
Paige's profile picture

"watching youtube, abt to sleep"

shoes, shoes, shoes omg? shoes.

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Mood: happy

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Paige's Interests


Making kandi, skateboarding, hanging out with friends, listening to music on cd’s, fashion, and watching old YouTube videos


Pierce the veil, black veil brides, nickelback, Brokencyde, paramore, mayday parade, breath carolina, asking alexandria, attack attack, my chemical romance, i set my friends on fire, millionaires, sleeping with sirens, kesha, 30 seconds to mars, ayesha erotica, s3rl, secondhand serenade, hollywood undead, Avril Lavige, all time low, escape the fate, boys like girls, cash cash, falling in reverse, ghost town, starset, skillet, owl city, flyleaf, 6arelyhuman, green day, nirvana, linkin park, set it off, get scared, simon curtis, Johnnie Guilbert, Jake Webber, Panic! at the disco, dance Gavin dance, fall out boy, korn, slipknot, Misfits, kr!s cortes, rise against, hinder, sleeping dog, odetari, closure in moscow, eyes set to kill, Hawthorne heights, blink- 182, taking back sunday, from first to last, radiohead, three days grace, faber drive, red jumpsuit apparatus, coheed and cambria, red hot chili peppers, the fray, simple plan, the all american rejects, Framing Hanley, between the trees, Shinedown, bring me the horizon, 5 seconds of summer, senses fail, a day to remember, twenty one pilots, the used, sunny day real estate, metro station, never shout never, and parry gripp (and no I don’t know every single song by every single band these are just the bands that I like how they sound so I added them I don’t worship every single one)


Mean girls 2004, thirteen 2003, smile 2022, seed of chucky 2004, the conjuring 2013, the ring 2002, it 2017, insidious 2010, sinister 2012, lights out 2016, jennifers body 2009, the haunting of the hill house 2018, stranger things 2016, orphan 2009, annabelle 2014, coraline 2009, the nightmare before christmas 1993, beetlejuice 1988, godzilla1954, goosebumps (all films), and scooby-doo 2002




I dont read I think its boring 


(Instead of heros, I just put some more or less popular YouTube channels) Vanna Venom kiki kannibal, amberkatelynbeale, LedaMonsterBunny, VanessaVandalism, BoxxyBabee, MAD Molly, acidmilk, Amor Hilton, Maya Malice, Zawmbikilla (ninasaurus), CatastropiClarawr, Izzy Hilton, Clawed_beauty101, Lexi Lush, Dani Gore, Hanna Beth, Audry Kitching, Raquel Reed, Stevie Ryan, Jac Vanek, Zui Suicide, Jeffree Star, Scotty Vanity, Victoria Murder, desandnate, and Alexis Winter.

Paige's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

I jzt pa1nted my naulzzz (view more)

My orders came in :3 (view more)

Dinner (view more)

Paige's Blurbs

About me:

hiiii Im Paige, im a girl, im 15, im gonna be a orthodontist when I grow up, I live in the United States, I pretend I’m from the 2000s, cocacola tastes good 

Who I'd like to meet:

Scene/emo people around my age bccc I adore literally anyone like that and I will likely wanna be friends (I’ve met only one other emo irl in my entire life)

Paige's Friends Comments

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🦇carti's profile picture

cute page!!!

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THXXXX so mxchh! Xb <333

by Paige; ; Report


[CAN O' MARBLES]'s profile picture

ur profile is so cool! also thanks for accepting my friend request

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No problem :) and thxx i luv ur profie 2 XD sry 4 n0t replyin s00nR >n<

by Paige; ; Report


king's profile picture

thx 4 accepting! u seem kewl ^o^

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No pr0blEM I luv making new frends =D

by Paige; ; Report