
ZomBeerMe's profile picture


Rotted in Tennessee

Last active:

Mood: Undead

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ZomBeerMe's Interests




I have genuinely eclectic taste in music, but I prefer to create punk rock and horror punk


All of them... especially horror... and even more especially horror-comedy


It'll turn you into a zombie


dyslexia makes reading a bit taxing for me, so whatever I read had better be worth the effort or I'll want to murder the author... The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton was my favorite book as a teenager, and it shaped a lot of my life... let us hope that the works of Chuck Palahniuk don't have quite as much of an impact [wink wink].


They're all dead

ZomBeerMe's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

Mentally stuck in the spin cycle again (view more)

Recovering from amnesia, Session 9 with Dr. Blogmund Freudenstein (there is no 1-8) (view more)

[song lyrics] Bring You Pain (working title) *WIP* (view more)

[song lyrics] Granola Chicks (view more)

[song lyrics] The Day The Bar Ran Out of Scotch (view more)

ZomBeerMe's Blurbs

About me:

I'm a bit of a zombie... a horror punk songwriter officially back from the dead after a 13 year spell of amnesia... a curse really... and I do have a little bit of an axe to grind about it with the former love/hate of my life who personally buried me in that grave... eternally joined in the bonds of unholy acrimony... I'll probably get over it after a while, but while everything is still fresh (or as fresh as back from the dead can be), it seems to come out in my song lyrics a bit more than I'd prefer...

I'll be posting a lot of my song lyrics here as well as info about my upcoming band projects as they take form... at least one of which will be an attempt to resurrect from the dead, my old band that never escaped the practice-room prison, Texas Chainsaw Mascara... another will be the all-new Femme Faux Fatales... I'll either go by the stage-name Ann Atomik or Anna Mossity... depending on my mood.

PS - I know my theme looks ugly right now, I'm still working with stock images and reteaching myself css.

Who I'd like to meet:

Likeminded musicians, poets, or songwriters with a love for horror and living-dead things... as well as fans of all the aforementioned... oh... and sluts... lots of sluts

ZomBeerMe's Friends Comments

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Glitter Heart

Glitter Heart's profile picture

Hey there, stop by anytime! Have a wonderful day! 💖

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emolovestory's profile picture

Hey :3 You can definitely show me horror punk as I'm a person who likes raw edgy and aggressive music and that sounds like it might be similar to my tastes in some way. XD

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I certainly and gladly will.. as soon as I get a few obstacles or of the way, my top priority will be producing and recording.. followed in close second by writing more.

by ZomBeerMe; ; Report

Yaaay :DD

by emolovestory; ; Report

Wacky Alex

Wacky Alex's profile picture


Try my channel? > FunHouseRadio.com
Now including Holiday Music!

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