Therapeia / Wiley / Cal

Therapeia / Wiley / Cal's profile picture


They / It / Dae (sometimes He)

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Mood: creative !

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Therapeia / Wiley / Cal's Interests


Psychology, Art/Drawing/+, Storytelling/Writing, Philosophy (most notably Political and Queer), Youtube/Video Essays, Homestuck (and related Media), and The Dream SMP (and related)


My funny little spacehey blog !


My Little Pony (Gen 4 Specifically), Steven Universe, Beastars, The Markiplier Cinematic Universe, Video Games in general, Acting/Community Theater, Roleplaying, Making Friendship Bracelets, and Making Aesthetics (Carrds, MoodBoards, etc)


Where you End & and You Begin, The Animorphs Series, The Darkest Powers, Monstrous Regiment (Discworld), The John Dies at the End Series, Chasing Vermeer (Book 1 of 2)


All of Lovejoy


Clingyduo Collab Lyric Comic, Revived Schlatt AU Fic, "Love Letters to Steven Universe" Video Essays, MLP Ponysona Comic

Therapeia / Wiley / Cal's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

✿.¸.•*`*• 𝐁𝐒𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐑𝐲 *required reading ! :]* (view more)

Therapeia / Wiley / Cal's Blurbs

About me:

Sup I'm just another Crazy Stranger on the Internet

known as Thera :]

And it's Great to Meet you.

Mainly I'm a migrating Ventie (Main was @.utah last) here to try and find my aesthetic and venting fix. Most of this won't be polished and will probably be crazy ramblings and making mistakes as I get used to how this website works. Either way I hope old mutuals still love me and are willing to put up with this as I fuzz around :D

Oh I'm also a system and some Alters might make their own spacehey, or tag themselves in blog posts (Either with their names, Nicknames, Codewords, or emojis!)!

PLEASE read my Bio blog post I worked hard on it !

THE gay person /r

Here's my Icon's source! I really love their art so you should check em out !!

Who I'd like to meet:

Therapeia / Wiley / Cal's Friends Comments

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Evan's profile picture

hiiiii sweetie my love my life i love you so much <3333

you make my heart stop, gorgeous <3 if my heart was still beating it would beat for you~ /lyr/aff


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