
Tamara_xoxo's profile picture

"staying pretty sleeping "

18 uk

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Mood: tired

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Tamara_xoxo's Interests


Tom 😋

Drawing -realisim but dont ask for proportions 

Jujutsu infinite 

Sleeping 😫😫😫

True crime

Looking in the mirror 😙



General G


Arctic monkeys 


Spiderman spiderman does whatever a spider can 



Netflix 😱

Rick and morty




We have some catching up to do



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Tamara_xoxo's Blurbs

About me:


speak english and polish

True crime 😫 idk but play bo6 w me 🙏,posses lord beerus level powers ,dont choose  computing at college its wank xoxo

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Who I'd like to meet:

Me ,myself and I

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