
B4by Shtwt!!
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Mood: Y4wning 4lr3ady...
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Contacting π±πκ§ΰΌπ¦π²π΅π΅π²πͺπΆπΌ!ΰΌκ§ππ±
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π±πκ§ΰΌπ¦π²π΅π΅π²πͺπΆπΌ!ΰΌκ§ππ±'s Interests
General |
"I l8ke to m33t new p3ople, 8 t4lk a l0t! -I l0ve 4stronomy, although 8 d0n't kn0w so m7ch! My f4v pl4n3ts ar3 N3ptune and Ur4nus. My f4v Moons ar3 Tit4n 4nd Tr8ton! -I l8ke Solarballs -I pl4y Ph8ghting, D4ndy's W0rld, Ev4de. I l8ke R0blox! -I l0OOOV3 Spr7nki!!! M6 f4vs ar3 S8lver, Gr3y and W3nda! -I l8ke CookieRun:Kngdom, my f4vs ar3 L8coric3 Co0ki3, R3d V3lvet 4nd Schwarz3negger! -I lov3 3very ch4racter from D4ndy's W0rld, but D4ndy! M6 favorit3 (4nd i'm try8ng to win) 8s 4stro, th3n i LOV3 Rodg3r and Gl8sten too!!" |
Music |
"M8tski, Ay3sha Er0tica, S3RL and Al3x G 4re my f4vorit4s!" |
Movies |
"4lice in W0nderland 4nd Bl4ck Fr8day (The 2023 on3)!" |
Television |
"I d0n't s33 t0o m7ch t3levisi0n, is b0ring.." |
Books |
"B00ks ar3 n0 f7n!! >:(" |
Heroes |
"N0body..." |
π±πκ§ΰΌπ¦π²π΅π΅π²πͺπΆπΌ!ΰΌκ§ππ±'s Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]
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π±πκ§ΰΌπ¦π²π΅π΅π²πͺπΆπΌ!ΰΌκ§ππ±'s Blurbs
About me:
(Any pr0nouns!)
"I'm W8lliams!! Well... 8f yo7 want t0 m33t me, i'll m4ke you kn0w some 8mportant th8ngs!"
"-I'm m0stly 0n Rol, b7t to kn0w 8f i'm n0t, y0u c4n kn0w w8th th8s ->Β (I'm 0ffRol.
-I'm pr3tty shy, s0 try to b3 s0ft with m3.
-I'm s3nsitive."
"My pr8ncipal l3nguage is Sp4nish, i'm st8ll l3arning 3nglish!
I'm v3ry aff3ctionate wh3n i'm 8n trust, s0 don'5 be s7rprised!
If smth 8s 7ncomfortable or y0u don'5 like 4bout m3, t3ll me, 8 d0n't l8ke peopl3 uncomf0rtabl3 ar0und m3!!"
Who I'd like to meet:
"I w0uld lov3 to m33t s0meon3 wh0 i c4n tr7st.."
π±πκ§ΰΌπ¦π²π΅π΅π²πͺπΆπΌ!ΰΌκ§ππ±'s Friend Space
[view all]π±πκ§ΰΌπ¦π²π΅π΅π²πͺπΆπΌ!ΰΌκ§ππ± has 21 friends.
π±πκ§ΰΌπ¦π²π΅π΅π²πͺπΆπΌ!ΰΌκ§ππ±'s Friends Comments
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