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Betty's Interests


I don't have a wide variety of interests. I guess it's easier to spend more time on the few things that I truly enjoy.

For starters, I love to write. However, that's only when the muse strikes. I've cut back a good bit on reading.

Gaming seems to be what I spend most of my time on. That's if I'm not binge watching a series on the several streaming services available.

As I've gotten older I've been a bit more interested in politics than i ever have been. However, it's reaching the point where I see myself beginning to dislike it and shy away from it. Who am I kidding? I'm running away from it. Politics is a dirty game and it's terrible for one's sanity.


I listen to different types of music genres. I can't say I like one more than the other. Music really does get me out of a funk sometimes. It can even inspire me to write. Music is international, which is why my favorite band is L'Arc~en~Ciel. They are from Japan and have been making music for over 25 years. They will forever be my favorite.


Like:Fantasy, Sci-fi, Paranormal, Action, Zombies, Mystery, Romantic Comedy, and more

Dislike:War, Horror, Western, Melodrama, Non-Fiction


Star Trek
CSI (all of it)
Doom Patrol


To name a few...

Laurell K. Hamilton- Anita Blake series

Sherrilyn Kenyon- Dark Hunter series

Charlaine Harris- Sookie Stackhouse series (True Blood)

Katie MacAlister- Dragon Series, Aisling Grey series, Dark Ones series+



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Betty's Blurbs

About me:

I don't like to talk too much about myself, so I'll keep it short. I'm a grown ass adult who enjoys gaming. I have two beautiful, sweet dogs. If I can ever figure out how to post their pictures on here, beware...I have a shit ton of dog pictures, which take up about 98% of my camera roll and 97% of my cloud space. I'm running out of room, folks!

I have been married to a wonderful man for twenty years. Wow, I hadn't realized it had been that long. Time surely does fly, and of course, makes us old. :/

I'm an atheist, but not one of THOSE atheists if you know what I mean. For those who don't, I simply don't believe in a god. That's it. Feel free to believe in whichever god you want, but leave me out of it. It's that simple. We are a society that should be able to co-exist with each other regardless of faith, gender, sex, ethnicity, and every other thing that makes us different from one another.

I do take issue with the ultra religious who want one religion/one god. The bronze age was a long ass time ago. Get your asses in a time machine and get back to the 21st century. Please.

As for politics, I lean to the left. Sometimes more depending on the issue. I think I covered all the bases.

Who I'd like to meet:

I think Mozart would be fun to meet.

Betty's Friends Comments

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Wacky Alex

Wacky Alex's profile picture


Try my channel? >

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½InDaClosetPlumber's profile picture

Love your profile and how well you've described details about yourself! Straight forward af! Thanks for the add btw

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Thanks! This is the no BS zone, mkay? lol

by Betty; ; Report

I'll keep that in mind! Lol

by ½InDaClosetPlumber; ; Report


by Betty; ; Report

Sweeney Toad

Sweeney Toad's profile picture

Thanks for the add!

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by Betty; ; Report


by Betty; ; Report