
brad's profile picture


20;:kraber enjoyer, slipgate tourist, esper, completionist.

Last active:

Mood: thuggin' it out

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brad's Interests


❯ cats, frogs, and the shambler from quake :)
❯ old japanese commercials (CM)
❯ Longmont Potion Castle
❯ Bolt-action Sniper Rifles, AWP, Mosin 28/30, M1 Garand, Kar98k, etc
❯ Doom 2 & Quake
~ (more specifically Hideous Destructor for Doom 2)
❯ Traditional Roguelikes, they're alright
❯ Anti Grav Racing games, such as BallisticNG
❯ Russian & Finnish, i recently got sick of studying Russian for a whole year, so instead i am learning Finnish for hopefully the whole of next year
❯ sneed


when in doubt, just look to the right of this panel :v

In other words;
The golden triple S
Steely Dan, Steve Reich, Swans.

otherwise just ask me and its a 50/50

›additional music 88x31's:


Akira, Memories ('95), Cowboy Bebop
THX 1138 ('71), Taxi Driver ('76), Stalker ('79), Blade Runner ('82), Koyaanisqatsi ('82), The Lighthouse
Funny Games, The Thing, Vivarium, Await Further Instructions
》always recommending:
Blade Runner ('82), Battle Royale (2000), Hardcore Henry, Nobody

Evangelion, FLCL, Nichijou, One Punch Man (s1)
Epic Rap Battles of History: Mitt Romney vs Barrack Obama
Eric Andre show, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, Snuff Box, Nirvana the Band the Show
》just good:
Columbo, Inside No. 9, Twin Peaks, The IT Crowd, Chowder, Spongebob (s1-3, duh)

too many youtube tabs, i'll get back to watching something good, i swear


Mains: Pyro in Team Fortress, Kraber in Titanfall, Horror in Nuclear Throne, Loader in Risk of Rain 2, Tenrai in BallisticNG and i like doing esper builds in Caves of Qud.

Boom Shoots and FPSes is my usual cuppa tea

Unsorted Honourable Mentions:
Hotline Miami 1&2, Ratz Instagib, Hackmud, Rollerdrome, Cruelty Squad, Hollow Knight, Loop Hero, Noita, Dead Estate, Neotokyo*, Killer7, Fortune's Run, Dwarf Fortress, Deep Rock Galactic, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, Boomerang X, the Yakuza Collection, Deus Ex, Fallout:NV, Hylics 1&2, Lethal League 1&2, Open Fortress, OTXO, Sable, Cultic, HROT, Quake.
Games i gotta play:
Yakuza 0 and the rest of Yakuza, Metal Gear (all of it), Caves of Qud's 7th Plague update, Prey, rdr2, Wonderputt Forever, Ultrakill (when its done), The Eternal Castle, Everhood, Fatum Betula, Dark Souls Remaster, Dishonored 1&2, Chrono Trigger.


House of Leaves, Flatland, Do androids dream, Neuromancer, Snowcrash, S.
I haven't read any of these but i know they're good, you should probably read them too


⁂ Frogsama
Finnish Sniper Simo Hâyhâ
Pyro mains sketchek, sleepy, slender, colossal, phlogchamp, nebuden, dalibor, efter, i'm probably missing someone
and a handful of friends :]

brad's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Do you like Quake? (view more)

You're not invited to the party; or, How i learned to stop worrying and stay niche (view more)

Intercept. (view more)

map update (view more)

thoughts (view more)

brad's Blurbs

About me:

947,594 COOL BUGS

><=> fish :3
i like to yoink htmlcss and modify it to my heart's content
the weekly interest is... uh....
i make maps in (mostly) UDB. Trenchbroom & H++ (sometimes). as of this year, i am working on a map for Hideous Destructor, more details in the related blog entry. Playtesting needed! if you're interested in playing the doom map i'm making, message me whereever and we can sort things out!
get yer drinks n refreshments here (site):

Welcome to my cool page

Share what you know; Learn what you dont.


4, 31, 42, 55, 73, 88, 100

Latest news: "frog says gerogero"

Life is good

Powered by Soda, Fournet, qDM6, and Pocket Sand.

Who I'd like to meet:

you! but...*123
1if you treat your friends like followers, get out
2same goes for inactive users, sorry bud.
3refusing your request doesn't mean i hate you, i just dont think we're on the same wavelength. sorry if this causes any trouble
alternatively, if you're interested in the 『flex ceiling』 as much as i am, go for it

otherwise, refer to my interests and line them up with yours like a bingo card

now playing
» Sovreign
Diskette Park; Community
can't hear it? try refreshing


brad's Friends Comments

Displaying 13 of 13 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


Fawkes's profile picture

What is the Flex Ceiling?

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ok so you know how there's a skill floor and skill ceiling to every game? its like that but styling as hard as possible on your opponent, its an end goal for once you've gotten really good at a game that you stop caring about winning or losing and start going for sick ass shit ie: fuck it we ball

by brad; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

I have finally gotten back into tf2 if you wanna ring me up on steam for that pocket medic ever.

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hell yeahj

by brad; ; Report

We should play again sometime. I'm sure it would have happened already, but I've been consumed by chiv 2 and haven't been playing a lot of tf2 on my own.

by Fawkes; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

if laughter is the best medicine, what do you think the second best medicine is?

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seeing a friendly cat outside approach you and you get to pet it. that or some head and cherry soda

by brad; ; Report

2. Are the head and cherry soda inseparable?

by Fawkes; ; Report

i was thinking something more along the lines of this

not inseperable per se but certainly at the same time or the soda right afterwards and just chillin out on the sofa

by brad; ; Report

I approve.

by Fawkes; ; Report

This is a hard one, but I think it has to be something that laughter can't give. How about tears? They can bring anyone to a calm and collected state after disaster and bring self growth better than any good time can bring.

by Benji; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

Have you ever been pocketed as a pyro in tf2? I'm feelin the urge to play some tf2 soon, so you might be in a good spot to have a pocket in the near future.

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i probably have i mean its bound to happen when you top score at times and the med just sees ya

by brad; ; Report

Got a favorite medigun for getting pocketed as pyro? I've been shown the power of a quickfix pyro duo bu one of my buds, but am also a big fan of the vacc just because it's funny.

by Fawkes; ; Report

whenever i play medic i like using the kritz but my friends always ask for uber :V

by brad; ; Report

I am a kritz fan, but usually wouldn't kritz a pyro. Perhaps we could experiment with that and see if it's worth?

by Fawkes; ; Report

there's a silly pyro bug that i dont know how to do where you can get a ton of velocity and stay in one place so your flames just travel across the map

by brad; ; Report

I know vaguely what you're talking about but also don't know setups. I think it has to do with situations like this where the player's speed and velocity don't match?

by Fawkes; ; Report

yea pretty much, best used on the backburner for the extra silly crits

by brad; ; Report


Benji's profile picture

By the way, where did you find Frog for your profile picture? You never played Everhood when you were using it so how did you discover and connect with it?

Side note, the site is choppy on my phone with the app relative to my site. Not sure if you care, but in case you want the profile to work well on mobile I'm letting you know so you can improve it if you want.

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i had heard of the game many years ago but never bothered with playing it, and then last month i saw someone in a tf2 casual match with the same picture of the frog and i was like "oh its the goober from that game" so i grabbed the highest res version i could find and there ya go. also, frogs r cool i think

i doubt anyone is actually using spacehey on phones other than for the badge (is that still attainable?) so i dont really give a shit if it runs poorly, site is a throwback to early social media on pc anyways, right? should probably put something up about best viewed on pc...

by brad; ; Report

Actually, there is a whole app for SpaceHey. It's featured in the navigation bar under 'App' and has a retro IOS UI. Even if there wasn't an app, I would have probably tried the site on my phone anyway. Mobile first isn't that hard so I thought I would let you know. It's up to you though if you want to fix it.

by Benji; ; Report

i know there's an app cause i got the badge, im not gonna fix it anyways

by brad; ; Report


Benji's profile picture

There is so many great resources here. Fun blog as well. Really goes to show that I'm missing out on the internet.

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by brad; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

Do you play a decent amount of TF2 brad, or do you mention being a pyro main just because hte game was influential at some point in your life? I keep hard fixating on tf2 only to completely burn out on it for a matter of months.

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i could yap about tf2 for hours but i'll try to keep it short, yeah. the whole month or two month long tf2 obsession does strike whenever it pleases, but when it does, its on pyro. i've got weapon switch binds to help use the degreaser's passives better, although i've been gravitating more towards stock as of late

by brad; ; Report

A fellow config freak! I have seperate cfg files per class and have a whole bunch of medic specific macros on my keyboard. Could you explain / find an explanation of the degreaser tech you're talking about. Pyro is one of my less played classes so I don't know a ton about their tech.

by Fawkes; ; Report

it used to be before some updates that equipping the degreaser would just mean a faster switch speed on pyro but has 2 less airblasts than stock and less afterburn damage, but since weapon switch speed was increased slightly to all classes, the tf2 team felt the need to change the degreaser a bit more so it has 60% less time switching TO it and 30% less switching FROM it so you have worse switch speed if you just went from secondary to melee. the weapon switch thing i've got is just mouse5 for primary, q for secondary and e for melee (and mouse4 for medic), this helps a lot in performing axtinguish or flare combos because you're not focusing on scrollwheel or using the number buttons above wasd (which are kinda uncomfortable to press, and even harder in the middle of combat). having dedicated buttons very much helps and is a thing quake players still do, worrying less on what weapon to switch to with numbers and scrollwheel and focusing more on muscle memory and hoping the button you pressed for the rocket launcher was timed well.

pyro combos (especially the flashy ones) has got to be some of the most painful, insanity inducing, unhinged source shenanigans that most of the playerbase in wholly unaware of and really exaggerates how much of an ambush class pyro is meant to be

by brad; ; Report

I was aware of how the degreaser used to work for old combo pyro before everyone else got a switch speed buff, but I thought that combo pyro had mostly died with that.

So, if I understand correctly, you have special binds for going to your secondary and melee that pull out the degreaser first for a faster switch speed overall? Or are you just saying that you use custom keybinds to just hit the switch buttons a bit easier?

Are you the kind of person who knows a whole bunch of the janky flare gun jumps that exist for pyro? I know of them in vague, but couldn't do one if my life depended on it in a crunch.

by Fawkes; ; Report

combo pyro is more niche i think since it got kinda nerfed, but you can still flare crit all classes except pyro without some flame manipulation on stock (you can do it fine on degreaser), the weapon slot binds are just so i find it easier to switch between weapons, but having the degreaser does help

i dont know any of the flare gun jumps, detonator jumping i can do alright, but nothing too cool like setting an enemy on fire, airblasting, det jumping towards them and axtinguishing in that order, or doing that but vertically

side note, i was on an mge server wanting to practice more pyro last month, and won 25:24 against a scout from being able to hit flares and they said i was pretty good which was nice

by brad; ; Report

based brad

by Fawkes; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

Have any interest in joining a spacehey movie club? I see the kino in your collection and think your tastes would jive well with a good few of our members.

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i've been aware of the secret club for a while from the little goblins that watch from high up trees and big fields that relay the information to me using walkie talkies and i pretend to know what they're saying because im not fluent in goblin. in other words, hell yeah

by brad; ; Report

Consider it done.

by Fawkes; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

Brad wake up. We need to count.

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I won't let you escape what you've dragged me into.

by Fawkes; ; Report

wake the fuck up samurai, we've got numbers to count

by brad; ; Report

Brad loves Keanu Reeves

by Fawkes; ; Report

he was alright in the matrix

by brad; ; Report

I find that sentiment agreeable. How about John Wick?

by Fawkes; ; Report

oh yeah he did that as well didnt he, the first three were okay but i vaguely remember the third, and i dont know about the 4th 5th or 6th

by brad; ; Report

I honestly thought there had only been three john wick movies until I visited wikipieda to fact check you mention of six of them. I'll be damned.

by Fawkes; ; Report

"it would be funny" - whoever makes new johnathan lamp movies these days

by brad; ; Report


Fawkes's profile picture

Greetings and Good tidings.

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(iconic gabagool voice)


by brad; ; Report


rosco's profile picture

may i use your method of drawing a fish, it's ingenious and i'm very captivated by it

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by brad; ; Report

Chester McBootyButt

Chester McBootyButt's profile picture

I treat my friends like cult followers and I force them to give me blood and make sacrifices to me and the dark lord Bahl. Is that bad?

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Not at all!

by brad; ; Report

Guh is also not funny. I have the humorous high ground. Now my ego is filled. I only laugh at funny jokes, like "Suh" "Cruh" and "Luh." Don't @ me.

by Chester McBootyButt; ; Report


Dogs can wear hats

by brad; ; Report


by Chester McBootyButt; ; Report


</SHALLOWBONES>'s profile picture

yk that video of a dog at a dj booth in a green room, thats how i feel on ur profile

Report Comment here :)

by </SHALLOWBONES>; ; Report

goober has moves !

by brad; ; Report