
atom-ash's profile picture

"society went downhill when ppl stop being trampled by horses"

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Mood: i miss being active in danonation

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atom-ash's Interests


special interests

russian language, russian culture, russian history, and star wars


resident evil (2/4,) shadow n bone, anti fascism, american / russian history, punk history / culture, sanrio / kawaii culture, CINNAMOROLL!!!



[subhumans] / [chaos uk] / [dakh daughters] / [dead kennedys] / [kino] / [black box recorder] / [AUSMUTEANTS] / [crass] / [amigo the devil] / [descendents] / [mook] / [the libertines] / [buzzcocks] / [the clash] / [orville peck] / [windows96] / [pete seeger] / [molchat doma] / [talking heads] / [souixsie souix] / [electroforez] / [depeche mode] / [L7] / [pure hell] / [dead prez]



{major grom} , {reanimator} , {evil dead} , {ghostbusters} , {batman 2022} , {1917} , {red, white, and royal blue} , {american psycho} , {carrie 1976} , {little miss sunshine} , {ruby sparks}



{bungo stray dogs} , {mob psycho 100} , {shadow n bone} , {andor} , {hetalia} , {columbo} , {arcane}



crime and punishment (fyodor dostoevsky)

thrawn trilogy (timothy zahn)

collected works (karl marx)


guys i like

paul dano

gerard way

viktor tsoi

atom-ash's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

reading the bsd manga volume by volume and reviewing it as an bsd anime fan part 2 (view more)

reading the bsd manga volume by volume and reviewing it as an bsd anime fan part 1 (view more)

poking the beast of fight club (view more)

one leftist fear of kindness (view more)

one worry i have about tiktok / twitter culture stuff (view more)

atom-ash's Blurbs

About me:

CRINGE IS DEAD. cringe remains dead. and we have killed him

layout by hubert breast

personal info

heyyy so i go by a lot of names. but you can call me maksim (максим), viktor (виктор), ash (аш), or arseniy (арсений (also this one is my fav))

ash bcs of ash williams, viktor because of viktor arcane, and arseniy bcs my friend was obsessed with a guy by this name n i really like it

my pronouns are he/him do NOT use they/them for me

its just so insulting like just misgender me if youre not gonna use my actual pronouns

im a transmasc gnc gay guy (im also asexual + on the aromantic spectrum)

used to be genderfluid, used to be pansexual, used to be a lot of things but now im actually happy soo....

also, i am half-native america (lakota, dakota) and half-polish. i grew up in those cultures too, its not just biology

haha being a native person the colour of snow is sooooo fun i like it soooo much /s

diagnosed with chronic depression n severe anxiety, seeking diagnosis for autism n ocd

i got diagnosed with depression very early in my life (its bcs im polish isnt it) n have had A LOOOOOT of mental health struggles but now im fucking slaying so whatever

minor + converting to judaism atm. uhh what else. im single. but none of you вiтснеs want me anyway

how do you make this g*d shit go faster

english (fluent) / русский (разговорный) / polski (nowicjusz)

hobbies n stuff

in school, im a DECA officer, the costume director for our theatre program, and a queer mentor :3

outside of that, i do digital drawing a lot. im good at sewing (capable of making full outfits n stuff,) as well as an ok painter sometimes. but mostly im a writer (i have a writing blog here.)

every year at my city's anime con, i cosplay with all my friends. been doing that for 7 years now. you could probably find pics of me online, but ill never admit its me ;)

i collect vintage technology (vhs camcorders, vhses, cameras, counting machines, mini tvs,) as well as anime merch (mostly miku figures.) i care a lot about interior and graphic design, and spend a lot of time customizing my clothing.

other than that, all my time is spent playing video games (minecraft, the sims 4, fallout 4, chernoyblite, cyberpunk 2077, portal 2 speedrunning) or learning russian (weekly lessons + yearly immersion camp) or polish (:

im............. very busy

yumeshipping section

HEY HI IM A YUMESHIPPER / YUMEDANSHI / SELFSHIPPER??? anyway i refuse to be embarassed about it anymore look at my fictional boyfriends i love them so so sos sos o so so so much. do not even try to come in my comments being like "theyre not real" i will put you in a plane and then crash that plane i am so serious right now. DNI IF YOU SHARE LEON KENNEDY OR FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY AS F/OS!!!!

fyodor dostoevsky

media: bungo stray dogs

ivan braginsky / russia

media: hetalia

leon s kennedy

media: resident evil

kaz brekker

media: six of crows / shadow and bone

ok and now back to your regularly scheduled punk nonsense. thank you for your time.

Who I'd like to meet:

ill accept any friend requests if u seem cool, but i unfriend a lot for whatever reason. take it personally

but if u wanna stick around n have a weird spikey friend im ur guy


basic dni criteria, terfs, anti-(he/him / mspec lesbians), lgbt exclusionists, right wingers, anyone who doesnt "care" about politics, anyone who doesnt include disabled people in their activism, anyone who doesnt like self shippers, msi fans, south park fans, fyolai shippers, dsmp fans

atom-ash's Friends Comments

Displaying 7 of 7 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


kristella 's profile picture

dude your profile is so sick, love it!!!

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holden ★

holden ★'s profile picture

yo thanks so much for adding me :D i like your profile!!

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austin's profile picture

your layout is so cool!! i love the online gif lol and the falling ps2 games

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tyyy!! the cds r all from tumblr

by atom-ash; ; Report


PBS.Kratts's profile picture

I placed a bomb in ur mailbox

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by atom-ash; ; Report


noah's profile picture

konata izumi approved B)

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by atom-ash; ; Report

hope >_<

hope >_<'s profile picture

very cool person, most deffo would wanna get to know !! . . .

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furbyz0ntheRADi0_'s profile picture


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OMG thank u!!!! i love ur profile so this means so much!!

by atom-ash; ; Report