoe; ; Report

gosh that scene is burned into the back of my skull... just added both of those films to my watchlist! i'll let you know how i go with them ^^
Exciting!!! i'm certain that the audiosurf exec is somewhere around here on a hdd, if its any good i'll drudge it up! *stares vaguely into the mass of cables sprawled across every dimension of the room...*

by yayoi22; ; Report

ended up playing the VPRO version of both Headphonics and +/- because playing the latter in full would keep me in panic mode for a whole hour, and the very thought of that suuuuucks. (also, neat chart!)
tl;dr: mostly on-beat with its block placements for the first five-ish minutes (also places spikes on the white noise samples, very nice); light but manageable chaos between that and ~14:49; total rhythmic hell riddled with more spikes than anyone would ever be comfortable with after that. overall, interestingly generated, but a pain to actually play.
still, could be a lot worse, surprisingly

by Ikoe; ; Report

ok ok.. I did find Audiosurf - and playing all of +/-, it felt like i was listening to it for the first time all over again! an amazing journey, and as you pointed out, surprisingly well-generated! interesting to experience so much visual feedback on these tracks, definitely saw them in a new light after this.
hana-bi was excellent - the soundtrack was strikingly similar to something ryuichi sakamoto (MCML) would have produced! I can understand why it took so long for Japanese people to see Takeshi as a director, his acting alone is second-to-none. the sub-plot of the painter was so beautiful (albeit, shocking - when the red paint was splashed on that painting i jumped a little), and the dual meaning of hana-bi (flower fire/fireworks) was cleverly thought out. very very excited for sonatine now! ('o')

by yayoi22; ; Report

utterly incapable of expressing just how overjoyed i am to hear you've so much as watched it, let alone enjoyed it, but not for lack of trying - very, very, VERY glad to hear that! (≧▽≦)
Joe Hisaishi outdid himself on the soundtrack, on here and on... well, pretty much every other Kitano film he was happily involved with. (i.e. from A Scene at the Sea up to Dolls; an eleven-year stretch of OSTs in total!) it also happens that part of Sonatine's memorability stems from this one piano motif that Hisaishi lovingly uses - in like six separate tracks, iirc? - though you'll know that one when you hear it :p
back to Hana-Bi itself, though; completely agreed. every last frame, line, physical expression, musical note, whatever, feels so... correctly placed and thought-out. i've rewatched it a couple of times after going through the rest of his cinematography and it never fails to get something out of me. plus, watching with renewed knowledge is just plain enjoyable, like seeing the protagonist from his second film being an extra for like five scenes here, or watching the flower shop scene while being aware of the fact that the displayed paintings were literally drawn by Kitano himself. it's just great.

</rant>. fingers crossed in hopes that you end up enjoying Sonatine as well!! ^^ (also do tell if you have any movie counter-recs! i'd hate to be solely on the giving end here :V)

by Ikoe; ; Report

teehee thank-you sooo much for the stellar recommendations + convos!!! it's been super amazing finding someone who's so passionate about so many of the same things :)
of course he painted the incredible images for his own movie(!?) dOesn'T eVeRY moVIe maKEr dO ThAT!? incredible talent ;.;

if you want something heart-warming/tear-jerking, i really recommend Eat Drink Man Woman. I'd put that up there with one of the more masterfully-crafted works i've seen - and its really pretty too! If you want the other end of the spectrum, dark, experimental stuff, Shozin Fukui is who you want (although, content/trigger warning for some films, i haven't even seen them all).
キャタピラ is where i started and it eases you in (as much as you can be) to his style.

by yayoi22; ; Report

the feeling is beyond mutual! it's almost painfully rare to come across someone who's tuned to such a similar wavelength (and doesn't mind a slight excess of rambling, at that ><), so perhaps it's not hard to imagine my dumb glee here :v

Kitano's had his fingers in a frankly odd amount of pies. comedian by 'nature,' of course, but then director, actor, producer, scriptwriter, then musician, then artist (and later sculptor, as luck would have it), and then, among all that, a friggin' video game designer. although, understandably, no one likes to talk about Takeshi's Challenge. i get that.

EDMW sure was a hell of a ride. i'll admit, i was kind of disillusioned for the first ten minutes by sole virtue of things just kinda happening at random speeds, but i think it was at the restaurant scene that it all sort of clicked and brought me back; how Zhu simply knew where to turn and go in that utterly claustrophobic mess of hallways. that shot, and many that succeeded it - Zhu and Wen's drunkenly bantering, that brief moment in the red room with locked hands, the one fella sitting and waiting by his lonesome in the hospital, the clumsy-ass way in which Jen introduces Ming - genuinely captivated me. and, for as vastly predictable as it was, the ending successfully put a dumb grin on my face. absolutely wonderful work. from what i've read, this was not Ang Lee's only foray into this specific brand of family-centric drama; will have to check out the other two(?) sometime. (─‿─ )

on the flip side, hhhhoooooly shit. that 32-minute runtime has got to be the most bold-faced lie i've seen in a long time. if you hid the length from me and then said it's an hour and a half long afterwards, i'd blindly believe you. wretchedly-fantastic sound design, however - disregarding the fact that watching this on headphones was like lucidly experiencing a nightmare (though i s'pose i should be giving it all the more power to it for that (=ω= )). also, hard-pressed to explain why, but it kinda reminds me of Matsumoto's Ātman - prolly the outlandish sound and fixation on a monster of sorts. seizure warning, btw!

nothing to add besides, i think; i'll just patiently wait for that Sonatine review now :^)

by Ikoe; ; Report