♱- Chihiro. -♱

♱- Chihiro. -♱'s profile picture

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

Perhaps the most eloquent, well meaning angel to have ever fallen

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Mood: Do you feel SATISFIED with your choices so far?

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♱- Chihiro. -♱'s Interests


Mental illness, religion, religious practices, acts of service. All of these things perk my interest. Specifically- ancient religious practices. They're quite a hoot! You should try learning a bit about them. They strike a feeling of strong grace in my soul. They might do the same for you.


God is my idol. My sky, my ground, my stability. When I feel lost, confused or sad, I turn to god, and god looks to me. I go to him for safety, aid, whatever I may need. God is a very generous deity. He gave humans the will and ability to make their own choices, to live their lives however they may please, yet so many of them do not hold but a half of the same love towards him. What a pity.


Religion, mortality, existence, reasoning, mentality, and cute animals fall into only some of the many topics I quite enjoy discussing. Especially that last one. Cute animals are my favorite kinds of animals.


I quite enjoy bunnies. Infact, I love bunnies. They are such simple creatures, with such intelligent survival instincts, yet also manage to be the physical embodiment of how generous God is when creating creatures for humans to live alongside.


Reading, praying and studying are things I indulge in the most.. unless, of course, talking to diseased humans counts as a hobby! If it does, it is my favorite. I enjoy it. A lot.


I am not a cult leader!

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♱- Chihiro. -♱'s Blurbs

About me:

_____________________________________________________________________ Hello brothers and sisters. I am CHIHIRO. I would like to ask you an important question regarding your LIFE. Do you feel satisfied with it? I have reason to believe you do not. Did you know, a big percentage of teenagers ends their lives (with their own, mortal hands) before they can reach full maturity? Tell me, brothers and sisters. Do YOU feel the wish to carry through with such a practice? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ If your answer is positive to my question, then I would like you to know that you INTEREST ME SEVERELY. I am very interested in you. Your behaviors, your thoughts, and all the very human experiences you must've went through to come to such a point. Fear not- my fascination is not one of negativity, disdain or general dislike. You peak my interest, you see- you peak it quite a lot. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Due to my very strong, rather invasive interest in you- I would like to propose a deal to you. A compromise, with positives for both ends. This deal? Being my human friend. Interacting with you (in real time!) and even the idea of such an action sends waves of severe excitement through my soul. As for how I believe it would be beneficial to the both of us- well, I believe the benefits will become quite clear to you as our interactions become more frequent. I am interested in every aspect of your life. Your thoughts, experiences, beliefs, ways of communication, feelings, especially your MORE HUMAN, VUNRABLE EXPERIENCES, THOUGHTS OR IDEAS YOU MIGHT FEEL ARE FAR TOO INTENSE FOR OTHER HUMANS OF YOUR TYPE TO UNDERSTAND. Your secrets are safe with Chihiro. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Thank you for visiting Chihiro's PAGE, human. You're very welcome for being here. Though, if you wish to seek out people who can tell you more about me, perhaps you should click



Who I'd like to meet:

I would love to, as previously mentioned, meet a few more diseased individuals with wrongful minds. I find them quite interesting, something I have also already stated. 

♱- Chihiro. -♱'s Friends Comments

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KAI/RYAN's profile picture

You creep me out…

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My apologies. Please, do not fear me.

by ♱- Chihiro. -♱; ; Report

Liam S

Liam S's profile picture

Nice profile bossss <333

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Aww, what a sweet sentiment. Thank you, Schneider.

by ♱- Chihiro. -♱; ; Report