
16 and lame
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Mood: bored AF!!
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Lawliet's Interests
General |
Im interested in anime, although not very prominent in my life i still enjoy it from time to time, uhh i like video games like the average person although i dont game that often !! |
Music |
I mainly listen to rock and stuff like that, id like to open myself up to new genres but i dont really know where to start |
Movies |
uhh i guess el camino is one, then like the deathnote one and fightclub and stuff, i cant really remember off the top of my head but ive seen quite a few, ask me sometime !! |
Television |
Well idk if this means like cartoons or like actual shows but i like stuff like regular show and breaking bad and such, im truly a very generic person. |
Books |
harry potter... ;-; |
Heroes |
probably spiderman !! |
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