some guy !?

some guy !?'s profile picture

"ilyas' thinger hurts"

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Mood: ouuughhh my peanittss..

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some guy !?'s Interests


dr thunder, sleeping, videogames, xbox NOT playstation


its pretty all over the place.... korn, trivium, mccafferty, metallica, megadeth, system of a down, the front bottoms, nihilist, alice in chains, butthole surfers, malevolence, tv girl, weezer, alex g, white zombie, rob zombie, xasthur, beyond melancholy, ayesha erotica, radiohead, slipknot, roar, disturbed, pantera, dope, hatebreed, eminem, the dresden dolls, amanda palmer, tom petty and the heart breakers, leslie gore, the offspring, gorillaz..., one direction, red hot chili peppers, linkin park, olivia rodrigo, flyleaf, hole, mazzy star, nirvana, sublime, descendants, slowdive, nickelback, Kesha, destroy boys, she wants revenge, limp bizkit , kittie


nimona, coraline, jack and the cuckoo clock heart, lego batman, batman the dark knight, the meg, land sharks, sharknado, sharktopus, hitman's wife's body guard, venom 2, the perks of being a wallflower, the matrix, waterboy, halloween town, the santa claus, heathers, mean girls, house of 1000 corpses, the devil's rejects, cocaine shark, scott pilgrim vs the world, deadpool, pulp fiction, thirteen, 10 things i hate about you BIG FAT LIAR I LOVEE BIG FAT LOAR


shameless, avatar; the last airbender, legend of korra, the umbrella academy, spiderman and his amazing friends, saiki k, assassination classroom, camp camp, mighty morphin power rangers, the mick, teen titans, everybody hates chris, the good place, impractical jokers, the continental, johnny test, winx, simpsons, code name: kids next door, Billy the exterminator, 1000 pound sisters, wife swap, cops, the adventures of sonic the hedgehog, sonic underground, sonic prime, sonic boom, quiet on set, death note


a series of unfortunate events, the boy with the cuckoo clock heart, im glad my mom died, hooky, literally all books by lemony snicket, ivy pocket, out of my mind, my name is not easy, the promised neverland, komi cant communicate, the most dangerous game, wolfs hollow,

video games

spelunky, spelunky 2, doki doki literature club, minecaft, fortnite, gta 5, sallyface, identity fraud, animal crossing, dead cells, mario kart, tekken 6, unravel, sonic generations, black ops, day of the tentacle, cod zombies, call of duty mw2, dead plate


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some guy !?'s Blurbs

About me:

14yo girl โ˜ฃ
discord: literallyjustsomeguy_
incase it wasnt clear i was literally just some guy for a while gasp

a frfr dni!!!

basic things really but a couple of specifics!! ppl who romanticize pedophilia (wish u well <3) ppl whos identity is largely influenced by satanism ((im very christian +have other reasons of disliking it, i have nothing against satanists themselves but im not comfortable with accounts with upside down crosses and such) and gore movie lovers (kinda ehh on that one but generally it makes me incredibly uncomfortable), sorry if this sounds mean!!

Funny blinkies Movie blinkies

Transparent White Star

Who I'd like to meet:

santa claus

biggest losers ever ๐Ÿ™„ โ†“โ†“โ†“

some guy !?'s Friends Comments

Displaying 20 of 76 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


Karo's profile picture

hiii im baaaack

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by some guy !?; ; Report

inforgot spacehey doesnt let u do the broken heart thingy...

by some guy !?; ; Report

Jonathan Ray

Jonathan Ray's profile picture

this feels very nostalgic!!

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livingcadaver's profile picture

yo man what layout do you use?

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by some guy !?; ; Report


yumi's profile picture


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by some guy !?; ; Report

โ˜ฉ deusvult โ˜ฉ

โ˜ฉ deusvult โ˜ฉ's profile picture


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Oompa's profile picture

Spelunky is such a good game . Awesome profile!

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by some guy !?; ; Report


Casper's profile picture

A duck walked up to a lemonade stand
And he said to the man runnin' the stand
"Hey! [(bam bam bam)] Got any grapes?"
The man said: "No, we just sell lemonade
But it's cold, and it's fresh, and it's all home-made!
Can I get you a glass?"
The duck said, "I'll pass."
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
'Til the very next day
"Bom bom bom bom bom babom"
When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man runnin' the stand
Hey! (bam bam bam), got any grapes?
The man said: "No, like I said yesterday
We just sell lemonade, okey?
Why not give it a try?"
The duck said. Good bye
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
'Til the very next day
When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man runnin' the stand
"Hey! (bam bam bam) Got any grapes?"
The man said: "Look, this is gettin' old
I mean, lemonade's all we've ever sold
Why not give it a go?"
The duck said: "How about - no."
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
'Til the very next day
When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man runnin' the stand:
"Hey! [(bam bam bam)] Got any grapes?"
The man said: "That's it! If you don't stay away, duck
I'll glue you to a tree and leave you there all day stuck!
So don't get too close!
The duck said, Adios
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
'Til the very next day
When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
And he said to the man runnin' the stand
"Hey! [(bam bam bam)] Got any glue?"
"What?" "Got any glue?" "No, why would I - oh..."
"Then one more question for you:
Got any grapes?"
And the man just stopped
The he started to smile
He started to laugh
He laughed for a while.
He said: "Come on, duck
Let's walk to the store
I'll buy you some grapes
So you don't have to ask anymore
So they walked to the store
And the man bought some grapes
He gave one to the duck
And the duck said: "Hmm, no thanks
But you know what sounds good?
It would make my day
Do you think this store
Do you think this store
Do you think this store
Has any lemonade?"
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle waddle
Then he waddled away - waddle waddle

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by some guy !?; ; Report


ghost_ofclandestine's profile picture

YO i love ur layout is there a link for it?

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by some guy !?; ; Report


by ghost_ofclandestine; ; Report


HypeMeowX3's profile picture


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milk_9's profile picture

i love the black theme sm its so cool also really love the pfp

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The Atlanta Monsters

The Atlanta Monsters's profile picture

Fangs for the add! ๐Ÿฆ‡๐Ÿฆ‡๐Ÿฆ‡๐Ÿฆ‡๐Ÿฆ‡

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Loriousz's profile picture

You're a big fat fart head.

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okay temprance.

by some guy !?; ; Report


Xx.kyle.ketamine.xX's profile picture

i looked at your layout after you told me not to...heh...

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by some guy !?; ; Report


Wes's profile picture

thanks for accepting my friend request!!

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np u got like hella good music taste!!!!!

by some guy !?; ; Report


dj's profile picture

i love sonic underground i have a memory of watching sonic underground while eating chili dogs when i was a kid it was the most awesomest moment ever you are the coolest person ever by having the sonic underground song on your profile

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sonic underground was one of many shows my mom thought she would escape from not living with her older brother ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช

by some guy !?; ; Report


smoothshark75's profile picture

thx fr adding me back!! ur so cool!!

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Ted The Businessman

Ted The Businessman's profile picture


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by some guy !?; ; Report


by Ted The Businessman; ; Report


by some guy !?; ; Report


by Ted The Businessman; ; Report

โ˜๏ธ ห—ห‹ alexandra หŠห— ๐Ÿฆด !!

โ˜๏ธ ห—ห‹ alexandra หŠห— ๐Ÿฆด !! 's profile picture


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๐–† ๐–“ ๐–Œ ๐–Š ๐–‘ ๐–คโ—ž ๊™ณ เน‹เฃญ โญ‘ `

๐–† ๐–“ ๐–Œ ๐–Š ๐–‘ ๐–คโ—ž ๊™ณ เน‹เฃญ โญ‘ `'s profile picture


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THANK U?????

by some guy !?; ; Report


coolkidcody 's profile picture

no way it's litterally just some guy

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woah is that ong COOL kid cody

by some guy !?; ; Report


by coolkidcody; ; Report