π“’π“žβ„’β„’π“˜π“” α“šα˜α—’

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π“’π“žβ„’β„’π“˜π“” α“šα˜α—’'s Latest Blog Entries [View Blog]

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π“’π“žβ„’β„’π“˜π“” α“šα˜α—’'s Blurbs

About me:

Sometimes, I wonder if anyone will miss me once I'm gone. Maybe my mom and dad will but that's mandatory. I wonder if my friends will miss me, or my boyfriend and son, will they wonder and think of how they could've saved me? will they brush it off like I was never her anyways? I don't know. I ask them the same thing but all I get is, " ". I lied.... I don't ask them. I'm too scared to ask. I'm a wimp, aren't I? I don't care anymore... I just don't want to suffer anymore, I hope my boyfriend still loves me after what I've done to myself. He said he will always love me no matter what happens to me or what I do but I just can't seem to believe it. You know, whenever I was around five or seven, I never wondered if I would be better off dead so I wouldn't cause any problems, I was happy to be there to make my mom and dad happy. I didn't overthink if I was a bad daughter and if I would ever make them proud again. All I cared about at that time was if I could get that new doll or another sibling. I wish I was younger; being happy every day and being able to wear whatever I want and never have to worry about being bullied for anything. I miss being chubby and everyone said I looked cute instead of telling me to lay off the meat and candy. Sometimes I wish I was still loved... now I just sit here all day being someone my parents aren't proud to mention. Peace, Sofia.

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