
0_o'many-eyed_creature's profile picture

"I'm eating bugs "

[they/he>it!] [16 y.o.] [ru/eng] [time zone: UTC+5]

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Mood: umm.. I'm not sure?

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0_o'many-eyed_creature's Interests


I think I have some problems with understanding myself in general or my feelings, so it can be difficult for me to express them or something like that. If we talk about some interests, then I can say that I like drawing. I can’t say how good I am at this, but I definitely want to somehow develop my skills in the future. In general, my interests are somehow related to creativity. I would like to try my hand at making collages and cosplay. I already have a couple of cosplans, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to implement them in the near future:p I also really love bugs! Especially mantises, stag beetles and moths. I would like to have a better understanding of entomology in general and slowly become immersed in it all. OH, and one more thing! I am very interested in the topic of cults and sects, as well as osteology and taxidermy. I don't know much about most of the things I'm interested in yet, but I would like to become better at it


My main fandoms at thе moment: The Magnus Archives; 8:11; Mouthwashing; Hannibal; Doctor Who; Spooky Month; BoJack Horseman (I recently started watching season 5). Fixation on TMA, 8:11 and BoJack. [I ESPECIALLY LOVE TMA, MY BRAIM HAS ALREADY STARTED TO RPT COMLETELY BUCAUSE OF THIS PODCASTTT(maybe Prentiss's worms are to blame for this, IDK)]


I guess I can call myself a music lover, hehe. I have quite a few artists in mind, but here is a basic list of the ones I am interested in at the moment: And One; Alex G; popular Alexandr Sitnikov's proects (Porez na Sobake, 4 Pozicii Bruno, Ptitsu Yem); Kill me, Ace!; Lenin Was a Zombie; Will Wood (and the Tapeworms); McCafferty; Fish in a Birdcage; Talkshow Boy; Insane Clown Posse; Alex G; NRKTK; Gorillaz; Dom Prestarelykh Autistov (and Dom Prekrasnykh Austov too); vBENZINEyest'OBLAKA; Car Seat Headrest; Jack Stauber; Elektroforez; She Wants Revenge and others. Most of them I either started listening to very recently or haven't listened to enough songs for whatever reason, but would like to get to know them better in the future. [P.S. this "enough" can mean knowledge of most of their discography or listening of half the most over-the-top popular song of this artist, so you can shoot me in the head right. In any case, if you are interested in a specific artist and would like to chat about them, just ask, don't be shy]


In fact, I would really like to dive into the world of audio dramas head-on, but due to poor knowledge of the language and the lack of translations (in most cases, or the translated episodes are few and far between), this can be difficult. I have a wishlist of podcasts that I would like to listen to [in my case, read, I guess.. it's hard for me to analyze text, it's easier for me to listen:( ] and it includes: Red Valley, The Penumbra Podcast, Malevolent, Archive 81 (I'm still debating whether to watch the series or check out the podcast first--- ), Camp Here and There, Welcome to Night Vale [I listened to maybe 20 or 30 episodes, but that was a year ago...], Hotel Podcast. The first three are my top priorities, especially Red Valley [I CAN'T LET GO OF THE ARCHIVIST TOPIC LMAO]. I really like fiction podcasts in general, I'd like to get more familiar with that in the future. You can recommend any other interesting audio dramas if you're also sitting in this podcast swamp [also if by some magical wonderful coincidence you know of some good site with a bunch of transcriptions of different podcasts or something like that, then, well.. text me, guys!]


I am not a big reader, but I would like to try reading more. For now I can share a few books from my immediate plans: Metro 2033 by Dmitry Glukhovsky; some of Stephen King's books (in particular Blaze and Pet Sematary) (So far I have only read King's The Mist); Remembrance of Earth's Past by Liu Cixin; The Island of Doctor Moreau by H.G. Wells. I think there is no need to get too ahead of myself, and this list is enough for now. For now, I'm starting to read "Crime and Punishment". P.S. I can also say that I love the Moomin universe and would like to reread the entire series of books in the near future.


If you knew how much I love John the Archivist Sims, you would cry. [I kin this man and i regret it everyday]

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0_o'many-eyed_creature's Blurbs

About me:

Hey, Heyooo!!
U can call me Gerry! (also i don't mind nicknems, just be nice and don't come up with something offensive). I'm in Aroace and Non binary Spectrum (presumably libramasc) (I also suspect that I am neurodivergent, but I have no access to a specialist to confirm or deny it. Just keep that in mind :p)

I should warn you in advance that my English is really bad (I finally mastered the third grade textbook, let's dance/j), so although I'm still trying to learn the language, I use a translator, so excuse any mistakes or not very correct use of words/slang/etc...

However, I would still be glad to find here communication with someone close in spirit, even though I don’t visit SpaceHey often. I think it would be much more convenient if it was someone Russian speaking, but the chances are not very high

I have communication problems, social anxiety, and also a fairly low social battery, so I can disappear at times because of this, for which I apologize in advance. However, despite these problems, I can yap quite a lot, but I also like to listen:3

Who I'd like to meet:

People with similar interests or generally cool creative fellas! However, it would be great if we still had at least something in common, be it a favorite musical artist, fandom, hobby or something else. This doesn't mean that communication will be based only on this, but for me it is important. My DNI:: base; people under 13-14 years old and over 18-20 (I have nothing against it, guys, I just don’t think we’ll be comfortable communicating); people with radical views; terfs; supporting wars.

0_o'many-eyed_creature's Friends Comments

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╔.☆Toby☆.═╗'s profile picture

Sick profile!!! I love the vibe★∆★ What's the song called btw oml?

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I truly love your vibe and profile too:3
This is Song for the Office Сlerks by Lenin was a Zombie

by 0_o'many-eyed_creature; ; Report

Of course! And Thank Youuuuu, That's nice to know You think so of Me! UvU✨ also for the song Tysm! I want it in My playlist! ★∆★

by ╔.☆Toby☆.═╗; ; Report

Feel free to IM Me anytime if I do not answer for a very long while then I am either at school or asleep XP

by ╔.☆Toby☆.═╗; ; Report