
Fawkes's profile picture

"My father taught me the secret of bell making."

21 y/o matte black electronics enjoyer. Male.

Last active:

Mood: God I love tootsie rolls.

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Fawkes's Interests


I have always been entranced by mythological imaginations of technology which does not yet have solid grounds -- visions of computers yet to be.

I don't really have a name for the aesthetics that I like, but if you stick around long enough you'll find some theme.

I am on a slow burn quest to consume all of the halo media. Currently reading The Cole Protocol and on the verge of starting Halo 3 Legendary with two separate groups.


All time favorites:
  • The Dishonored Franchise
  • Halo 2
  • Minecraft
  • Roblos...
  • Half-Life 1 specifically
Recent Conquests:
  • Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk
  • Getting over it with Bennett Foddy x4
  • Halo 2 MCC Legendary Co-op skull sightseeing run
  • Rad Racer 2 for the 3rd time
  • Mario
  • Pajama Sam's Sock Works
  • Roblox Cart Ride Around Nothing 100%
Games I aim to beat next:
  • 100%ing Dishonored 1
  • Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk
  • Noita
  • Slime rancher
  • Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (lfg)
  • Total War: NAPOLEON
Current slop games:
  • Chiv 2


Current fav:

Genres: Vapor, slush, gabber, future funk, chillwave, ambient electronic, funk, new wave, drum & bass, jungle, barber beats. I curate the worst, most incoherent, gibberish music playlist on the planet. My music discovery process usually just involves clicking on youtube recommendations and getting bandcamp emails, but occasionally I'll do some sniffing about on music-map.


Once upon a time, I would only watch movies that had been influential since their release, but also weren't any older than like five years out of the theater. Now I run two distinct movie clubs where the audience decides on the movie every week, so I am beyond genre or understandable selection criteria.
spacehey movie club logo
I have a ratio of nearly 2500 on adventure time.
Some personal favorites are:


Girls und Panzer, Bee & Puppycat, Regular show, infinity train, rvb, Adventure Time, SEL, boondocks, Mr. Robot, Futurama, Azumanga Daioh.


I read sci-fi, fantasy, and weird pdfs I find on the internet.
Favorite academic literature:

  • The Rise of the Computer State
  • Born Red
  • You Have the Right to Remain Innocent
Favorite delusions:
  • Football 17776 and 20020
  • The Repossession Mambo
  • Friday Black
  • The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect
  • The Halo Series
  • Neuromancer
I read more as a kid than I do now as an adult and it's a real point of shame.


Edward Snowden, Terry A. Davis, K, Guy Fawkes (hence the handle), every last weirdo who died in the Waco Siege, John Isidore, the Master Control Program, Lain's dad, Cloudy J, Lighter Than Some, Sgt. Avery Johnson, Al Gore, Arby of Arby's lore, Maelcum of Zion, Nemu.

Fawkes's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Fuck it, camping resources (for the united states) (view more)

Beginners Guide to PGP (Tech Blog #5) (view more)

How to Internet Like Fawkes (Tech Blog #4) (view more)

The Capital Politics of Strawberry Wafers (view more)

Tech Blog #3 (view more)

Fawkes's Blurbs

About me:

I am made of loose threads, bent pins, the magic touch, and some sheer stubbornness.

I spend a lot of time writing down that I should do things and less time doing them. For a very long time this profile bio was simple because It's hard to find the right way to explain yourself for others. I think my old intro was mostly helpful for the very few people who are me.

I'm a computer guy first, a gamer second, and a wizard third.

I try to be good, but it's hard and sometimes it feels like there's too much good to do. I try to be deliberate and contemplative, but it's hard and sometimes there's too much at hand to consider all carefully. I try to be consistent with my beliefs and actions, but it's hard and sometimes I forget my own preferences and betray them. I ask that you understand and hope that you can forgive.

I grew up with limited tools, but an environment in which I was generally allowed to do as I pleased with the tools I was given. I like to think that having to make my own fun often as a child guided the attitudes that I have towards my things today. It's rare that I don't tinker with my possessions to get them just right for me and once they are right for me, I try to repair and maintain them for as long as possible. Every time I visit my hometown my mom makes me buy new shoes because I'll wear a pair until I can't sew or glue them back together anymore.

I prefer to leave comments in public instead of using dms, as I like jumping into public conversations and having my conversations jumped into. Feels very open and welcoming to me, where leaving comments on empty profiles feels like shouting into the void sometimes.

I promise that I'm easy to talk to. I imagine that I can be kinda intimidating, but feel free to strike up conversation about any of my interests, your interests, or otherwise. To avoid feeling like I'm spamming people, I often treat commenting as a game of turns, so if you haven't gotten a comment in a while, it's because I'm trying to avoid being annoyingly chatty. Just hmu and I'll be on it.

PGP key if you need it.

Who I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people who want to use this site as an actual social media. I'm not here for nostalgia, nor am I here for custom css webpages (slick as fuck tho). I'm on spacehey because I legitimately believe that this iteration of social media was the healthiest we will ever get.

So add me if you think I'm cool and I'll add you back if I feel the same way. I keep my friends list small because I try to interact with my friends fairly often. This used to say daily, but that was a stick that burnt at both ends.

Fawkes's Friends Comments

Displaying 20 of 288 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


DogGrease's profile picture

if you're a fan of Dishonored, I highly recommend looking at PREY(2017).

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I played prey four years ago! 7/10 . Haven't played deathloop yet and probably won't for a while still.

by Fawkes; ; Report


bonkmaykr's profile picture

what is the secret of bell making

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My father taught it to me, but if you want to learn it, you have to watch Andrei Rublev.

by Fawkes; ; Report


Pory's profile picture

What is your dumbest, most useless, nichest skill or ability?

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I can make a really strange noise in my throat that I dubbed "the inquat" in elementary school. I have never heard anyone else replicate this noise.

by Fawkes; ; Report

This is an EXCELLENT skill, can you give a description of a vague approximation of what this sounds like. I'm intrigued now

by Pory; ; Report


by Fawkes; ; Report

Excellent noise, inquat is definitely the proper name for that sound. It's like what you hear a minute before a hippo tips your canoe over and kills you

by Pory; ; Report


/josh/'s profile picture

haven’t heard from you in a while (._. )

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Busy times. Check the latest movie club message to see what I mean. Feels bad not giving this place the attention it deserves, but so it goes.

by Fawkes; ; Report

oh, wow. yeah, that’s a ton. hope things quiet down for you soon.

by /josh/; ; Report


Pory's profile picture

Your page has a lot of media you like, but what media do you hate?

-What's the worst movie you've seen? (By your own enjoyment and not some grander idea of objective quality)
-What's the worst song you've ever heard? (Also subjectively)
-What's the worst video game you've ever played? (Ditto)

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This is a hard one for me because I generally don't hate media. I think the best I can do is list the last x I didn't like.

I thought falling Down (1993) was stupid.
My sister was playing something country not too long ago which sounded like absolute slop.
Super mario world was fun, but some of the secrets that you seemingly needed to do to make progress in the game seemed silly.

by Fawkes; ; Report

Obligatory truck jeans beer girl creek boots truck mention

by Pory; ; Report

Yeah basically.

by Fawkes; ; Report


mimika 's profile picture

would you kill and gut me if I said I don’t like tootsie rolls bc they taste funny? would u kill me to death? deathly kill?

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I could never. But have you tried the fruit flavored ones?

by Fawkes; ; Report

sticky teeth…teeth feel sticky…ouugghh

by mimika; ; Report

True. That's how I feel after I have too many jolly ranchers.

by Fawkes; ; Report

oh but i like jolly ranchers bc if you bite in it hard enough, you can lock ur jaw bc its so sticky!!

by mimika; ; Report


lem.iso's profile picture

i can see you smoking cigars in the connoisseur-type-way when you hit your late 30s

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I don't plan on being big into tobacco ever, but personally think I might fall prey to smoking with a pipe if I ever have a nice yard to sit and smoke in.

by Fawkes; ; Report


Pory's profile picture

What is the superior tootsie roll format? The small cylindrical ones? The long cylinders? The slabs? Tootsie pops?

Also, the tootsie roll website has a which candy are you quiz. I got tootsie roll, which is a very unpredictable and random result. A result so unpredictable and random that when I tested it with very opinionated answers opposite to my own, I also got tootsie roll. Curious... they also own the license to Andes and Blow Pops and Charleston Chews, and yet...

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I like the cylinders the most. I have favorites and least favorites, but the difference in preference between them is so small that if given a bag of them I would prefer to draw randomly.

I am also a tootsie roll. I am happy with this outcome.

by Fawkes; ; Report


Tan10o's profile picture

Your background makes me think about 9/11, and it seems like a 9/11 joke to me.

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It is not a 9/11 joke.

by Fawkes; ; Report


audrey's profile picture

tootsie rolls are like the most mediocre candy. do you genuinely enjoy them?

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by Fawkes; ; Report

i always think of them as mid tier halloween candy

by audrey; ; Report

They are so good whatever could you mean.... especially the fruity ones...

by Fawkes; ; Report

yea the fruity ones are def better than the regular chocolate. and the longer ones somehow taste better than the regular sized ones

by audrey; ; Report

I love tootsie rolls

by Fawkes; ; Report


kult's profile picture

How would you spend your last day on Earth?

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I'd do a shit ton of drugs and tell my friends and family I love them, and then I'd cry a whole bunch.

by Fawkes; ; Report

I'm not for the dramatics. I'd keep living like normal, honestly, which kinda says a lot about me..

by kult; ; Report

I'm not sure if you meant to imply that my response was dramatic, so I'll clarify that the drugs and crying would probably be in my room on my own, so to other people I would just be extending my appreciation before the apocalypse.

by Fawkes; ; Report

can you tell me what livin normal would imply on the final day of life? Are we thinking "going to your job" normal or "just playin some vidya gaems and watching tee-vee" normal?

by Fawkes; ; Report

1. To be fair, with all the 'crying and telling your friends and family you loved them and stuff,' I thought you were all gonna be grouped up while you spent your last couple of hours on earth together. But yeah I completely agree, I'm spending my final day ALONE

2. Okay, living normal would be living as if I wasn't going to completely perish when the clock hit 12, I'd still be sitting like a shrimp in my computer chair chugging a celsius while watching a video or talking to my friends or whatever. I'd be damned if I spent my final day on earth CLOCKED IN

by kult; ; Report


CertifiedxDunce's profile picture

Who's in your nightmare blunt rotation?

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Richard Posner. Once upon a time I would have been on a level of intellectual rigor to spar with him about why I hate his takes on the intersections between constitutional law and surveillance, but I could no longer hold my own in that debate.
My mom. I love my mom but have no idea how to just chill out and hang out with her so it would just make the rotation really weird.
The devil. For obvious reasons I think.
Throw in someone who barely speaks english and has an accent that just plain sounds mean and you'd have gathered enough of my social anxieties to crush me.

How about yourself?

by Fawkes; ; Report

Andrew Tate and people who similarly conduct themselves. I would throw up rusty nails.

Lizard People. Their eyes would creep me out, more than normal.

Trisha Paytas. She'd put glitter in the flower. Or coat the flower with Copper sulfate and boric acid so the fire is blue when lit.

Ben Shapiro. Not only do I feel like he couldn't handle it, but his voice would make me laugh so hard that I couldn't smoke.

After that sesh, I'd never go back. I'd quit forever. I'd rip out my lungs, steam clean them, and then hang them up in storage.

I remember replying to this earlier, but maybe I pressed cancel instead.

by CertifiedxDunce; ; Report

Andrew Tate and people who similarly conduct themselves. I would throw up rusty nails.

Lizard People. Their eyes would creep me out, more than normal.

Trisha Paytas. She'd put glitter in the flower. Or coat the flower with Copper sulfate and boric acid so the fire is blue when lit.

Ben Shapiro. Not only do I feel like he couldn't handle it, but his voice would make me laugh so hard that I couldn't smoke.

After that sesh, I'd never go back. I'd quit forever. I'd rip out my lungs, steam clean them, and then hang them up in storage.

I remember replying to this earlier, but maybe I pressed cancel instead.

by CertifiedxDunce; ; Report


Pory's profile picture

If you were a senator (god forbid), what would you put in your candy desk?

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by Fawkes; ; Report

Yum yum

by Pory; ; Report

More honestly though, American made tootsie rolls

by Fawkes; ; Report

Are there.... un-American Tootsie Rolls?

(also my vote's for mints and chocolates and mint-chocolates. Maybe I'd also put a small griddle in there and make quesadillas or grilled cheeses in the middle of sessions)

by Pory; ; Report

Tootsie rolls are unique for being made in the US. Not that they are the only candy made in the US, but one of few that are from large enough brands to be found in your average grocery store. More than that, they're made in Chicago, the heart of the rust belt no less!

The griddle idea has impressed me for being a viable option that might make more of a stink than the piss drawer.

by Fawkes; ; Report


by iason; ; Report

That's so true

by Fawkes; ; Report

All-Star Bandit

All-Star Bandit's profile picture

ty for the add!

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You are welcomed here.

by Fawkes; ; Report


CertifiedxDunce's profile picture

The colors on this layout remind me of rain. I quite enjoy rain

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I hate rain ; ^ (

by Fawkes; ; Report


Tan10o's profile picture



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Fine, fine... I'll copy my private pgp key onto my laptop.

by Fawkes; ; Report

Not worth.

by Fawkes; ; Report


by Tan10o; ; Report


Hazel's profile picture

New layout is oddly comforting, I really like what you’ve done with the place. New write up is stellar, woah…

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It's funny that despite never having been an apple guy, I do find myself drawn to some of their older visual designs. I'm glad you like the changes to the profile!

by Fawkes; ; Report

Apple's design choices are certainly admirable when they have a good design team, no doubt. But I'll admit I miss the customization and sandbox qualities of Windows or Linux. I can't do jack shit on a Mac, but I am a sworn slave to Adobe, sadly.

by Hazel; ; Report


lem.iso's profile picture

holy shit roblos..

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I need to cart ride around nothing lemon image. you don't understand

by Fawkes; ; Report

no i understand. sometimes i climb mount everest just to feel something.

by lem.iso; ; Report

I used to climb roblox mount everest all the time but then they changed the map and now it stinks

by Fawkes; ; Report

climate change is so bad even roblox everest is eroding

by lem.iso; ; Report


iason's profile picture

page rewrite this, page rewrite that,

i win because i already know!

but, i am glad that the best theme has returned...

i half-expected the funny to start working, but you have yet to borrow my twitter account, so i don't know why i expected that...

also, slime rancher speedrun? are either versions multiplayer? i could use a slop game, and i quite enjoyed the mindlessness in the first one.

are father and is gondola (god) not also your heroes? boo!

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You do not know all as you admitted in person.

Can't believe this is your pick for best theme over the system 2 one... Now that I think about it though, I'm probably gonna have to fix that one up too with the content changes before I can go back to it. Uggggggg.

If the funny does happen at this rate it'll be because I wrote a python bot to use the website to upload a random css.

Slime rancher 1 is not multiplayer and I don't really plan on buying 2 any time soon if it is.

Chiyo-chichi has betrayed us both is some sense or another and is no hero of mine. And I love gondola, but he's not a hero as much as an icon. Like Ryan Gosling.

by Fawkes; ; Report


brad's profile picture

redesign lookin swag as always, i remember back when there was some macroblank on the music section ─‿─

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I probably should have logged my history of current favorites somewhere at somepoint, but it's all in my giga-playlist so it's not like it couldn't be found.

by Fawkes; ; Report

i would've also liked to do this but as it stands i change the music playing somewhere between too frequently and not frequently enough to remember which ones i've played before

by brad; ; Report

Real. ... ... ... soo... 2?

by Fawkes; ; Report

(thinking really hard)


by brad; ; Report

I don't know what comes next. Do you think we can ask Audrey for help since she's a math major?

by Fawkes; ; Report

i forgor

by audrey; ; Report

It just occurred to me that I'm also a math major so I guess it's just not in the curriculum.

by Fawkes; ; Report

math major is basically writing major with the occasional number

by audrey; ; Report

hmm yes this number is good and round and smells of oranges of course

by brad; ; Report

Guys I asked cat gpt and it says quatre comes after 3. Do we take it's word?

by Fawkes; ; Report

i though that was 25 cents

by audrey; ; Report

You're thinking five shillings.

by Fawkes; ; Report

grug thinks of 5 rocks

by brad; ; Report

YOU'VE GOT IT. GRUG YOU FIGURED IT OUT! THE NEXT NUMBER WAS 5!!!!! Does that make it my turn again or have we co-opted Audrey into this debacle?

by Fawkes; ; Report

theres numbers after 5???

by audrey; ; Report

Well the way I see it, our goal was to get past eight, which requires getting to eight, and we're not there yet, so there must be a direction for us to progress.

by Fawkes; ; Report

therefore 8=5

by audrey; ; Report

these must be the ancient incantations wizards used to go higher than 8, surely this will be the key to our success

by brad; ; Report


by iason; ; Report

wait im a little confused lol. you changed the modulus

by audrey; ; Report

Changed the modulus? Whag?

by Fawkes; ; Report

he did modulo 3 then modulo 5. im just trying to understand what he w as trying to say

by audrey; ; Report

You said 8=5mod3
But 5mod3 = 2
and 8mod5 = 3

by Fawkes; ; Report

no i get that but what does 8=3mod5 have to do with anything

by audrey; ; Report

oh i think we are evaluating this differently. i was treating the equals sign as congruency, basically saying 8 and 5 are in the same congruence class modulo 3, so 8 and 5 are congruent and therefore (jokingly) 8=5. i wasnt literally saying that 5mod3=8 haha

by audrey; ; Report

I think we understood that 8=5 was the joke, but not how you got to the punchline.

by Fawkes; ; Report

yea that makes sense. computing a modular operation and evaluating a modular congruence are very different things that look similar

by audrey; ; Report

what is congruence

by iason; ; Report

congruence basically means two or more things are equivalent. in the context of modular arithmetic, numbers are congruent to each other under the same modulus if their remainder is the same. 5mod3=2 and 8mod3=2 so 8 and 5 are congruent mod3. the symbol for congruence is like = but with a third line. so we could say 8=(imagine there is a third line here)5mod3. in fact, there are infinitely many integers that are congruent to 5mod3. the collection of all the numbers with remainder 2 with modulus 3 forms whats called a congruence class. for the modulus 3, there would be 3 congruence class: for when the remainder is 0, 1, and 2.

by audrey; ; Report

Guys we did it. Audrey mentioned infinity, which is bigger than eight, so I think we win?

by Fawkes; ; Report

infinity is not a number, though

by iason; ; Report

how would you know? I'm pretty sure you haven't ever seen an infinity

by Fawkes; ; Report