I$a D3cay X_x

I$a D3cay X_x's profile picture

"Being a zombie X_x"

pfp is me!

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Mood: thinking abt emo/scene boys

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I$a D3cay X_x's Interests


14 ○ Pansexual(I prefer men but I love women and other genders 2, it really depends) and poly ○ She/They ○ Hobbies are: Drawing ○ Playing games(mainly roblox) ○ Watching anime ○ Reading ○ Listening all kinds of music ○ Hanging out with my friends ○ Writing ○ DIY ○ Eating ○ Shopping ○ Singing ○ Writing songs 44-C27795-C853-44-A8-B800-864-FF27-E55-C5 Random stuff abt me: I rlly like FNAF, creepypasta, monster energy, and obsessing over bands/artists I like. I am mentally ill and neurodivergent. And an overthinker.


Millionaires | Brokencyde | ICP | Lana Del Rey | Ayesha Erotica | Kesha | Millionaires | Brokencyde | Tyler the creator | Arctic Monkeys | The Neighbourhood | Korn | Disturbed | S3RL | Attack Attack! | MCR | Sewerslvt | Rob Zombie | Bo Burnham | Slipknot | Skillet | Nine Inch Nails | Strawberry Switchblade | Pierce The Veil | Dot Dot Curve | 3OH!3 | MARINA | Eminem | MSI | AC/DC | Avril Lavigne | Falling In Reverse | Blink-182 | All Time Low | Paramore | Bring Me The Horizon | Weezer | Sleeping With Sirens | Asking Alexandria | The Cure | TV Girl | The Smiths | The Killers | Evanescence | System Of A Down | Misfits | Green Day | Sunny Day Real Estate | Mayday Parade | Jimmy Eat World | Deftones | Type O Negative | Black Veil Brides | Relient K | Before Today | Hawthorne Heights | Taking Back Sunday | Emarosa | Before Today | Picture Me Broken | Never Shout Never | ECT!! dotdotcurve thfaggot l-9bc4b0c4c3d359d1bda6607db814dd28 dotdotcurve3 dotdotcurve2 mukfbk SUPPORT-BROKENCYDE grey-and-black-brokencyde sev 119yyvm bannercuttingedge


Mean Girls, Clueless, Legally Blonde, Corspe Bride, Lisa Frankenstein, Bride Of Chucky, all of the other Chucky movies, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Beetlejuice, Hocus Pocus, The Addams Family, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Edward Scissorhands, The Conjuring, Jennifer's Body, Heathers, FNAF movie, Coraline, 10 things i hate about you, ect


South Park, JJK, Chainsaw Man, Kill la Kill, Death note, Panty and Stocking, Watamote, BSD, cartoons, Invader Zim, Steven universe, Goosebumps, The Owl House, Monster High, MLP, Spongebob Squarepants, Scissor Seven, Scott Pilgrim, Gravity Falls, Gloomy bear, The amazing world of gumball, ect


Percy Jackson mainly 4-A39496-C-3-C81-48-B0-967-D-02-DE2-A84-FAE7


Ambrehhh is dead, Lexi Lush, Melissa Marie Green, Avril Lavigne, ect lolz! XD C363-A299-84-B4-4-DBF-9255-914-BDE467609 40-D281-BF-4342-45-E6-B594-E1-EBBEECF784 DC6-EA290-4-C93-4505-B155-620-B821-CDF1-E icegif-959

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I$a D3cay X_x's Blurbs

About me:

Stuck in the mid 2000s-2010s!! XD PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DM ME IF UR A EMO OR SCENE BOY (and I will most likely not make the first move unless u make it clear that ur hitting on me so- I'll be most likely friendly if ur not, depending on my mood) I'm scene + mcbling + a BIT of emo IMG-0770

Nyan Cat with Rainbow

Who I'd like to meet:

Other scene kids mostly, or at least alt ppl, or emo or scene boys.😍😍😍😍 Oh and Gerard Way, Andy Biersack, Spanky(from DDC), Ayesha Erotica, Ambrehhh is dead, Kellin Quinn, Vic Fuentes, Melissa Marie Green, Se7en, Phat J, Antz, Mikl, Johnnie Guilbert, Jake Webber, Tara Yummy, Avril Lavigne, ect And my soulmate possibly <33 I7SMs33 UVcSUqZ blinkies-Cafe-m-O he-was-a-punk blinkies-Cafe-BN-1 blinkies-Cafe-sf blinkies-Cafe-Sb blinkies-Cafe-Qx highschool 5by1-Rc-70424daa1ddfecc62e4cc6bf73abcbf1b2ddbfe3-gifv blinkies-Cafe-yl zGMnVss ezgif-2-a9ee85a18e ezgif-2-3b12ff740d generated blinkie

I$a D3cay X_x's Friends Comments

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𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐤!! :𝟑

𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐤!! :𝟑's profile picture

u look so kewl :333

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tyyy u 2!! X3 🫶🫶

by I$a D3cay X_x; ; Report


✮Dannie✮'s profile picture

u R so pretty :P

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TYY!! X3

by I$a D3cay X_x; ; Report

xeviant (on break)

xeviant (on break)'s profile picture


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Ofc lol! X3

by I$a D3cay X_x; ; Report