
"aren't you going to ask about the shades?"
not myself when i'm not me
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Mood: POWERFUL!!!!
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Vam's Interests
General |
i love tea, fruits n veggies, cooking, aquariums, crt tvs, older bideo games, surrealism, anime, martial arts, and UHHHH uhhhh uhhhh.... |
Music |
she her her hers, my dead girlfriend, galileo galilei, tatsuro yamashita, ryusenkei, hitomitoi, takako mamiya, mass of fermenting dregs, babymetal, theatre brook, soichi terada, daisuke tanabe, masayoshi takanaka, CASIOPEA, jiro inagaki, ryo kawasaki, mikiko noda, platinum 900, hello sleepwalkers, the oral cigarettes, dj sammy p, and a wide variety of game osts, many old vocaloid songs. |
Movies |
there are so many lmao i'll list them someday |
Television |
cartoons and anime lul |
Books |
things like manga and comics because my brain is the size of a walnut |
Heroes |
the little gremlin i've been looking after since 2020, everyone who worked with me during my minecraft modding days, my closest friends, and idk marco pierre white is a cool guy
Vam's Links
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crt tv setup (view more)
helo (le pictures of myself) (view more)
Vam's Blurbs
About me:
hi i'm an actual lunatic who wears sunglasses, sometimes i may be stupid. this is my spacehey profile, the main source of info on who i am n what i do. what's my deal? well, i am the ceo of the totally real corporation VamCorp Enterprises, which is the parent company of JupiterSoft, and the now defunct Team Hollow. [JupiterSoft?] At JupiterSoft, i direct the production of high quality minecraft modpacks and sometimes mods, making things in minecraft makes my brain tingle, i hope to revolutionize the scene someday. [tell us more!] i also host the vam broadcast, a live show on twitch in which i play strange little games (mostly with surreal or comedic elements) i find online for like an hour, and then i go on omegle for the second hour and meet all sorts of creatures, the vam broadcast is currently on hiatus and going through the process of being rebooted, something i am very excited for. [what else????] oh, i do sorcery!! like unironically! yea, i hate to break it to you, kid, but i'm well-versed in esoteric wisdom and lore. my personal life? well, i'm asexual, i thought i was aromantic until i met my current partner and wife, she's epic, we're stand-in parents for a little gremlin. i'm half canadian and half mexican, i live in the frozen hostile wasteland, but spent most of my life in mexico. you ever seen trigun? mexico is kinda like trigun, but that ain't why i left, it's a great country and i think everyone should go at least once. i like living a healthy lifestyle, i believe that getting sunlight, eating and sleeping right, as well as regular exercise are not only important to your physical well-being, but also to your long-term happiness and overall comfort. i think there are many myths, lies and misconceptions in the nutrition field and am pretty confident i (mostly) have the objectively correct opinions on the topic! i'm not obnoxious about it tho, do your own thing! what else? i'm a fan of surreal themes and nonsensical humor and mostly keep to myself, i seem stoic and shy and irl i look like i want to kill people with my mind but i promise i'm an ok guy.
Who I'd like to meet:
anyone except minors
Vam's Friend Space
[view all]Vam has 23 friends.
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