Emmy Caddet

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16, Female, USA

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Mood: Even cockier than usual.

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Emmy Caddet's Interests


I like a whole lotta things. And when I'm not pretending to be cooler than I actually am online, I do 'em.

I like Sci-Fi and all things Space-Opera. I enjoy drawing and character creation, as well as worldbuilding. I spend a lot of my time developing concepts for my sci-fi universe, or just drawing things I find cool.
I mentioned it so I'll plug it here, check out my space-opera world page here, if you're interested.

I'm a big Fallout fan (with New Vegas being my favorite). It is unhealthy. Though, I like a lot of other games, such as Fear and Hunger, Enter the Gungeon (PILOT MAINS RISE UP), Minecraft (HMU if you wanna join my dad's Realm, I'm serious), Mother 3, Freelancer, POSTAL 2, Starfield (at times), Starbound, and many more random titles.

I also enjoy thrifting and collecting cool jackets. Leather jackets, bomber jackets, leather bomber jackets, all of it is goin' up on my wall.
(AKA, I like dressing like a fighter pilot every day. Yes, I love my life.)

I like to drive. Many people don't like drivin', but a good night cruise while I'm behind the wheel, that's what I live for.
(Though, 'cause of my age, I bet you're lookin' at me like I'm justa reckless teen right now)

Army-green is one dope color. So is purple, I suppose.


-Arctic Monkeys, Gorillaz, Tears for Fears, Jamiroquai, EAZY E & ICE CUBE & THE NWA, Billy Idol, Hall & Oates, Tame Impala, a whole bunch of random bands, MF DOOM, a whole lotta '80's songs, and Elvis (LMAO)
Note that I'll listen to literally anything. 80s pop bands? Yup. Gangster rappers? Eazy duz it. Indie? Uh-huh. Tunes from the 60s? 50s? 40s? You got it. Rock? Hell yeah... Country? If it's GOOD, sure. Hip hop? You know it.
But, my favorite song of all time is "Everybody Wants to Rule the World", by Tears for Fears.
Though, the song playing on this profile is "Mr. Moon" by Jamiroquai.


-THE TERMINATOR (1/2, "refuse" to watch the others), DRIVE (2011), STAR WARS, FIGHT CLUB, THE THING, The Spiderverse series, TOMMY BOY, UHF, Wayne's World, Postal (2007. Im an awful person), the Cowboy Bebop movie... I'll watch pretty much anythin', though.


-COWBOY BEBOP. I'm not really a big TV guy either lmao

Though on the occasion I do like Breaking Bad, Death Note, and Impractical Jokers.
I've always loved butterfliiiiesss, since I was a chiiiilllldd...


-...Readin'? Caddet's got no time for that!
Kidding, I do read on the occasion, though nothing too noteworthy.
…Read a “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” book once… That count?


Ay, check out this cool Sci-Fi group I'm in.


-Heroes, eh?... Han Solo? Spike Spiegel? Murdoc Niccals? Alright alright, bad influences. Yeah... Maybe Craig Boone, add that one. MacReady… Sarah Connor is a pretty badass chick, too... The Postal Dude (ZACH WARD TOO, LMFAO !!!)

Oh, ah... And my fellow crewmembers, I suppose...

Emmy Caddet's Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]


I'm Literally Ryan Gosling, by "Emmy Caddet" (Ryan Gosling) . (view more)

Thriftin' With Emmy Caddet, Issue #1... That's one cool leather jacket. Wait... It's Riverdale? (view more)

Captains Log: #1- Caught listening to Drake (view more)

ART DUMP- Check out "Roguekill". (view more)

Emmy Caddet's Blurbs

About me:


Who am I, huh?... Wouldn't you wanna know? The name's Emmy Caddet. THE kick-ass, rogue space smuggler on the run from the Hegemony, hangin' around on YOUR side of the galaxy. I like hoarding contraband, startin' bar fights, and running away from the bounties on my head. Don't go lookin' for me, 'cause I ain't lookin' back. I'm a bit reckless, sure, but I'll always find a way to get the job done. Ay! Don't go tryin' to kick me out now, I just got here!
Oh, and, ah... Ay, if you ever come across anybody askin' for my whereabouts... YOU NEVER SAW THIS PROFILE, GOT IT?!

(Kidding. Unfortunately, I'm just some random dude online. But, y'know, I'm happy to be here.) "Life has a way of punishing you for the mistakes you make. Big enough mistake, punishment can take a while. Mine’s not over. "
-Craig Boone, 2281



Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut Firkin Military Jet

Who I'd like to meet:

Anybody. Capeesh? I'll talk to anybody. I'll even talk to YOU. It's too late to run, you're outta luck, pal...

Say that you'll never, never, never, never need it,
One headline, why believe it?
Everybody wants to rule the world. . .

Emmy Caddet's Friends Comments

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Wubzilla's profile picture

Awesome profile!

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Emmy Caddet

Emmy Caddet's profile picture

Who is this Emmy Caddet? She sounds handsome.

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