The Cult of the Grimm

site administrator: Florian Günnar
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The Cult of the Grimm's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]
Big corparations & individuality is the reason everyone is burned-out (view more)
Big corparations & individuality is the reason everyone is burned-out (view more)
How to host your own Cult of the Grimm session (view more)
The Frog King - The brothers Grimm (view more)
Differences between fantasy and folklore (view more)
The Cult of the Grimm's Blurbs
About me:
Welcome to the Cult of the Grimm
We believe that the way of the world these days is build not for humans, but for mindless puppets in the hands of the rich.
Working not towards our own goals, but those of world leaders, big corporations and bilionairs.
Therefore, we think that independence is the biggest goal.
Independence in money, food, housing, emotions.
In a perfect world, you shouldn't have to be dependent on a water company or grocery store
to sell you the lowest quality for the highest price.
You shouldn't be dependent on a car because the world that has been created makes it unable to do anything without.
We live in a waste land far from nature.
To break our mind from the set structures we take inspiration from fables and faritales to tell and write our stories.
And discuss what it might mean to us.
We want to break free from set structures in our lives that are designed to bring us down.
We want for everyone to be the strongest versions of themselves and see personal growth.
We believe you first have to break things down before you can start to build up.
We want to work together with nature instead of companies.
We live with a long term goal in mind.
We will not be single use puppets.
Who I'd like to meet:
Join Us
If you ever feel like you're not good enough, don't work hard enough, not helpful enough? Then that's not because you are not enough, but because Jobs and schools these days only focus on numbers. We come together weekly to celebrate the little wins in our lives and help with overcoming obstacles. You can find the form to join on the left in General or at the bottom

What do we do
In our meetings, we will discuss steps towards Independence and a fulfilling life, in 5 themes;
♦ Physical
What did you do to work on your body? What did you do to help your body? Healing, drinking enough water, healthy foods, exercising, getting fresh air, hygiene?
♦ Mental
What did you do to clear your mind? Meditate, planning, What worries you and what small step can you set to change it?
♦ Material
Did you create anything? Drawings, writing, food, outfits, et., planted plants, repaired objects, collected / found things outside? How is it going financially?
♦ Spiritual
Did you take time for yourself? Any form of magik? learned something about yourself, work on a skill? Hobbies? What did you do to stimulate your mind? Planned things to look forward too?
♦ Breaking
Did you break any bad structures? Breaking bad habits, sabotaging big companies, cutting off negative influences? Setting boundaries, overcoming addictions or dealing with bad/sad situations?
After this, we will read a fairy tale or Fable and a group member has found. The only rule is that we look at the original source or first telling. For instance, no Tangled from Disney, but instead Raponsje from the Brothers Grimm. Since the meanings of those stories are more abstract than modern telling.
Next we discuss the story, the meaning and what we learned from it. Then someone will give a presentation about they're chosen, character of the week. This can be a person, creature or deity from mythical or historical origin.
At last, we will read a weekly horoscope and set new goals in the 5 themes for the next week.
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