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"watching one piece"

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vrtvamp's Interests


I love Deftones and Osamason. Im a huge fan of anime and one piece is my favorite of all time ITS PEAK!! I love FNAF and the lore and kdramas. teenage mutant ninja turtles is also cool, I LOVE FASHION!!! all type of sub cultures and different styles. I like kingdom of hearts and videogames especially halo and devil may cry. (dontae hml <3) did I say I love vampires and blood yeah, oh AND Avatar the last air bender too Espcially amazing world of gumball. I love playing my electrical guitar (its been years since I actually played it lol) I LOVE POKEMON Sanji-kicking


osamason. xaviersobased yhapojj che Tanna xtsy 1oneam until Japan NettSpend tenkay babyxsosa bktherula Jace! boofpaxmooky luckily ken Carson destroy lonely sza duwap Kaine mfdoom PartyNextDoor rebzyyx Deftones the Weeknd 1rrettaa Jaydes Yungbruh iyaze young thug glokk40spaz protect. chief keef plastic tree miraidempa ect the list goes on T_T


Coraline and the dark night any type of Batman movie or claymation movie Jennifer's body twilight


blood hound gossip girls vampire night monster high Tokyo ghoul vampire diaries


I don't really read... but if I had to pick Percy Jackson and the Olympians


Batman and night wing :)

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vrtvamp's Blurbs

About me:

I LOVE VAMPIRES!! and blood I'm not emo I swear just alternative lol I like underground music and rock :) especially Midwest emo songs again IM NOT EMO! also Im 18 and I have cool piercings and I'm black lol and I have a pet cat and I can draw


Who I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet Osamason the most and Hannah Montana....(a vkei band T_T) My 1st grade teacher I don't remember your name but your so sweet

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