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"so wear me like a locket around your throat..."

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patrick's Interests


i don't really know what else, music is the main thing i enjoy.


i like a lot of pop-punk, post-hardcore, emocore (REAL emocore), new wave, gothic, and alternative rock. i do enjoy every music genre though; pop, country, rap, metal, hell, even classical. i'll listen to anything once, and if i like it, i'll play that shit all the time.

my top three bands right now are fall out boy, saves the day, and joy division. i've listened to all of their full discographies (albeit not saves the day, not yet at least), and yes, i do enjoy post-hiatus fall out boy. if you can't get down to uma thurman then i can't get down with you.

fall out boy is definitely my favorite band. they've been my favorite band since november, but i've listened to them since 2017. they've been my favorite band off and on for years; it's like i always come back. it's hard for me to pick a favorite album, but right now it's probably infinity on high, although that will probably change in a while. fall out boy has gotten me through so much, and i truthfully cannot name one fall out boy song that i don't like. even the worst ones i'll listen to, and they're still alright.

and i play bass.


i don't really watch movies a lot, and when i do, it's just movies i've seen before. i guess i like a few horror movies: scream, terrifier (every film associated with art tbh), and halloween. i don't know, i don't watch movies much. i also like white chicks.


i watch tv more than movies, but still not a lot, not as much as i used to. i like house, supernatural, tmnt... can't really think of anything else. i want to watch more movies and tv shows, but i can't find anything good.


now books are something i indulge in more than movies and tv shows, although not as much as i used to. i like the outsiders, most stephen king and anne rice novels, dean koontz, 1984... joe trohman's book... dracula. i need to read more.


i really look up to every member of fall out boy. like, a lot, but i think my biggest hero is my friend amelia. she's one of the most genuine people i know, and she's taught me how to enjoy my life more.

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the drug called love (view more)

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About me:

patrick. sixteen. music enthusiast. i don't usually message first, don't be shy to im me!

Who I'd like to meet:

ian curtis (soon).

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