
nerd, writer
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About me:
about me
hey, i'm honor. i like to write. someday i want to self-publish, and be successful enough to make a living at it.
fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. it's a way of understanding it. - lloyd alexander
genres and tropes
alternate history: usually around wwii, but i've got a new idea that spans both world wars and the time between them. sometimes i also like to write steampunk things.
fantasy: dragons and their riders, of course :D
scifi: soft scifi. i love space travel and space militaries as a setting.
slice of life: semi-autobiographical. high school, ya type stuff.
romance: mostly m/f and poly. occasionally f/f. sometimes romance is the main plot, but usually just subplot.
currently reading
Worldbuilding For Fantasy Fans and Authors - M.D. Presley
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