
Blackie's profile picture

"i want love"

they/them 16, Belarus

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Mood: lazy n tired

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Blackie's Interests


I draw sometimes, an absolute addict to music. I also like going out but I do it rarely since I'm kind of a loner. OUH and I also write poetry. I'm in the following fandoms: Boyfriend to death, AoM, SF, creepypasta, Marble Hornets, Cof, postal, Detroit, mpl, fnaf, tiny bunny, atomic heart, Edd's world (don't have much knowledge bout it), undertale, Cod, ddlc, and some more. Also anime like nge, serial experiments lain, akira, paranoia agent, charlotte, erased, gto, berserk, bakuman, wotakoi, horimya, your lie in april, the garden of words, dakaichi, the stranger by the shore, perfect blue, terror in resonance, Doukyuusei, kiznaiver, given, etc. and ghibli movies! Uhhh that's all.


Mostly enjoy russian music like: конец солнечных дней, Убей меня, Эйс!, Vspak, пошлая молли, курящих нет,  Валентин Стрыкало, полматери, вышел покурить, I hate myself because, вышел покурить, кишлак, kurffew, свидетельство о смерти, синдром восьмиклассника, superkomfort, m1v, naitivihod, овсянкин, вертушка газманова, молодёжьвыбираеткосмос, face, 4 позиции Бруно, макулатура, ночные грузчики, Big Baby Tape, GSPD, morphy. Yet i listen to Crystal Castles, Rory in early 20s, Tommy Cash, Lil Peep, Alex G, MSI, Aphex Twin Sincerely I also enjoy different music tastes like jazz, rock, lofi, classical and many more!


I really have a count on movies. I like marble hornets, every man hybrid, lollita, requiem for a dream, lilya4ever, my own private idaho, brokeback mountain, mysterious skin, christianne f, fight club, donnie darko, precious, the perks of being a wallflower, trainspotting, the basketball diaries, girl interrupted, white chicks and more different genres of movies!


I don't watch TV that much? Although I do like any piece of media that is streamed on tv and is interesting.


Ouhh I like manga but I rarely read it, I also like osamu and murakami. Recently read лето в пионерском галстуке, о чем молчит ласточка, дарий великий не в порядке, дарий великий заслуживает большего, they both die at the end, the first to die at the end.


Uhh, you mean kins right? Well then Brian Haight, Tim Sutton, Simon Henriksson, Юра Каплан, Дмитрий Куплинов and probably any other male figure that i could find.

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About me:

Natural     hellboy

Who I'd like to meet:

woo, probably new friends/aquintances, my dms are open !! Frangipani Flower

Blackie's Friends Comments

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deya's profile picture

sick profile!!

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thxx ;p

by Blackie; ; Report


Scotty's profile picture

HIII, THANKS FOR ADDING ME ALSO BTW I LOVE YOUR LAYOUT + PFP!!! hope we can be friends!!! esp since I'm like in 7 fandoms ur also in :DD I would love talking to you, so if your down to chat LMK!!! :D

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Ty 4 accepting!! Also yeah, would def want to start a convo :))

by Blackie; ; Report