"Eating snacks :P"
Kind,silly,dumb,and hungry :3
Last active: 4 months ago
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RYEEE?!🦴's Interests
I like music, moots and candy (ㆁωㆁ)
My chemical romance,asking Alexandria, brokencyde,slipknot,korn, Nirvana,blood on the dance floor,i set my friends on fire,3OH!3,Green Day, Pierce the veil, Ayesha erotica,Kreayshawn,S3RL,fall out boy,all American rights, luvWillow, and more (≧▽≦)
Deadpool 2,death note,invader zim, and junji ito maniac:3
I ONLY HAVE TWO (⊙_◎)ITS "one of us is lying" and "I am not ur perfect Mexican daughter"
(Uh just change it to characters)I like derpy hooves,Emily the strange, rainbow dash,dehya from Genshin, xinyan and collei
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RYEEE?!🦴's Blurbs
About me:
Hello guys its me zombie and I hope y'all are doing okay and I like/love scene and emo people <3
Who I'd like to meet:
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