Dawny von Trappe

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Dawny von Trappe's Interests


Trash. Trash and trash. And anarchism and situationist philosophy. And chaos magick. And filmmaking and making music. But mostly trash. Also all of that but trash.




Doesn't matter the genre. Could be the most overproduced pop, through to the most aggressive-sounding gabber, to punk rock, glam rock, hip-hop, doesn't matter. If it's trashy, I'm probably into it.


Agan, I love trash.

I like Harmony Korine films, and exploitation films from Italy in the 1970s, ultraviolent and hypersexual OVAs from the 80s, and shot-on-video trash made by people like Andreas Schnaas or the Polonia brothers.


I don't watch much TV. Mostly I just endlessly re-watch Peep Show, Always Sunny and Buffy.


I mostly read political theory (reading list

I don't read much fiction (I prefer movies for that), but I do like pulp sci-fi stuff. Isaac Asimov, Harlon Ellison, and Philip K Dick are three of my favourite fiction authors.


"I don't have any heroes, they're all useless." -former butter salesman who calls the police on homeless people

Dawny von Trappe's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

just an observation (view more)

Tranarchy: the best 90s interactive movie game that never existed (view more)

Dawny von Trappe's Blurbs

About me:

General ridiculous bullshit and occasional exploration of interdimensional catacombs.

🔞Comedian(?) Musician. Filmmaker. Tranarchist. Satanist.

Producer & vocalist of The AIDS Grenades. Co-owner of Whiplash Entertainment.



bratz <3


Who I'd like to meet:

trashy queers...

enough to form an army

Dawny von Trappe's Friends Comments

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Thanks for the friend request!

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